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The Autobiography of Meatball Finkelstein

3.3 of 5 stars 3.30 · rating details · 10 ratings · 4 reviews
Meatball Finkelstein was born big. He’s always been and always will be a big guy, and he’s cool with that. But he seems to have more than his share of problems: his large size coupled with his parents’ unfortunate choice of name–yes, it says Meatball on his birth certificate!–make him the prime candidate for the attention of Rufus Delaney, the most horrible bully at school ...more
Paperback , 160 pages
Published May 14th 2002 by Yearling (first published May 8th 2001)
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Alex Blose
The reader follows 13-year-old Meatball Finkelstein - an overweight vegetarian, brother of the perfect Precious who will no longer speak to him, best friend of one-armed Max and number one target for bully Rufus Delaney. Meatball goes to school at Parkman which is ruled by Principal Walrus W. Weaselman or "Valrrruz Doubleju Veazelman" as he calls himself. "The Weasel man" as the students call him, is feared and hated by all of the students and teachers alike. So why you ask, is he there? Well, i ...more
Ariana Arias
I really like this book because it's funny and it's about food
Tamara reads this to our kids. I only ever hear snippets, so I took if from the room for a summer quick-read... don't tell Tamara!
hilarious and great for kids to read! unless they're vegetarians...
Lissaleo marked it as to-read
Feb 20, 2013
Lisa marked it as to-read
Jan 29, 2013
Whydoitmc marked it as to-read
Dec 12, 2012
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