The Recycled Bible: Autobiography, Culture, and the Space Between

The Recycled Bible: Autobiography, Culture, and the Space Between

by Fiona Black

The essays in this volume trace the Bible as it is “recycled” through a wide range of Western cultural “texts,” from beer to the devil—and much in between. They consciously and critically employ the personal voice to explore the interplay between culture and biblical texts. To this end, the essays occupy “the space between”

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The essays in this volume trace the Bible as it is “recycled” through a wide range of Western cultural “texts,” from beer to the devil—and much in between. They consciously and critically employ the personal voice to explore the interplay between culture and biblical texts. To this end, the essays occupy “the space between” the two discourses of autobiographical and cultural criticism, interacting with each in a variety of ways, and to a variety of depths. Taken together, they illustrate the breadth of these recent approaches to the Bible as well as some of the marvelous creativity that has become the hallmark of this kind of work. The contributors are George Aichele, Fiona C. Black, Roland Boer, Deborah Krause, Ela Nutu, Tina Pippin, Hugh S. Pyper, Erin Runions, James A. Smith, and Andrew Wilson.

Paperback edition is available from the Society of Biblical Literature (

Product Details

Publication date:
SBL - Semeia Studies Series, #51
Product dimensions:
6.56(w) x 9.72(h) x 0.79(d)

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