King of Fashion: The Autobiography of Paul Poiret

King of Fashion: The Autobiography of Paul Poiret

by Paul Poiret

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‘For lovers of fashion and Art Deco … a must-read’- Irish Tatler

An extraordinary story, Paul Poiret's 1931 autobiography describes the meteoric rise of a draper's son to become the "King of Fashion." From his humble Parisian childhood to his debut as a  couturier to his experiences during WWI, Poiret reveals all in this captivating

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‘For lovers of fashion and Art Deco … a must-read’- Irish Tatler

An extraordinary story, Paul Poiret's 1931 autobiography describes the meteoric rise of a draper's son to become the "King of Fashion." From his humble Parisian childhood to his debut as a  couturier to his experiences during WWI, Poiret reveals all in this captivating tale. A remarkable testament to the energy of the Art Deco movement, Poiret's memoir recounts how his artistic flair, coupled with his exceptional and highly original cutting skills, enabled him to translate the spirit of the era into revolutionary garments. An astute businessman, Poiret describes the expansion of his fashion empire to encompass furniture, decor, and the first designer perfume, and recalls the extravagant Oriental garden parties at which his guests would parade his latest creations.
This book, out of print for decades, offers an evocative inside look at the life of a celebrated figure in fashion history.

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Product Details

V & A Publications
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
5.00(w) x 7.75(h) x 0.50(d)
Age Range:
13 - 18 Years

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