Totally Frank: The Autobiography of Frank Lampard

Totally Frank: The Autobiography of Frank Lampard

by Frank Lampard

Born into a soccer family, this autobiography of the superstar soccer player takes readers from his early years through to how he dealt with the fame and fortune that has come his way and revealing tales on his current teammates. He reveals both the privileges and the pressures of being one of the "golden generation" of England players. Includes

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Born into a soccer family, this autobiography of the superstar soccer player takes readers from his early years through to how he dealt with the fame and fortune that has come his way and revealing tales on his current teammates. He reveals both the privileges and the pressures of being one of the "golden generation" of England players. Includes a fascinating inside account of World Cup 2006 in Germany, describing the disappointment of not fulfilling the dream of bringing the biggest prize in soccer back to England.

Product Details

HarperCollins UK
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.30(d)

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