Seeds of Violence: The Autobiography of a Subversive

Seeds of Violence: The Autobiography of a Subversive

by B. J. Mitchell

This book is about domestic violence, and the devastating effects it has on children in abusive homes, so it is addressed to all people in abusive relationships. This book is about children in both abusive and non-abusive homes who are exposed to violence in their music, their video games, their movies, their schools, and almostSee more details below


This book is about domestic violence, and the devastating effects it has on children in abusive homes, so it is addressed to all people in abusive relationships. This book is about children in both abusive and non-abusive homes who are exposed to violence in their music, their video games, their movies, their schools, and almost every area of their lives, so it is addressed to parents, who are the only people who can do anything about it. This book is about a society that turns a blind eye to the growing violence in every aspect of our lives, so it is addressed to elected officials, indeed to everyone in this country who sees just how uncivilized we have become. We have become a country of large 'me first" egos with souls obscured by money, greed, and power. We have forgotten how to listen to our souls telling us what is right and wrong. We are a country of religions instead of God. There is a difference.

You will learn from this book how parents can dramatically reduce violence among teens, and eventually on a broad scale. Here are some reasons why this is important:

It is estimated that some 3.3 million children in the U.S. between the ages of 3 and 17 are at risk for exposure to family violence.

62% of teen mothers are prior victims of sexual abuse, primarily from stepfathers, mothers' boyfriends, family members, and others they trust.

33% of teen girls are in abusive dating relationships before they are out of high school.

35% of women who are killed in the U.S. are murdered by a boyfriend or husband; 25% of them are 15-24 years old.

90% of men in prison came from abusive homes.

These are frightening statistics.

You will also learn PJ. Pokeberry's Ten Commandments of Self Esteem. It is time to be aware that self-esteem is not created simply from telling a child that he/she is wonderful-especially when it isn't true.

You will read about the 'Eden Philosophy," which is based in quantum physics and suggests that God can be described in scientific terms. It expresses a particular view of the purpose of life, the importance of individual communications with the soul, and how to tell the difference between information that is truly coming from the soul as opposed to that which comes from the ego. It will also explain the importance of finding and pursuing your own life philosophy.

This book will also take you into the world I experienced with a true psychic, and a s�ance during which I established my own description of God, and thoughts about the reality and role of spirit guides and angels.

Adding to our tools for combating violence, there is a discussion of the role of classical music in preventing the disruptive behavior of children in the classroom. The study showed a drop from 12% of children who did not study music being disruptive to 8% of those studying music being disruptive. Is this significant? Of course it is. ANY reduction in violent tendencies in children is beneficial. Several other studies are included which show how this type of music helps children to learn and how it develops their cognitive skills.

Of course, this type of book would not be complete without a discussion of the historical violence caused by differences of opinion about God. This book includes material from my own doctoral dissertation on the differences between liberal values and conservative values as reflected in sermon topics. While differences of opinion can be healthy and productive, they can also breed a violent society-one which creates hate crimes such as attacks on homosexuals and minorities, and the bombing of abortion clinics.

Finally, this book is a call-to-arms for all those who want to work actively for a more civilized and peaceful society. This must be a collective movement, but it calls for individual effort. It will not be easy, for powerful economic forces w

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Xlibris Corporation
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5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.56(d)

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