My Life: A Beginning That Led to the Realization of God's Love: An Autobiography of Bishop Dr. Carolyn D. Arnett

My Life: A Beginning That Led to the Realization of God's Love: An Autobiography of Bishop Dr. Carolyn D. Arnett

by Carolyn Arnett

The Book is based on the Mercies of God found in these scriptures: Psalm 145:8,9 out of which I am inspired to write this book from the depths of my heart for the love of God’s people and the love that God. (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) has shown and instilled in me through their great mercies bestowed upon me while on this journey. My prayer is… See more details below


The Book is based on the Mercies of God found in these scriptures: Psalm 145:8,9 out of which I am inspired to write this book from the depths of my heart for the love of God’s people and the love that God. (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) has shown and instilled in me through their great mercies bestowed upon me while on this journey. My prayer is that this book will enlighten you and encourage you to fall in love with God more than ever before by seeing and reading my life experiences that your faith will increase and help you to appreciate salvation, make God more real to your struggle in life and assure you that God can change and use you, an ordinary person in an extraordinary way.

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Trafford Publishing
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Barnes & Noble
File size:
316 KB

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