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Ethel: The Fictional Autobiography, a Novel of Ethel Rosenberg

4.1 of 5 stars 4.10 · rating details · 10 ratings · 2 reviews
In this fictional autobiography, Ethel Rosenberg -- condemned to death and protesting her innocence -- tells her own story.
Paperback , 306 pages
Published January 1st 2002 by Syracuse University Press (first published 1990)
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What an absolutely stunning book.

It gets off to a rather slow start as it flits between 1951 and 1931 but it quickly gathers momentum and once it does, there is no stopping it.

Ethel Greenglass reflects on her early life in the 1930s chapters when she was a young Jewish girl in New York, making friends at school and growing up with them outside of school.

She wants to work and gets a job as a shipping clerk but she has aspirations to be a singer and, because of her parents' objections, makes subve
I've always been fascinated by the story of the Rosenbergs, and always felt they were railroaded and did
not deserve the death penalty. But even the best-researched accounts of their story had little material to work with in creating a personal portrait of either of them. This novelist has done a great job of fleshing out a portrait of Ethel as a human being.
Marni marked it as to-read
Dec 25, 2012
abcdefg marked it as to-read
May 25, 2010
Dylan marked it as to-read
Nov 26, 2009
Stacie marked it as to-read
Dec 21, 2008
Mindy marked it as to-read
Dec 21, 2008
Jessica marked it as to-read
Dec 20, 2008
Jenny marked it as to-read
Dec 20, 2008
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