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Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic

4.31 of 5 stars 4.31 · rating details · 562 ratings · 29 reviews
An indispensable work for understanding the life and teachings of one of the most unusual mystics and philosophers of our time.

Ten years have past since, in the words of his attending physician, Osho prepared for his departure from the body that had served him for fifty-nine years "as calmly as though he were packing for a weekend in the country." This volume is recognitio
Paperback , 336 pages
Published June 9th 2001 by St. Martin's Griffin (first published November 27th 2000)
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Sep 18, 2007 Melanie rated it 3 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: people looking for a guru
Well, I had heard a bit about Osho as I am in the whole New Age thing, but I have to say, this guy is so full of himself, it's hard to see past it.
Osho was the guru who built a huge ashram in Oregon in the late 80s and was arrested for dipping his hands in the cookie jar more than once. He was known to live a lavish lifestyle and make no apologies about it. The book is his story, and the whole time, he just keeps reminding readers about how great he is.
To be fair, some of the things he has to s
Claudius Odermatt
Jun 02, 2013 Claudius Odermatt rated it 5 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: Those Seeking Truth, spiritual and religious individuals or those wanting a good laugh
I personally have immensely enjoyed this book, packed with great insight on life and 'god' were at times you may question yourself but then a couple pages later you burst into sheer laughter at the madness (especially when he goes on talking about his 93 RR's). Osho has strived for his whole life to get the 'truth' out to those who truly seek in such a way that he will help you realize the golden gems hidden within you as he understands humanity.

Having Osho share with us his experience you will
Ilva Bekmane
Daudzi man ir minējuši, ka viņu domas par Osho un viņa ideoloģiju ir ļoti mainījušās uz slikto pusi pēc iepazīšanās ar viņa biogrāfiju. Jāsaka, ka man ir absolūti pretēji, esmu iedvesmota, bija skaisti pavadīt savu laiku ar šo grāmatu :)
Osho apparently experienced genuinely high spiritual states at one point, but he came under the influence of negative forces later in his life. He is best left alone.
Michael Sinai
Autobiographies from enlightened beings make for some of the most interesting and inspirational reading. This one is right up there at the top of the list.
"consciousness continues. The pilgrimmage of consciousness is endless. So what is happening in the consciousness, inside the body, will go on happening outside the body. That is a simple understanding." (xvii)

"But to me, spirituality has a totally different connotation. It needs an honest individuality. It does not allow any kind of dependence.
It creates a freedom for itself, whatever the cost. It is never in the crowd, but alone, because the crowd has never found any truth.The truth has been f
This is one autobiography one wants to read if she wants to know more about the person himself than the trivias surrounding his life. This book doesn't have any great details all the people who came in his life (for those who see a mention, sometimes even the basic like his/her name is skipped) to my utter relief !!. In order to build enough context, most of the biographies go in depth talking about the inane details starting form the person's schooling to what not. But this book doesn't has any ...more
Pritam Poddar
It is an enjoyable read. Towards the end, I felt it felt he was kind of dictating the truth. It was something like, "it is the way I say it is, it CANNOT be anything else", which some people may not like.

He did experience high spiritual states, no doubt about that, but some of his statements like meditation came from sex, etc. cannot be vouchsafed. That can be a hypothesis or even a theory, but he meant it like a law without adequate explanation.
Osho is spitually correct and always was he was an enlighyened master. In fact a master of masters. He had expeirnced enlightenment to its hightest level possible by man. he never was and never will be "spitually incorrect"
Michael Graber
This autobiography was weaved together from many talks given by OSHO over a long period of time. The 30+ year span enabled something too rare in Autobiography, which is the summary of life from one temporal vantage point. Osho was such a talented speaker, critical thinker, and had such a sharp wit that this book ranks highest among the many autobiographies I have read (others that rate as high are Mark Twain and Steve Martin's Born Standing Up). More important, OSHO's insistence on meditation as ...more
Osho's life story. It puts his teachings in context.
Osho has become a real teacher for me in the last year. From his words, I am learning to be alive in each moment, as "the future" is illusory and unknown and "the past" has already come and gone. He emphasized the equal importance of silence and celebration in the balanced, whole person. That is a balance I find incredibly difficult to strike, but am continuing to understand as a truly healthy way of being. Further, I am working to balance the
I felt that he is going a lot in the ideea of self suficiant .
Veronica Canciola
Muy interesante vida de conocimiento y rebeldía.
Nishant Agrawal
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What a life!
Although, I did find parts of it to be a bit egocentric for a man that claimed to be "empty" and "no one". It may be my own projections (as I think he would claim) but there were parts that seemed to belittle the average man and my other readings on him that were not by him pointed to some worrisome events in his journey. But, overall, it was a good read in which I admired the bravery the young Osho displayed and found that much more appealing that the older more arrogant and less e
Yogesh Raut
He was very wonderful man. Real Vagabond. The man who can forgo the ancestral property to become "Sanyasin" which is quite impossible for common man. He challenged all rotten traditions to set free human consciousness. He himself was banned in 21 countries due to pressure raised by America.

The book is wonderful as a man himself. I feel those who love Osho's reading must go for this book to understand his upbringing as a Sanyasin.
Very interesting. He certainly followed his own path from an early age. As a parent, I found some of his childhood stories amazing in regards to his total freedom and how that worked for him. The exact opposite of how we currently think children should be watched, managed and protected. Certainly had to examine many of my beliefs.
Narendra Singh
Jan 04, 2009 Narendra Singh rated it 5 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: Anyone who is seeker, or want to know about Osho
Recommended to Narendra by: I just got it in book store
This is a very good book. I like the book very much becasuse it tell much about religion, about osho and about being yourself. The line in this book which is like the most is "Be in the world, but don't be of it. Live in the world, but don't allow the world to live in you"
Rachelle Peterson
OSHO is very true to Himself, and he has no hiccups about it.
He make you ask yourself many questions about...the way you see yourself, and do you love what ypou see? I love me now I need to get rid of the fear with in me.
A good read. Osho's literature is always a pleasure and calming experience. In this book one get to know more about Osho's life, especially early days."Find and Be yourself" is the message in the book.
Simply amazing. This guy had a truly fill life. An interesting read if you adore Osho and his work.
i can empathise with him somehow...he was a dangerous genious
A real revolutionary of the spirit of the 20th century
i liked this man very much than any other
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Grow up like him 1 5 Feb 05, 2014 09:04AM
Too self suficiant ? 1 3 Feb 05, 2014 09:00AM
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One of the most provocative and inspiring spiritual teachers of the twentieth century, Osho defies categorization - reflecting everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. His books are not written but are transcribed from recordings of extemporaneous talks given over a period of thirty-five years. Osho has been described by ...more
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