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Becoming the Son; an Autobiography of Jesus

4.36 of 5 stars 4.36 · rating details · 33 ratings · 12 reviews
A first-person, fictional account of the Jesus story, 'Becoming the Son' reveals fresh possibilities of who this God-Man could have been. Carefully researched, it explores clues to neglected areas of Jesus' life that can be found within the biblical and historical records.

An unseen terror stalks Jesus from his childhood until his crucifixion as he stuggles to become who h
Paperback , Author's Edition , 368 pages
Published August 24th 2012 by CreateSpace
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Steve Copland
As an author I can appreciate the amount of research that went into this book. Baker does an excellent job of portraying a Jesus who seems to be often unaware of exactly who He is, thus the title. I really wanted to enjoy 'Becoming the Son' but struggled with several issues which, at least on the surface, may contradict the biblical witness.

Was Jesus unaware of His Divine nature? In my opinion, He was, from the moment He was aware of Himself as a person, He knew that He was God the Son who becam
Sheila Lagrand
I was hesitant--the premise seemed really, um, weird to me--but I'm glad I read this book. This fictional work helped me imagine what life might have been like at the time the Gospel tale was happening. Amazing.
A backstory to the Greatest Story Ever Told

I like reading autobiographies, so we I came upon this book it intrigued me. This was a good book, not because it was easy to read but because the book was about Jesus and his life. Mind you this was the author's interpretation but he did not stray from the message of the bible but he fleshed out the unknown parts that we can only guess to or spend hours of research ourselves. A good example is the relationship between Jesus and his earthly father, Jose
Loved this book. Especially the first half. The second half was good, don't get me wrong, but we know so little about Jesus' early life. Even to have a fictional narrative of it, of how it could maybe have been, was really great. I'm a Mormon, and there was only a touch here and a touch there that my own beliefs didn't jive with, but main stream Christians would benefit greatly from this, half historical, half fiction about Jesus Christ. Catholics might have a harder time as Mary continues to ha ...more
C.D. Baker
Mar 25, 2013 C.D. Baker rated it 5 of 5 stars · (Review from the author)
I understand the unorthodox, even controversial nature of this book. My intention was to invite readers to reconsider the Jesus who could have been, and in so doing, more deeply appreciate the wonder of their own humanity and the love of God. The product of four years of research, the novel was written with a deep respect for the biblical accounts. Nevertheless, considering the subject I'm quite sure that it won't please everyone! Thank you for taking a risk...and enjoy.

C. David Baker, author
Jalynn Patterson
About the Book:

A first-person, fictional account of the Jesus story, 'Becoming the Son' reveals fresh possibilities of who this God-Man could have been. Carefully researched, it explores clues to neglected areas of Jesus' life that can be found within the biblical and historical records.

An unseen terror stalks Jesus from his childhood until his crucifixion as he stuggles to become who he already was. His parents don't understand how to raise this child of promise, especially against a backdrop o
Lee Harmon
Very, very good! It’s a gutsy challenge to write fiction about Jesus, yet I believe this is the most enjoyable and moving Bible-times story I’ve ever read. Jesus’ message comes alive in glorious humanity. It was doubly enjoyable for me because Baker took the time to explain much of his research in footnotes. The novel took much longer than normal for me to read, because I was constantly tempted to study the footnotes and look up scripture.

To the best of my own research, Baker’s story is consiste
Jennifer Radtke
This book showed up on a free Kindle list and I thought it would be worth a read.

The author writes a note at the end of the book explaining that he self published this book because everyone he went too it thought it would be too big of a risk to publish. I don't blame him. A fictional book about Jesus could go wrong in every possible way.

This one...does not go wrong. The author show Jesus being tempted as we all are and then listening to the Holy Spirit and staying sinless. The author includes p
Josh Miller
This book was fascinating for several reasons. 1) It was a book written from Jesus' perspective as an autobiography. As you can imagine, the author stepped very lightly into this process. However, he did a good job of presenting a good story based around Scriptural events that we know. 2) I loved the fact that the author really made the humanity of Jesus come alive. As you read this book, you really think about the different situations that Jesus faced or was involved with. For instance, the aut ...more
Jesus Christ is without the shadow of a doubt fascinating. His ministry, founded amongst the simple folk of ancient Israel, has now touched billions of people, who now revere him as the Son of God.

But, without accepting the humanity of Jesus, I believe, and I’m sure that others share my belief, that one cannot truly be Christian, for it is through His utterly human sacrifice that His divine nature shines through. So, what was he like as a human being? The Bible isn’t very explicit when it comes
This book was utterly wonderful!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it! This has been the best that i have read thus far this year. To have the life of Jesus told from his perspective was a different twist. Highly recommended!
A marvelous adaptation of "The Greatest Story Ever Told" sometimes brutal but always honest.Exceptionally readable.
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C. David Baker’s first novel, A Journey of Souls, was released in 2000 and re-released in 2004 as Crusade of Tears…a Christee Nominee. He has written seven historical novels and two Christian devotionals, several of which are available in Russian language translations. Research has taken him throughout Europe, and his interviews have included a variety of fascinating people such Manfred Rommel, s ...more
More about C.D. Baker...
The Seduction of Eva Volk: Courageous and Relevant; A Masterpiece... Crusade of Tears 101 Cups of Water: Relief and Refreshment for the Tired, Thirsty Soul Forty Loaves: Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day Pilgrims of Promise

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