It’s said that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was in convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. In his latest book, Yehuda Berg uses the device of an “as told to†autobiography to explain the notion of The Adversary, an important concept in Kabbalistic wisdom. Through this playful yet serious faux-bio, readers learn that Satan resides within everyone, manifestin
It’s said that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was in convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. In his latest book, Yehuda Berg uses the device of an “as told to†autobiography to explain the notion of The Adversary, an important concept in Kabbalistic wisdom. Through this playful yet serious faux-bio, readers learn that Satan resides within everyone, manifesting himself as that nagging little voice of doubt and uncertainty, and that that's how havoc is wreaked throughout the world. By doing the spiritual work that Kabbalah teaches, readers can banish negativity and evil influences from their lives, and eliminate chaos from the world. Berg takes creative license with the narrative, but he presents an accurate representation of Kabbalah’s view on the force of evil in the physical universe.
256 pages
March 31st 2009
by Kabbalah Publishing
(first published February 1st 2009)
I may have to think of a whole new shelf for this book. The word "Satan" really means adversary... and that who Satan is - our adversary. And he is inside of us.. our egos.
Yehuda writes the book as if Satan is talking to us. Satan is trying to give us pointers, because he's been winning and he can see that we need help
Yehuda writes the book in a way that is informative, enlightening, funny, and it is absolutely brilliant.
Satan tell us that our ego and our reactionary nature is what is keeping u
I may have to think of a whole new shelf for this book. The word "Satan" really means adversary... and that who Satan is - our adversary. And he is inside of us.. our egos.
Yehuda writes the book as if Satan is talking to us. Satan is trying to give us pointers, because he's been winning and he can see that we need help
Yehuda writes the book in a way that is informative, enlightening, funny, and it is absolutely brilliant.
Satan tell us that our ego and our reactionary nature is what is keeping us in pain, doubt, suffering, and plain downright unhappy. Every decision and choice we have made knowingly or unknowingly has been the result of our selflish, self-serving ego. It is time for us to share, to demonstrate with our actions that we "love our neighbor as ourselves". Satan, as our ego, has kept us from loving ourselves and others. How we treat our fellow man is the measure of success we will experience on this planet. You chose how you will live this life. Everything that happens to you is contributing to you being a better you. Overcome your ego at every opportunity and in exchange you get true and lasting fulfillment and happiness
It is one of those you have to read to understand
Satan also asks us to begin by sharing the book with others so that everyone will begin to share and create a better world
....I'm sure that will be seen as a ploy.. there goes that ego again :)
I think I have mentioned that I love all of Yehuda's work - now this, is a work of genius - I actually felt like Satan himself (who is in fact, not an 'himself' but just your own big fat ego getting in the way of everything you do!!). This is a book that places the responsiblity for everything you do, or don't do, right back in your own hands - and the only enemy you have - is the very one within - your own ego., Superbly told, funny , enlightening and should be a text book for life!
An easy enough aproach to the role of Satan (Adversary) in the kabbalistic tradition; one that could be likened to the ego that resides inside of each one of us.
This book really took me by surprise and I really loved the cheeky way it was written. I would recommend this to anyone no matter their beliefs,it really makes you take a hard look at yourself and take responsibilty for what's happening around you!
Really good book on truly understanding what is standing in your way, how to overcome obstacles, and how to improve yourself. The crux of the book is overcoming our ego in order to find true happiness and success.
Not sure what I expected from this book but I imagined it would have scored more than two stars from me. Bottom line, there is no horned devil, instead there is an evil, negative energy in the universe and it resides in each of us as our negative thoughts such as selfishness, anger and jealousy. If we can become aware of this and work on eradicating our doubts and cynicism all will be better. The concept is interesting enough and not too dissimilar from the Buddhist practice of self awareness, h
Not sure what I expected from this book but I imagined it would have scored more than two stars from me. Bottom line, there is no horned devil, instead there is an evil, negative energy in the universe and it resides in each of us as our negative thoughts such as selfishness, anger and jealousy. If we can become aware of this and work on eradicating our doubts and cynicism all will be better. The concept is interesting enough and not too dissimilar from the Buddhist practice of self awareness, however Buddhism and the concept of Enlightenment recognises the challenge in practicing this simple act of self-awareness.
Berg's idea that we feed Satan by having negative thoughts reminds me of the Cherokee story about the two wolves that continuously fight inside our heads. One is fearful and angry the other is peaceful and compassionate. Which one wins? The one we feed the most!
"Your ego is your reactive response to the world". No great insight here.
Turn your pain into a learning experience, turn it into abundance and happiness. Recognise it as a test i.e. the story of Job. This sounds like positive psychology to me. "A person who appreciates every opportunity is never a victim, and is therefore never miserable"
I wasn't convinced about the idea that prayers in Aramaic are the only ones that bypass Satan.
I found the simplistic account of the birth of creation somewhat difficult to accept (Berg would suggest that this is a manifestation of my doubt - my ego - my Satan)and too much of an easy read. Plus the solution - that we all need to share in order to create a better world - is commendable but lacking in any real analysis of our human condition.
It was probably a poor choice of mine as a first book about the Kabbalah. I appreciate that it has a long lineage and a respected philosophical basis but it just didn't come across in this book. Added to this is my disappointment in his request that we buy copies of the book to give to our friends and families as a way of sharing. It reads like a cheap marketing trick and does little justice to any of the ideas outlined in the book.
On another sour note, I Googled the author and was dismayed at the headlines of earlier this year. I hope that the matter gets resolved soon.
This is the first book i read on kabbalah and i was very surprised to find out just how much wisdom is shared with other paths . Amusing and easy read indeed, it took me just a few days to get through it. It definitely has some very valuable information in it. I think i'll have to come back to it from time to time.
Using Biblical examples and Talmudic wisdom, Yehuda Berg gives us insight into the character of Satan by the literary device of "as told to..." Berg is a contemporary expert on Kabbalah, and his writing reflects this theological foundation. But Satan speaks to the reader from the pages of this "autobiography" as a companion in a sitting room, talking about his own life and world viewpoint. There is much to be learned about the nature of Satan, especially in this world that is so ready to dismiss
Using Biblical examples and Talmudic wisdom, Yehuda Berg gives us insight into the character of Satan by the literary device of "as told to..." Berg is a contemporary expert on Kabbalah, and his writing reflects this theological foundation. But Satan speaks to the reader from the pages of this "autobiography" as a companion in a sitting room, talking about his own life and world viewpoint. There is much to be learned about the nature of Satan, especially in this world that is so ready to dismiss him as mere mythology. Berg presents the person of Satan in a way that is easy to understand, and transparent in its exposition.
Ego- we all have it and some refuse to acknowledge its hold on them. This book lays out basic principles of why its so important to not "feed" our egos but instead find ways to overcome and transform our situations by first understanding that the Satan is not some external force created to torment humans. Instead an internal force that separates us from God and all the happiness that is available for all of us. Wake up and read this book with an open mind and start to create your own miracles in
Ego- we all have it and some refuse to acknowledge its hold on them. This book lays out basic principles of why its so important to not "feed" our egos but instead find ways to overcome and transform our situations by first understanding that the Satan is not some external force created to torment humans. Instead an internal force that separates us from God and all the happiness that is available for all of us. Wake up and read this book with an open mind and start to create your own miracles in your life.
Interesting take on contemplative philosophy. Could say that this is a user guide for life, and you could do a lot worse than use the advice in this book. Not all of it hits home though if your already stable, happy and fulfilled. Her thoughts on heaven, the universe and garden of eden are all good ideas, but I found myself just moving past them without much afterthought. Though I will say it's a really positive read and love her ideas she puts forth regarding conflicting religions.
Very strong title. almost had to keep away from this so one is not confused to be a devil worshipper. Very well written as if Satan himself was writing the book, boasts about his accomplishments over humanity (war, greed, addictions, etc)...but Satan also gives "tips" on how we can beat him and help humanity advance and to uncover the veil from our eyes.
Excellent book! Read it, think about it and use the knowledge how you choose. I really enjoyed the book; it all makes sense, provided you keep an open mind and think about where/how dogma originates.
Do yourself a favor, read this book. The worst case scenario... you enjoyed a good tale and move on. Best case scenario... that's all up to you. :)
It's ecumenical, kabbalistic, unBiblical rubbish, that turns out in the end to be an attempt to raise more money for the Kabbalah Center. It's reminiscent of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters in style and presentation, but lacks a single shred of authenticity or credibility.
Yehuda Berg is a renowned authority on Kabbalah. Touted as "the people's kabbalist," he shares these teachings as a technology to improve everyday life. In 2007 Newsweek named Yehuda one of the top 5 rabbi's in the US. Yehuda believes that only by transforming our negativity can we unlock our greatest blessings. A bestselling author whose books include The Power of Kabbalah and 72 Names of God, Ye
Yehuda Berg is a renowned authority on Kabbalah. Touted as "the people's kabbalist," he shares these teachings as a technology to improve everyday life. In 2007 Newsweek named Yehuda one of the top 5 rabbi's in the US. Yehuda believes that only by transforming our negativity can we unlock our greatest blessings. A bestselling author whose books include The Power of Kabbalah and 72 Names of God, Yehuda is a true spiritual activist. He lives in LA with his wife and 5 children."