If I Can't Write It, Nobody Else Will: An Autobiography

If I Can't Write It, Nobody Else Will: An Autobiography

by Eric Sykes

Eric Sykes’s comedy has always sported an essential core of warm humanity. This, along with his genuine creative genius, continues to prove an unforgettably winning combination. In his much anticipated autobiography, Eric Sykes reveals his extraordinary life working alongside a generation of legendary comedians and entertainers, despite being dogged by

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Eric Sykes’s comedy has always sported an essential core of warm humanity. This, along with his genuine creative genius, continues to prove an unforgettably winning combination. In his much anticipated autobiography, Eric Sykes reveals his extraordinary life working alongside a generation of legendary comedians and entertainers, despite being dogged by deafness and eventually virtual blindness.

Product Details

HarperCollins UK
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.30(w) x 9.20(h) x (d)

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