Aiming at Targets: the Autobiography of Robert C. Seamans, Jr

Aiming at Targets: the Autobiography of Robert C. Seamans, Jr

by Robert Seamans

This is a cheerful account of an interesting and successful career. The book is full of good stories, with many memorable characters. Like the proverbial sundial, it counts the sunny hours. But it does have a serious side, Bob's career wasn't all fun.See more details below


This is a cheerful account of an interesting and successful career. The book is full of good stories, with many memorable characters. Like the proverbial sundial, it counts the sunny hours. But it does have a serious side, Bob's career wasn't all fun.

Product Details

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.66(d)

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