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Queen's Confession: A Fictional Autobiography

3.89 of 5 stars 3.89 · rating details · 1,446 ratings · 63 reviews
The unforgettable story of Marie Antoinette, from her pampered childhood in imperial Vienna, to the luxury and splendor of her days as Queen of France, to her tragic end upon the scaffold in the bloodbath of the Revolution . . .
Hardcover , 574 pages
Published June 1st 1968 by Doubleday Books (first published January 1st 1968)
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Tracy Lee
Another sixth grade memory. Really got me in to European history and the truth (as truthful as we actually receive history) of it all. The fact that it is written in first person really made it real for me, at 12...

This book also reminds me of our librarian at school. She recommended this book to me and I remember telling her it was a bit too much. She looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Darling, you read it one word at a time. Look up the words you don't know. And keep reading." She was g
Wow! I only knew a very little about Marie Antoinette before, so this was a very interesting book for me. I really enjoyed that it was written as an autobiography because it made the story so exciting! Also, the historical truth through the memoirs and letters made it seem very real as I read. I had to keep reminding myself that it was a work of fiction based on true facts! This truly felt like Marie writing her story and I don't know if I can think of her being any different now. I could not pu ...more
In high school I loved all of the Holt/Plaidy Queen "confessionals", and this was one of my favorites. Like any good book about Marie Antoinette, you want to choke her silly little neck.
Sirpa Grierson
As a child I remember my sister loving Jean Plaidy and historical fiction. Well, Victoria Holt, is another pen name for the same author. I love history and do enjoy this genre, as long as it is well written. Holt has done fastidious homework and while much of the intimate detail is fictionalized, Marie Antoinette and the circumstances of the French Revolution are drawn in great detail, from the historical events down to fantastic three-foot high hairstyles and her love of beautiful gowns to the ...more
Read this as a tween in a Reader's Digest condensed book. Marie Antoinette's fictional autobiography of her childhood in Vienna, marriage to the French Dauphin, ascension to the throne as Queen of France, and the revolution which dissolved the monarchy. Story ends as she is imprisoned and waiting for her execution. When I checked I couldn't believe it was written in 1968 - writing is just as clean and clear as if it had been written today during the explosion in the historical fiction genre.
The Queen's Confession illuminated the naivete of the young queen Marie Antoinette, and the corrupt, decadent French court where she was placed after her marriage. Marie Antoinette was often seduced by luxurious living and material things, even as she struggled against these temptations. The book shows Marie Antoinette as adolescent and sophomoric, and maybe that is the most accurate portrayal of her youthful character. Both Marie Antoinette and her husband Louis XVI were too immature to underst ...more
Nathalie Nelson
One of the reasons I liked the book so much is because it told a lot more than I ever knew about Yolande de Polastron, the Countess of Jules de Polignac. I am interested in her because she is an ancestress of mine. I had not realized how badly her friendship with Marie Antoinette was distorted by the common people of France.
Ariel McCollums
The Queen's Confession is not like the rest of Victoria Holt's work, I think this title would be better published under her other pen name, Jean Plaidy. I've had my hands on this copy for a long time and I sort of avoided reading it because I wasn't sure what I was getting into. I do love historical fiction, so I was curious as to how Holt would spin Marie Antoinette's story. Confession is written as a first person account autobiography by the Queen herself, as she looks back on her life before ...more
Melanie Woodcock
This book was good. I did like Abundance better though. I did not appreciate Holt's idea of making Fersen and Marie lovers as there is no real proof of that, and I would have like much more dialog on Madame Royale. but as it was I really enjoyed it. I had a hard time putting it down actually.
An enthralling story of Marie Antoinette, from her birth to death. Written with extracts of her own diaries and letters,made it that much more interesting to read. Not only do we learn of Marie but of Louis and the strange traditions forced upon Royalty at the time. Before I read this I had different views on this particular King and Queen.

I realize this book was written from Marie's perspective but when studying history, that is often a perspective that is not shown. Near the end of her life, M
Sumeetha Manikandan
A very poignant tale of a princess destined for the throne of France. From a flighty impulsive teenager Marie becomes a mature women who is in love with her husband. Yet she is surrounded by those who would betray her at any moment. It is a fictional account yet somehow I felt that the author has captured the very essence of Marie's character. The point where she confesses that she and Louis would have dealt well if they were mere husband and wife instead of the royal personages.

I read this book
Rick Woosley
I first read the condensed version of this book when I was about 12 years old. I loved it and immediately became hooked on knowing more about Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, French history, and France in general. Many years later I was able to travel to France and see Versailles and the Petit Trianon, where Marie spent so much of her time. I remember the feeling I got being there, and I literally cried as I descended the staircase and touched the railing. I had finally fulfilled my ambition of some ...more
Brittany B.
Wow! Am I the last person the realize Jean Plaidy is also Victoria Holt??!!
This book is a fictional autobiography told by Marie Antoinette before her execution. I didn't know that much about her so that was all interesting, but what I liked best was her evaluation of herself and her and the King's actions from this perception she has gained being near death herself. It makes for a great read- difficult details at times- but a unique way of considering the many what ifs.
I really enjoyed this book and was pleasantly surprised to find that Victoria Holt can write a good historical fiction novel. Usually she sticks in the historical romance! I have only read one other book about Marie Antoniette and reading about the expensive necklace scandel, picking up an orphan to raise, her struggle to consumate her marriage, her expections to get dressed in front of all of her ladies matched in both books. Of course, I am not a researcher who has studied a lot on this subjec ...more
Ellen Broadhurst
I read an abridged version of this book when I was a pre-teen, leaving me with a life-long desire to visit Versailles. In the spring of 2013, I was finally able to see Versailles and visit the Petite Trianon; preparing for this trip, I ordered a copy of this book and re-read it. Overall, it is not a terrible book, but it is also not as engaging as I remember it being when I was twelve. The story is, of course, well known, but something is lost hearing Marie A. tell the story herself in her voice ...more
I'm rating this book based on how much I liked it when I was teen. I don't remember the specifics, but I was also really into Dumas and eighteenth century France, so I enjoyed Holt's perspective on Maria Antoinette. I remember it being fairly clean, but I'm not positive...
Lee Yahnker
If textbooks were written in the first person, history would be so interesting. I would have given this book a 5 if I'd been able to keep the characters straight.
I rated the book as amazing 'cause how Victoria Holt wrote story is stunning! Likewise, I love stories based on true history. ;)
One of my all time favorite books. I could read it a million more times and never get bored.
I feel that I've learned a lot about the French revolution and Marie Antoinette . It took me a long time to get through but I wouldn't say that is because it was boring. It takes more brain power, more focus than other reads. Weather or not this book portrayed Marie accurately or not, its still a good reminder not to judge someone on what you read about them in history. Marie made mistakes, but everyone has flaws and hers were magnified by ten. Its sad she would have been suited it seems for a m ...more
Poor Marie Antoinette. Too young to become Queen of France; still a teenager. No one taught her how to rule as a queen. Even her husband, King Louis XVI, was still a teen and did not know how to rule. So many obstacles to overcome, too many sorrows to bear, too much the 2 young rulers didn't know.
Victoria Holt made you feel as though you were right there with Marie every step of her life. My kleenex box was close at hand toward the end of this book. I learned a lot about Marie, King Louis XVI, a
Most of what I know about history I read in a book and none of it from school. Some are straight forward factual tomes; others, such as The Queen’s Confession, reveal the details through fictional tales.
I read this some years ago and was engrossed. When I finally travelled to France and visited Versailles I made a point of heading down to the Petit Trianon and Queen’s Hamlet. Memories of the Victoria Holt’s novel came flooding back.
It was pretty interesting, but it took me forever to get through it.
I've previously read a Jean Plaidy novel and enjoyed it very much, so was really looking forward to this. The Queen's Confession is a fictional autobiography of Marie Antoinette. Holt portrays her in a very childish and naive manner. I sometimes sympathised with Marie but truth be told, I mainly wanted to shake her by the shoulders and tell her to grow up. It was well researched, with a bibliography at the back to see where Holt got all her information about Marie.
My first and only historical fiction book, I originally read this the summer before 5th grade, have re-read it a couple of times since, understanding some of the more adult themes...I did a book report for this, got an A, but I think my teacher was a little shocked when I wrote about how Louis could not consummate the marriage...LOL!!! I love this account of Marie Antoinette's life...
A. E. S.
A must-have for fans of history! Classic in its genre, no book is so truthful or poignant about the real Queen Marie Antoinette, from her spoiled childhood to her flamboyant days as queen, filled with scandal, heartbreak, painful frustration of a loveless marriage and finally, the end of days. As she tells us, it is to live that takes courage, not to die.
LOved it. Great way to see into this period of history in this fake autobiog by Marie Antoinette. It was quite accurate in terms of events and letters. Victoria HOlt is ALWAYS good for history....and for romance too. This one took the cake in both categories. This author is better than the one that writes about all the Boleyn women, I think.
This was an interesting account of Marie Antoinette's life from her point of view. From the little that I do know it seemed to be fairly accurate historically. This book was so different from all of the other books by this author. I was surprised. Not the light historical romance that I initially was looking for. lol
Spring Holbrook
Very interesting to see the advent of the French Revolution through the eyes of Marie Antoinette. It is amazing just how blind she seemingly is to the events of what are supposed to be her people, but given that she is taken from her home to be queen of another country, it's sympathizable to an extent.
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Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information .

Eleanor Alice Burford, Mrs. George Percival Hibbert was a British author of about 200 historical novels, most of them under the pen name Jean Plaidy which had sold 14 million copies by the time of her death. She chose to use various names because of the differences in subjec
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