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I, An Actress: The Autobiography of Karen Jamey

4.0 of 5 stars 4.00 · rating details · 14 ratings · 6 reviews
Dark, slapstick comedy rules in the hilarious I, An Actress . As a teen, Karen Hitler dreams of escaping her surname and her small town roots to become a real Hollywood starlet. When Karen's mother runs off to become a hobo, she and her father change their names and drive to Los Angeles. The young actress gets her start in a traveling minstrel show where she has an affair ...more
Paperback , 250 pages
Published November 9th 2005 by Contemporary Press (first published 2005)
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Jeffrey Dinsmore
Apr 02, 2007 Jeffrey Dinsmore rated it 5 of 5 stars · (Review from the author)
Recommends it for: anyone who looooves to laugh
I wrote this fucking book and it is 100% hilarious. Recommended to all non-suckaz.
Jul 23, 2008 Kelly rated it 1 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: Brett
Recommended to Kelly by: Mandy Smith
it wasn't really my genre, but he's a funny writer and i enjoyed it more than i thought i would.

Update, 4 years later: I read this book because my boss's brother wrote it and she asked me to read it. I initially reviewed it in the only positive light in which I could see it because she was a GoodReads friend. But in reality, I didn't think it was funny and I slogged through it so I could hold a conversation with her about it. I am convinced that everyone giving this book a positive review is som
Mike Zinn
I laughed - I cried - I danced a Tarantella (whatever that is). Then I laughed some more. This is a wonderful autobiography of one of the thousands of souls that are boiling under the surface of Hollywood, moving from one B movie to the next. Actually - it's just a whole lot of fun.
Jul 10, 2007 Ginni marked it as to-read
My funniest friend wrote this book, so I bet it's funny. I'm going to read it and you should too!
Excellent book, very entertaining and what a wacky imagination the author has!
I would love to hang out with the author and have a beer, he is f***ed up!
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Jeffrey Dinsmore is a boring snob who writes stupid stories and looks like a real jerk all the time. His glasses make him look like a jerk and he is a pointy jerk. He eats like a million donuts for breakfast and every time he opens his mouth he says something stupid about how stupid his face is. When asked in an interview what he would most like to be doing he said, "pooping all over myself," beca ...more
More about Jeffrey Dinsmore...
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