Kids on the Loose: An Autobiography

Kids on the Loose: An Autobiography

by RoseMary Quinn Gabriel

"Little House on the Prairie" meets "The Waltons" in RoseMary Quinn Gabriel's account of her childhood in rural Markville, Minnesota in the 1930's and early 1940's. In this heartwarming true story, RoseMary shares the adventures of small town life in a setting where kids had freedom to climb trees, swim in rivers and roam the… See more details below


"Little House on the Prairie" meets "The Waltons" in RoseMary Quinn Gabriel's account of her childhood in rural Markville, Minnesota in the 1930's and early 1940's. In this heartwarming true story, RoseMary shares the adventures of small town life in a setting where kids had freedom to climb trees, swim in rivers and roam the countryside. Get to know the Quinn family and share in their escapades as the kids get in and out of trouble. Sure to become an American family classic, "Kids on the Loose" will capture your heart and imagination.

Product Details

CreateSpace Publishing
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Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.36(d)

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