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Evolutionary Writings: Including the Autobiographies (World's Classics)

4.03 of 5 stars 4.03 · rating details · 31 ratings · 4 reviews
On topics ranging from intelligent design and climate change to the politics of gender and race, the evolutionary writings of Charles Darwin occupy a pivotal position in contemporary public debate. This volume brings together the key chapters of his most important and accessible books, including the Journal of Researches on the Beagle voyage (1845), The Origin of Species ( ...more
cloth , 485 pages
Published November 13th 2008 by Oxford University Press (first published January 1st 2008)
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I originally picked this up at my local library for a school project I was doing on 19th century literature but I decided to hold on to it and complete it because I became very interested in reading for myself the great and mysterious works of Charles Darwin. Since I was a little girl I was told that he was the great man that started the world thinking about evolution and I was pleasantly surprized by the ease with which I understood his explanations and arguments. This collection contains exerp ...more
Instead of digging through the whole volumes of Darwins writings - this selection gives a good impression of the most important books and Darwins own way of expression. It shows how careful he developed his theory and how he tried to foresee all possible kinds of discussions and arguments.

The autobiography looks like just a rough outline. A naturalist dissecting himself - very interesting.
I read only parts of this volume. I vermy much enjoyed the short autobiography of Charles Darwin contained in this volume, "Recollectios of the Development of My Mind and Character". It's honest, modest, insightful, and at places funny. Truly reveals the character of Darwin's mind.
The introduction by Richard Dawkins is a short-course in itself. I read only the autobiographies, and did so with gusto.
Jan Alain
Jan Alain marked it as to-read
Sep 19, 2015
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Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist, eminent as a collector and geologist, who proposed and provided scientific evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through the process he called natural selection. The fact that evolution occurs became accepted by the scientific community and the general public in his lifetime, while his theory of natural selec ...more
More about Charles Darwin...
The Origin of Species Voyage of the Beagle The Descent of Man The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809–82 On Natural Selection

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