Story of a Soul The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Study Edition

Story of a Soul The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Study Edition

by Marc Foley, O.C.D.

This study edition is designed to assist contemporary readers to apply the spiritual insights of Story of a Soul to their lives. It provides introductions, reflections and discussion questions for each chapter of the text.

Shortly before she died, Thérèse Martin predicted that her “Little Way” to holiness would be an inspiration… See more details below


This study edition is designed to assist contemporary readers to apply the spiritual insights of Story of a Soul to their lives. It provides introductions, reflections and discussion questions for each chapter of the text.

Shortly before she died, Thérèse Martin predicted that her “Little Way” to holiness would be an inspiration for countless people. Time has proved Thérèse’s prediction to be true. Since its publication, Story of a Soul has been translated into over fifty languages. It is acknowledged to be one of the great spiritual testimonies of all times and has inspired millions of readers from all walks of life.

Father John Clarke’s acclaimed translation, first published in 1975 and now accepted as the standard throughout the English-speaking world, is a faithful and unaffected rendering of Thérèse’s own words from the original manuscripts.

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ICS Publications
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