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The Climb: The Autobiography

4.15 of 5 stars 4.15 · rating details · 234 ratings · 24 reviews

The Climb by Chris Froome - the revealing, inspirational memoir from the British winner of the 2013 centenary Tour de France

The Climb tells the extraordinary story of Chris Froome's journey from a young boy in Kenya, riding through townships and past wild animals, and with few opportunities for an aspiring cyclist, to his unforgettable yellow jersey victory in this year'

Hardcover , 435 pages
Published June 5th 2014 by Viking
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Ireney Berezniak
I completed Chris Froome's "The Climb" a few days ago and I rather enjoyed it! I was curious to learn a little about his rise to the top of pro cycling considering his roots lie in Kenya, a nation not exactly known for its cycling program, or its products.

As expected, Froome begins his story in Kenya where as a young boy he developed a keen interest in cycling. The interest turned into a passion, and before long young Chris started to enter races to test his skills against others. At one such r
Cards on the table I'm no fan of Froome so it's perhaps little surprise I didn't particularly enjoy this book. For me all the things that bore me about him come to the surface here. He's a great athlete no doubt but as a cyclist with panache, well not so much. He tries and tries to convince you here that he's always been a big fan (although admits he knows nothing of cycling's history). He also tries to defend his 'Britishness' (really poorly, Greg Rusedski would be chuckling). Perhaps most worr ...more
Jul 30, 2015 Ilona rated it 3 of 5 stars · review of another edition
Recommends it for: anyone interested in road cycling
Having read quite a few books about cyclists, it was refreshing to read about one born and raised in Africa. For me, the best parts of the book deal with the experience of training and racing as a cyclist on that continent.

I kind of lost interest when the book got to the point where Froome transferred to Europe and paused reading for a good many months. When the 2015 Tour de France kicked off, I thought it would be a good time to finally finish reading it. It was quite fascinating to read Froom
A good read. It would be impossible to fully understand what is required and the sacrifices made to compete at his level. Things have to be pieced together...
At times, some of the narratives seem a bit biased and childish (his soft attack on Bradley Wiggins...) but that is alright. It is more honest this way of a man - Autobiographies of a cyclists does not have to be a literary master piece. I do not know how severe are the doping allegations against him, as he keeps bringing back the subject -
J.R. Wagner
I read this book right after reading My Time by Brad Wiggins and am going to do a quick comparison between the two books. From a reader's perspective, Froome's autobiography, The Climb was much easier to read, more linear, less confusing, lighter and frankly, the writing was superior. Brad Wiggins the man (sorry, the knight), from outside the fish bowl, is an enigma. He is consistently inconsistent, aloof and seems incredibly (and sadly) insecure with himself. This comes out in his writing -how ...more
Jo Weston
Very good. Passion, grit and honesty in bucket loads from Mr Froome. Pacy and energetic narration of his early life and his meteoric rise made a compelling listen, even for someone with only a lay persons interest in pro cycling.
David Freeman
It was ok. A bit like a diary. I like Chris a bit better after reading.
The early sections about his life in Africa are entertaining and well written. The struggles of a good athlete with little funding in a continent with poor cycling infrastructure are interesting. On a stage race in Egypt the Kenyan officials decide to go sightseeing in the middle of a long desert stage leaving their cyclists without water!

When Froome moves to Europe the book becomes more of a standard ghostwritten autobiography with plenty of sniping at other competitors (to boost book sales?).
Normally I don't go for the sports autobiography, but after realising that I had some strange addiction to watching cycling and grand tours (I am TRYING to become a better cyclist myself, and hopefully one day will feel like I can join a local club, but not until I can go for a cycle ride and not return feeling like I'm about to pass out because I got overexcited and went too quickly!) I decided it would be interesting to see behind the scenes of the idealistic cycling through fields of daffodil ...more
If you like cycling, you'll like this book! It's well-written and I loved the descriptions of his upbringing and his races (especially the 2013 TDF). I do wish he spent less time speaking rather poorly about Brad Wiggins. On the other hand, I can understand how it's necessary to mention his experiences with Brad. Later I really enjoyed how he speaks of Richie Porte-- such love and appreciation between the two! All in all, I recommend this book to fans of cycling.
Keith Lewis
What a refreshing biography of a pro cyclist. Chris Froome grew up in Kenya in less than perfect conditions for the making of a top pro cyclist, but he persevered and never lost sight of his goal, culminating in winning the 2013 Tour de France. We suffer with each setback and crash. And watching him and his team dominate the 2015 tour made things even more sweet. Great read for any cycling enthusiast. Highly recommend.
A cut above the usual cyclist autobiography. Partly due to the fact that it was ghost written by David Walsh. The early parts of the book (Kenya) were more interesting as Froome's story from that part of his life are less well known. The central chapters dealing with Froome's (non) relationship with Bradley Wiggins are revealing and candid. The commentary of his race to the 100th Tour de France are a by-the-book recap of the stages and not as interesting as the earlier sections.
I really wasn't a fan of Froomey, until I read this. He tells of the level of sacrifice And devotion he has put into cycling to get where he is. When he climbed off last week, he seemed soft. The guy isn't soft.
Barry Bridges
An insight into what makes Chris Froome tick. Reading this may change your opinion of Wiggins (unless you already have passed that stage)! Now I'm excited for the new season, roll on the Grand Tours!!!
Adam Cave
Great to see another side to Froome. Have to admire the path he has walked and the sacrifices made. Interesting and dedicated character.
Simba Sagwete
Exceptional book from an exceptional competitor. If you think he's polite and boring, be prepared to change your mind.
A very insightful and interesting read from the 2013 (and I'm sure 2014) winner of the TDF. From his childhood in Kenya to his Tour De France win in 2013, to his up and down relationship with Sir Bradley Wiggins, this book was riveting from end to end. Some very useful tips for us cyclists thrown in as well! Loved it.
Muy buen libro, increíble el viaje de Froome hasta la elite del ciclismo mundial. Se recomienda, sobre todo para los que opinan que salió de la nada.
Loved the backstory and view from inside pro cycling.
Sandeep CR
Honest account of everything that he has been through!
Lison Venet
Lison Venet is currently reading it
Oct 03, 2015
Anne Greenan
Anne Greenan is currently reading it
Sep 24, 2015
Eric marked it as to-read
Sep 23, 2015
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