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Carra: My Autobiography

3.98 of 5 stars 3.98 · rating details · 524 ratings · 37 reviews
Jamie Carragher is one of the most charismatic footballers of his generation. Adored by the fans, he was recently voted the most popular player in the entire Liverpool squad. Yet the young Carra came to Liverpool as an Everton fan, from an Everton family, and with Everton friends. Packed with great anecdotes, controversial opinions and large helpings of his trademark humor ...more
Paperback , 512 pages
Published September 8th 2008 by Transworld Publishers
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J'ai lu ce livre en lecture commune avec ma best friend, Amandine. C'était vraiment une expérience sympathique de découvrir cette autobiographie ensemble. Il s'agit en plus de celle de Jamie Carragher, un ex-footballeur anglais cher à nos yeux.

C'est aussi le troisième livre que j'ai pu lire en anglais. Je l'ai trouvé relativement facile même si par moment j'ai dû me servir de mon dictionnaire car je manque de vocabulaire.

Dans l'ensemble, j'ai beaucoup apprécié ce livre. Il m'a permis d'apprendre
3,5/5 J’ai lu ce livre en « lecture commune » avec mon amie Amandine. C’est d’ailleurs elle qui me l’a offert hihihi. Très bonne expérience, c’était assez fun de voir où en était l’autre, ce qu’elle en pensait, ect. :D. J’avais hâte de commencer ma lecture et encore plus vu qu’il s’agissait de l’Autobiographie de Carragher.

Je dois avouer que je ne sais pas quoi penser de ma lecture. Je suis très indécise sur la note que je dois lui mettre. Je ne sais même pas si je l’ai aimé ou non...

Dans un pr
Norman Revill
This book was published in 2008, so Carra's looking forward to continuing to play under Rafa and to his first game at the new Stanley Park stadium. Not any more. He wisely sought out a ghost-writer so it reads well and I like his honesty and openness about colleagues and situations - his comments on Sven are priceless! By the standards of football autobiographies, it's better than most, which isn't saying a lot these days.

I like Jamie Carragher. He was a great player for Liverpool and now he's
Well...the best thing about this book is easily, far & away the chapter on Istanbul... If you read nothing else in this book (& you're a Liverpool fan...) then read it. I was back in my flat watching it on tv again & cleaning my kitchen after we went 3-0 down... Just amazing!

It was also interesting to read JC's opinions on all the managers he's worked with previously. Having read Steven Gerrard's book (although I do believe that he was a bit premature writing that...) & Robbie Fo
Eapen Chacko
A must read for any supporter of Liverpool FC, but as a bio which depicts the innards of the modern game of football from the player's viewpoint, it is the best book I've read. The most compelling chapter is about that extraordinary evening on May 25, 2005 as Liverpool faced the most powerful version of AC Milan in the Champions League Final at the Ataturk Stadium in Istanbul. It's worth the price of the book (used on Amazon). Carragher's reminiscence of hearing "You'll Never Walk Alone" as the ...more
Excellent book - he completely speaks his mind and holds nothing back. Great player too!
In terms of sporting memoirs, this one might be close to standing in its own in a different class. While it's obviously not up to date, the wit, intelligence and brutal honesty of Jamie Carragher makes this a thrilling read. He voiced his, usually well reasoned and informed, opinions on everything and anything, from you development to former teammates and coaches in a way few sportsmen dare to. Couple that with a large dose of scouse humor and funny stories and you've got yourself one hell of a ...more
David Bowles
Really enjoyed hearing about Liverpool from an insider's point of view. Jamie is brutally honest and his point of view of so many of Liverpool's recent players has coincided with my own! It is a pity it is a bit dated, being written in 2008. It would be interesting to hear what he thinks of what has happened since the book was written. All in all a really good read, well written and entertaining, especially if you are a Liverpool fan!
Tim Byron
very powerful beginning to this book which may be of interest to the neutral. Carragher's mother was put under a lot of pressure to have him aborted due to a misdiagnosis by the doctors. She refused and he was born with the easily remediable defect of his stomach outside his body. And now he has been voted one of the strongest defenders in Europe!

The rest of the book will be of most interest to football fans, particularly Liverpool fans. The chapter about Istanbul is memmerising. And his style i
Rare biography from a sports figure that speaks his mind, and tells it as he sees it. Most football (soccer) books that I have read, the players say what good mates fellow players are, and rarely give more than a sanitized water downed opinion on anything. Carragher is very honest about his Everton supporting past (devoting an entire chapter to it), when other Liverpool players won't acknowledge or just downplay that part of their past.

Carragher talks about why he quit the England National Team
Has to be the best autobiography I have ever read. Brutally honest about every aspect of life and isn't afraid to say what he feels. When he wrote this, the American's Hicks and Gillette were still technically his bosses and he doesn't hold back on how he felts about them. What I loved more is that it focused mainly on football and not family life which is what I wanted. I grew up down the road from Carra and can related personally to a lot of things in this book. He will undoubtably be a future ...more
To complete this book in 7 days says a lot how much I enjoy it. The chapter on Istanbul is obviously my favorite. I still get goose bumps recalling back the most emotional match I ever watch as a fan. This biography not only gave me insights of who he is as a footballer but also dedicated husband and father. An easy read for someone like me especially when he explains in details every technical and tactical aspects of the game. I have a new found respect for him and of course a very proud fan! T ...more
Karina Kuhl
thoroughly enjoyed reading about Jamie's life and career at Liverpool. He will always be one of my favorites
Nov 11, 2008 Myke rated it 4 of 5 stars · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Liverpool and Soccer/Football fans. Scousers
Great book with great insight from one of the worlds greatests footballers. He's not afraid to tell you his view on anything or anybody, and this book definatly shows that aspect of his personality.
The book did get a little long-winded at the end, and it probably could have done without the last chapter. It's the only reason it got 4 stars instead of 5. There was better content in this book, but unfortunatly, Jamie may once again be in the shadow of captain fantatic as Steven Gerrard's autobiog
Aik Lim
Absorbing but given that the book was completed in 2008, has large chunks of history missed when he was still playing and of course missed his moves into the TV punditry land.
I'm a Liverpool fan so I really enjoyed this book. Carra does give an honest account of his life at Liverpool and in the England team. He is equally honest about his talents and rivals talents.

The writing was not top-notch, but it is a very straight-forward, fast read..

I would definitely recommend this book if you want a behind the scenes look at Liverpool from the perspective of one of their loyalist servants..
By the standards of most footballers autobiographies, this is a very good one. Honest and revealing, it is a testament to Carragher the man as well as the footballer. He comes across as a pretty intelligent bloke who will go on to become a good manager after he hangs up his boots.
Ryan Yung
Easily the best autobiography I've read by a footballer. Written very well in a style that is uncommon for autobiographies. As a Liverpool fan this is an absolute must to look into the head of one of our legends. Behind the scenes and his take on all the managers is very interesting.
Madhur Mirani
Amazingly funny, in parts a wee bit controversial but all in all a very honestly written book, just like its author.

Must read for anyone who calls himself/herself a Liverpool Football Club fan !!!!
Brings you right to the heart of Anfield, Melwood and things that surround them. Honest, insightful, more into Carra as a footballing man than just Carra as a player and a legend for Liverpool FC.
Honest, insightful, concise. I have yet to read a football biography that has as much detail. I appreciate Carra's no-nonsense assessment of opponents and teammates as well.
This was a birthday present and it makes for an interesting read. He tends to speak his mind - not for him the standard bland little cliches - and he names names!
Asyran Shamsuddin
As a non english speaker with scouse accent you'll find its really hard to understand a thing he said, luckily he has this book to tell us the story of his life. LOL
Nathan Stamper
My hero <3
The man is a legend and with his autobiography we can see where he came from and in that we can see what steps he took for greatness.
He inspires me. YNWA
Brilliant autobiography. Carra is so honest and straight up about everything. I love the frank way he tells stuff. It was really really interesting.
Really an interesting book.portrayed all that needed to be known about football.enjoyed it even as an arsenal fan.great book,really great
Roy Kvatningen
This is a good sports biography, but probably still suitable for fans only.
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