Autobiography of Anton Rubinstein, 1829-1889

Autobiography of Anton Rubinstein, 1829-1889

by Anton Rubinstein

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When this book was first published, the author of this book was Russia's greatest living pianist and composer.

This title is cited and recommended by Books for College Libraries and the Catalogue of the Lamont Library, Harvard College.See more details below


When this book was first published, the author of this book was Russia's greatest living pianist and composer.

This title is cited and recommended by Books for College Libraries and the Catalogue of the Lamont Library, Harvard College.

Product Details

Boston : Little, Brown, and company
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Barnes & Noble
File size:
164 KB

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CHAPTER III. Return to Moscow. — My departure for Berlin.— Delm, the teacher of counterpoint. — Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer. — My father's death. — Brother Nicholas. — My first appearance as an author. — Robert Schumann's opinion of me.—Departure for Vienna. 1843-1846. ONCE more I found myself at home in Moscow. I had brought back no money, since the proceeds of the concerts given during our travels had been expended in travelling expenses; but I brought several valuable presents, — costly articles studded with diamonds and brilliants, such as artists in these days rarely receive. These were gifts from members of the reigning families of Russia and the other European courts, as well as from private individuals. I had received no gifts from the public. At that time laurel wreaths had not come into fashion,— but who does not get them now! The needs of my family were urgent. The presents were pledged to a government collateral banking-house, and the money thus received was spent. It is needless to remark that the things were never redeemed. Meanwhile my mother was not fully satisfied with my progress. My wise and anxious preceptress with unerring judgment at once perceived how very little had been done by way of perfecting my musical education, and also that if I were to go on giving concerts, I should make no further progress; and she realized the necessity for serious study. Hence she decided to go at once to Berlin, taking me, my sister Luba, and my brother Nicholas, who besides his excellent technique had already given signs of ability in original composition ; in fact he began to compose at the age of five. In 1844 we settled inBerlin. Thisended our relations with Villoing, and after my thirteenth year I became my own teacher. We remained in Berlin till 1846. All t...

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