Zits, an Autobiography of a Very, Very Special Cat

Zits, an Autobiography of a Very, Very Special Cat

by Paul Essert

Zits, the family cat, grows up and learns life's lessons. Hunting mice and coping with dogs are simple matters for her. Then she goes to the country and finds, in the forest, the freedom she had been searching. In the end she finds a different freedom, a freedom that we all can appreciate. Beware you will have to learn quite a bit of cat language.See more details below


Zits, the family cat, grows up and learns life's lessons. Hunting mice and coping with dogs are simple matters for her. Then she goes to the country and finds, in the forest, the freedom she had been searching. In the end she finds a different freedom, a freedom that we all can appreciate. Beware you will have to learn quite a bit of cat language.

Product Details

Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.36(d)

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