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Ila Smith Autobiography
Ila Smith and Floydene Tanner
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Ila Smith Autobiography

5.0 of 5 stars 5.00 · rating details · 1 rating · 1 review
Autobiography of Ila Roberts Tanner Smith.
PDF and Word Doc , 388 pages
Published December 5th 1997
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Thank you, Aunt Floydene, for compiling this history. It's a great treasure.

What an influence my grandmother, Ila Smith, has been on my life. I owe her so much. The only way I can repay all she did for me and all she taught me is to pass it on to my own children and grandchildren. She taught me how to move forward through the hardships of life and she taught me how to work.

It was especially fun to read her few comments about me when I was a baby. I could feel her love for me in those few words.

Pat Smith
Pat Smith marked it as to-read
Aug 12, 2014
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