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Genome: the Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters

4.0 of 5 stars 4.00 · rating details · 14,459 ratings · 537 reviews
The human genome, the complete set of genes housed in twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, is nothing less than an autobiography of our species.

Spelled out in a billion three-letter words using the four-letter alphabet of DNA, the genome has been edited, abridged, altered and added to as it has been handed down, generation to generation, over more than three billion years.
Paperback , 344 pages
Published May 30th 2006 by Harper Perennial (first published 1999)
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I wish I could give this book 6 stars! It's really fantastic, and I want to recommend it to EVERYONE, but in my heart I know the tone would bore some of my friends... I suggest thinking of the author/narrator as a cool guy you'd be friends with telling you all this information, instead of a nerdy/haughty *scientist* ...He's not a scientist, he's a writer & former editor, & this isn't a textbook, but it could be--he's done his research & includes all his references. Just slightly out- ...more
Oct 03, 2011 Kay rated it 4 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: anyone interested in genetics, intellectually curious people
A really great introduction to genetics. One of my friends, who studied chemistry in college, recommended the book to me. The book is divided into 23 chapters, representing the 23 different sets of chromosomes in the human body. The concept fascinated me, and I thought that if the author had enough of a sense of humor to write a book this way, why not give it a try?

I'm not going to pretend that I understood 100% of the book, but the parts I did understand, I appreciated. While the writer does pr
وأنا غارق في بحر هذا الكتاب, وجدتني لا شعوريا استحضر هذه الأبيات الحكيمة المنسوبة للإمام علي- عليه السلام:

دواؤك فيك وما تشعر *** وداؤك منك وما تُبصر
وتحسب أنّك جرم صغير*** وفيك انطوى العالم الأكبر
وأنت الكتاب المبين الذي*** بأحرفه يظهر المُضمَر

العجيب في الأمر أن المؤلف استخدم نفس التشبيه-الكتاب- للإشارة إلى الجينوم

لغير المتخصصين, مثلي, الكتاب يفتح بابا من المعرفة لم أكن أعلم أنه أصلا موجود

قد يكون مستغربا تقييم الثلاث نجمات, ولكنها الترجمة, وما أدراك ما الترجمة؟! روعة الكتاب تعتمد على أسلوب المؤ
Nehal Elekhtyar

إنتهيت من قراءة أمتع كتاب علمى قرأته حتى الآن... كــ قارئة قبل ان اكون باحثة فى المجال العلمى تطرقت لقراءات متعددة وبأساليب مختلفة عن الجينوم وفى الغالب كنت اجدها تحمل الطابع العلمى البحت الجاف نوعاً ما وبالرغم من استعدادى للمعرفة الا اننى كنت اصاب بالملل ولابد من القراءة على فترات متقطعة .... لكن ان أقرأ كتاب علمى عن الجينوم تفوق صفحاته 400 صفحة وكأنى أقرأ رواية جذابة تأخذنى كل كلمة فيها ... قطعاً انه مات ريدلى القدير فى استعراض موضوع هام كهذا عن الجينوم او المادة الوراثية بإسلوب روائى رائع بدأ
Even though this was written and published over 15 years ago, I found it relevant and revealing. Ridley is one of the better science writers, and this is assuredly his master work. Each chapter highlights a specific gene found on each of the 23 pairs of chromosomes. He repeatedly states that the book is not about disease, but it ultimately becomes a major theme and topic. The final chapters that discuss genetic determinism, eugenics, and nature vs nurture are treated with upmost care, empathy, a ...more
Jan 12, 2015 Safat marked it as to-read
এই মহাবিশব যদি একটা মহাকাবয হয়,তাহলে এই মহাকাবয কোন ভাষায় লেখা? একদম ঠিক উততরটা মনে হয় কেউ জানে না। ধরে নেয়া যাক এটা একস ওয়াই বা জেড ভাষায় লেখা।
এই মহাকাবয লেখার জনয সপেস যদি হয় সাদা খাতা ,তাহলে সেখানে লেখার জনয কলমের কালি কি? সমভবত এনারজি। আপনি-আমি,সূরয-তারা-নদী,গরু-ছাগল। সবই এনারজি। মহাশূনযর মাঝে থকথক করছে এনারজি।

এই মহাকাবয লেখার ভাষায়
কয়টি বরণমালা? নাইন টেনের রসায়নে যখন পিরিওডিক টেবিলে পড়েছিলাম,তখন এই বরণমালার সংখযা ছিল । এখন হয়তো কয়েকটা বেড়েছে। কারণ মানুষ পরতিদিনই লযাবে নতুন নতুন বরণ বানানোর
Sometimes I have to stop after even a paragraph. It's a strong feeling of becoming enraptured by the information, connections and insights afforded by this extremely lucid and stimulating layperson's introduction to the human genome. An extremely compressed three page preface provides a glossary and explanation of key terms, and can be returned to as needed. Each chapter then takes one chromosome and selects from each a particular gene to describe with a much broader emphasis upon what this actu ...more
It is interesting to me how, despite our best efforts, our preconceptions can totally shape our experiences. I was impressed when two biology majors in my school independently recommended this to book to me. Must be good, I thought. So, in the interest of honesty, I must disclose that my inflated expectations were probably the biggest contributor to my lackluster reaction. I had high hopes, and Ridley only partially delivered.

In popular science, an easy way to divide books is by the occupation o
This was an interesting and understandable survey of human genetic heritage. There were a few boring pieces that recounted things I'd been taught repeatedly in biology classes - I can see the utility of this as not all readers would have taken those classes, I just didn't enjoy reading about those things again as much as I enjoyed the more specific examples. The last few chapters contained some biased language (calling people who tore up GM crops "eco-terrorists" rather than simply "vandals," fo ...more
Marwa Assem Salama
محكومٌ علينا بالجينات! ...فما نحن سوى شرائح رقمية!...أو إن شئت قل شفرات: فإما شقيٌ وإما سعيد ..فثمة خيطٌ لولبيّ فريدٌ من ال (دي إن إيه) يحرك الجميع كدُمى من خشب...ومنذ أجيالٍ انتخب العالم كل ما فينا بالقسوة ..فكان "البقاء للأقوى" وللأظلم وللأطغى ..وفي حربٍ ضروسٍ كهذه، لا نسل يبقى للمقتول ..وعليه فإن الحاضرين جميعهم هم أحفاد من قتل ..تلك فكرةٌ مريرة نعم! ...ولكن على اﻷقل بقي لي منها خبر سار ... فلقد صار عندي اﻵن جينٌ لكل ذنب ..للقهر و الضعف ..للمثلية والجنون ..وللعنف والحب ..هب الجميع بقبحهم وآثا ...more
A genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Each genome contains all of the information needed to build and maintain an organism. In 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson decoded the structure of DNA and with this discovery Crick exclaimed “We’ve discovered the secret of life.” What they discovered was that the main purpose of genes is to store the recipe for making proteins. The proteins are what determine the color of our hair, fight infection, and carry oxygen as ...more
Човешкото тяло е съставено от около 100 трилиона клетки, във вътрешността на всяко от които има ядро. Във всяко ядро има два пълни комплекта от човешкия ГЕНОМ (изключение правят само яйцеклетките и сперматозоидите, които имат по един комплект, и червените кръвни клетки, които нямат нито един). Единият комплект е дошъл от майката, а другият от бащата. Но какво е геном?

Представете си, че геномът е книга.
Тази книга съдържа 23 глави, наречени хромозоми.
Всяка глава (хромозома) съдържа хиляди ис
Mark Fallon
Are your body and brain pre-wired for certain tendencies? That’s one of the questions raised in Matt Ridley’s Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters. Using a gene from each of the 23 pairs of chromosomes that make up our DNA as a launching point, Ridley discusses what we’ve learned about the history of the human race. Some concepts about heredity are confirmed, while others are discarded.

Through the Human Genome Project, scientists have mapped out the complete set of human genes.
I really enjoyed this book. I would say it is so far the best book I have read this year and a great introduction to genetics. Quite a lot of the stuff in this book has been covered in other books I have read, most notably by Richard Dawkins, however the writing was fresh and I learned a hell of a lot of stuff throughout this book. For example, did you know that the placenta is actually a parasite, the result of male antagonistic genes battling the female's X chromosomes by redirecting more reso ...more
An interesting idea for a popular book about genetics - 23 chapters, one for each pair of chromosomes - that is realized into a not particularly good book. I appreciate that it's trying to be generalist, but it's generalist to the point of failing to convey ideas. Ridley moves from topic to topic like a student who has been told that he must include a long list of them in his paper. And I'm afraid the writing is just not good enough for any of the briefly discussed ideas to stick in your brain, ...more
Charlotte Osborn-bensaada
Rideley's trope is to connect circa 2000 what we are beginning to know about the human geonomes if you will through each of the 23 human chromosomes. Some it works very well, I think I have a much better understanding of the implications of all types issues related to genetics. I also realized afterward that we as a society don't even have the beginnings of a social discussion taking place even as the science races forward. The challenge with a book like Ridley's is that it based on what we knew ...more
Koen Crolla
I gave Ridley's The Red Queen five stars when I read it half a decade ago, and The Rational Optimist one (and a longish review ) when I read it in 2011. Genome , his most famous book, isn't quite as awful as the latter, but Ridley's godawful politics shine through often enough to irritate.

His insistence on lauding free entreprise (even where it only exists in his imagination) and condescendingly cautioning against ``big government'' at every turn isn't even the most obnoxious part this time; if an
Jan 09, 2009 Iain rated it 4 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: People interested in genetics, with no real background in biological sciences
A spur of the moment buy at the airport when going on holiday, I couldnt put the book down once I'd started. This is more than a book about the human genome, its also an analysis of the social, political and scientific implications of understanding the human genetic map.

Each area he analyses from health and healing to death and immortalit, from instinct and intelligence to personality and behavior is illustrated with examples of experiments used to prove the point and is analysed with a laymans
Awesome content, but knocking it down a star because of the writing style. At some points the author made very detailed statements that assumed prior context that this reader, at least, did not have. Also, he had a tendency to anthropomorphize our genes, talking about their "wants" and "desires" which I found counter-productive to understanding how they operate.
I love this stuff! Science written for non-specialists that isn't dumbed down at all. I've studied the evolution of humans, especially of language, and am now writing a book on the evolution of dogs. I've also read Bryan Sykes and other books pertaining to genomes, but still found myself thoroughly engaged in Matt Ridley's treatment of the topic. I learned a great deal from this book despite my other readings on the topic. Ridley cleverly writes each chapter about one set of chromosomes and how ...more
Barnaby Thieme
Ridley has written an engaging and fascinating account of the human genome with the frame of writing one chapter focusing on a particular gene on each of the 23 chromosomes, and in this grand tour gives us a picture of the history and major issues of modern genetics research. He wisely does not confine himself too narrowly to this premise, which could quickly turn into a gimmicky straight jacket for his narrative. Instead, it becomes a basis for considering a range of phenomena of human importan ...more
النسخة الالكترونية منه ناقصة فقط تناولت اربعة فصول من اصل 23 فصلاً
يجزء الكاتب كتابه الى عدد الكروموسومات الثلاث والعشرين
ويرتبط كل مروموسوم بمعنى فالاول كان الحياة والثاني النوع والثالث التاريخ والرابع المصير...
ويعرض الاكتشافات والامراض وطبيعة الجينات المرتبطه وعلاقتها بالامراض...

اتمنى ان يتوفر كاملاً
Ghada Zain
كتاب جميل وبسيط جدا يتناول ال DNA بكل سهولة ويسر ويذكر تاريخة وبعض الامثلة على الامراض الجينية ، ممتع جداً وجديد احببت تشبيهاته وطريقة صياغته وان كنت اظنه ناقصاً فهو لم بتناول طريقة الترجمة او التضاعف ولكنه جميل .
Mawa Mahima
Taken from allthingswordy , my book blog
Genome: The History of Us, the Species

Genome is a siren, calling out to the book lovers and the science geeks to unite over our own common history: Genome, the book.

Ridley creates an analogy of the human genome, which maps out all the genes we have in our body, by comparing the genome to a book.
Imagine that the genome is a book.

There are twenty-three chapters, called CHROMOSOMES.
Each chapter containsseveral thousand stories, called GENES.
Each story is made u
Genome was described to me was a fantastic book, one that anyone interested in genetics should read. I had high hopes for it, too--I liked the cleverness of the 23-chapter format and the way it would teach you something new about each chromosome.

Unfortunately, it fell short of that expectation. Part of that blame can be laid upon the fact that it was written in 1999, and in a field like genetics, 15 years can render a book incredibly out-of-date. However, the interesting format also didn't hold
The rapid evolution of the science of microbiology over the last half-century is one of the most phenomenal stories of our times. Although much of it remains a mystery to the general public, Matt Ridley attempts to explain a few of the most important discoveries about the human genome in a way that leaves out the calculations, the formulae, and the (dare I say it?) tedium of actual lab work. This is a book written for the layman, in a language and style accessible to anyone. It is with good reas ...more
So, what are you?

A complicated biological machine beset by innate programming and external conditions bent both on keeping you alive and eventually killing you?

Or are you the creation of a supreme being, both soul and body, possessed of a free will?

And though Matt Ridley, in his 2000 book “Genome: The Autobiography of A Species in 23 Chapters,” leans to the left in this equation, he still writes an incredibly balanced and above all scientific book about the human genome, what we know about it, h
Genome provides a helpful introduction to the world of modern genetics (especially if, like me, one is borderline scientifically illiterate). Matt Ridley is at his best when explaining scientific discoveries; he breaks down concepts and shows his journalistic skills (he wrote for The Economist for several years) by employing useful metaphors consistently throughout: the genome is a book, written in linear, digital form; replication is photocopying; and translation is reading. Genome 's weak spots ...more
Христо Блажев
Прекрасният генетичен свят на Мат Ридли

Книжният пазар у нас като че ли не се влияе от кризата – поне на пръв поглед. В България непрекъснато се издава какво ли не, а тиражите, въпреки че са твърде отдалечени от западните, понякога достигат повече от задоволителни числа. И все пак, под “какво ли не” и под “задоволителни числа” не се има предвид нито разнообразие, нито същински бестселъри. Имаме по-скоро капризни хитове – спорадични, подвластни на социалните
Ridley presents a reasonable coarse outline of genetics using memorable analogies and examples from macro-phenomena that most people would be familiar with.

When Ridley strays from the biology, he waxes lyrical and makes careless factual and logical errors that call into question the legitimacy of all of his other conclusions. The psychologist, neuroscientist, ancient historian, environmental scientist, philosopher (and I suspect, the modern biologist) will cringe through significant portions of
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  • Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History
The Hon. Matthew White Ridley (born 7 February 1958, in Northumberland) is an English science writer, businessman and aristocrat. Ridley was educated at Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford where he received a doctorate in zoology before commencing a career in journalism. Ridley worked as the science editor of The Economist from 1984 to 1987 and was then its Washington correspondent from 1987 to 1989 ...more
More about Matt Ridley...
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation Nature Via Nurture: Genes, Experience and What Makes Us Human Francis Crick: Discoverer of the Genetic Code

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“A true scientist is bored by knowledge; it is the assault on ignorance that motivates him - the mysteries that previous discoveries have revealed.” 41 likes
“The fuel on which science runs is ignorance. Science is like a hungry furnace that must be fed logs from the forests of ignorance that surround us. In the process, the clearing we call knowledge expands, but the more it expands, the longer its perimeter and the more ignorance comes into view.” 14 likes
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