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The Autobiography of Margaret Sanger

3.87 of 5 stars 3.87 · rating details · 87 ratings · 12 reviews
A pioneer in the battle to establish birth control as a basic human right and a founder of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Sanger, a nurse who witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of unwanted pregancy, triumphed over arrest, indictment, and exile. Her autobiography is a classic of women's studies.

"An unabridged and unaltered republication of the wo
Paperback , Dover Value Edition , 504 pages
Published May 11th 2004 by Dover Publications (first published 1938)
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Mahmoud Haggui
مارجريت سانجر. أحد أعلام الدارونية الإجتماعية "سوشيال داروينزم" و مُبدعة شعار "تحديد النسل" تدعو إلى القضاء على الفقراءوليس الفقر "من أرحم ما تفعله الأسر الكبيرة لواحد من أطفالها هو أن تقضى عليه"، فأبشع ما قد يُورث للأجياء القادمة الغباء الذى يسرى فى دماء الفقراء "قمامة البشر" فتدعو إلى إغلاق الجمعيات الخيرية و قطع يد العون التى تحنو عليهم. لكن بالعودة إلى سيرتها الذاتية تجد أنها أخت لثمانية عشر أخ و ماتت أمها بالسل فكانت ترعى اخوتها و بدلاً من أن يدفعها ذلك للعطف على الفقراء حدث ما لا يليق بعاق ...more
I have a bit of hero worship for Margaret Sanger. I love that she spent her life desperately trying to educate women on their bodies despite the opposition of men who spent their lives desperately trying to control women by witholding vital medical knowledge from them. But most of all I love that she was successful in her efforts.
Fascinating and lively read. Sanger's strong, quirky, single-minded personality comes through in her writing, and she gives evocative descriptions of all her travels and doings. It was very inspiring to read about how hard she and her colleagues worked just to be able to TELL people about birth control. (And scary that people are still trying to roll back many of these rights, and we are still facing some of the same challenges today, almost 100 years later.)

The problem was that I'd be reading a
"Isms, in my opinion, are not good. A person should not believe in an Ism; he should believe in himself." - Ferris Bueller

Margaret Sanger believed in herself, and a LARGE number of Isms. She was a proponent of Malthusianism, Neo-Malthusianism, Socialism, Humanitarianism, Individualist Anarchism, and Agnosticism; was embraced by believers in Syndicalism and Theosophism; and disagreed with adherents of Feminism, Marxism, and Roman Catholicism.

Surprisingly, the Isms became the highlight of her auto
I really enjoyed reading about Sanger who I knew very little about up until now. Melinda Gates reminds me of a modern Sanger with her zeal for improving the lives of women and their children by allowing them to space their pregnancies using birth control.

Sanger speaks of her experiences in New York and all around the world seeing the state of the poor and practicing nursing. I felt gratitude for her work in changing legislation in our country, paving the way for more information about birth con
I personally believe that the best way to learn about history is to read autobiographies of people who lived during that time and/or personally experienced the event, rather than current, biased opinions of history from modern scholars. Taking this into consideration, I decided to tackle the controversial subject of Margaret Sanger and her birth control plight.
I have always found it amusing how people classify Margaret Sanger as a heroin, even with her stance on race and class. I decided to m
Jul 01, 2007 HeavyReader rated it 2 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: people with questions about Margaret Sanger
I have mixed feelings about Margaret Sanger. On the one hand, she believed in the use of eugenics and she had a lot to do with the birth control pill, which I think is problematic at best, being invented. On the other hand she saw the intense problems having lots of children caused for women (and men too!) and wanted to help people control their fertility.

She definitely did a LOT to enable people to control their fertility and to not have kids if they didn't want kids. I feel like I owe her a lo
Essential for anyone who even thinks that reproductive freedoms are negotiable. Margaret Sanger, while disapproving abortion, prefers to help women gain control of their lives with birth control. A pretty thorough explanation of all the research, speaking, writing, and stubbornness that went into securing a woman's right just to find out about birth control, and develop a professional medical procedure for distributing it.
Class reading. Don't know what to say. There was a lot of detail, and she covered her early life, her efforts to obtain birth control for women, and her later life. However, of all the women we studied this semester, I liked Sanger the least. I can appreciate what she did for women, but I don't think I cared for the person at all.

Another book I was glad to finish and leave behind.
Kirsten Rodning
I hadn't realized just what an important impact Margaret Sanger had on our history and current lives until I decided to write a paper on her. For my paper, I read this book, and I am so glad I did -- from reading Sanger's own words about her life and her mission, I feel that I have connected with a very powerful, amazing woman.
follows the trials and tribulations of this unapologetic activist...the successes and the failures...
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Margaret Higgins Sanger Slee was an American birth control activist and the founder of the American Birth Control League (which eventually became Planned Parenthood). Although she initially met with opposition, Sanger gradually won some support for getting women access to contraception. In her drive to promote contraception and negative eugenics, Sanger remains a controversial figure.
More about Margaret Sanger...
Motherhood in Bondage Woman and the New Race Family Limitation The Pivot of Civilization My Fight For Birth Control

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