Phoolan Devi was born into a poor, low-caste family in Uttar Pradesh, living in a world that gave more respect to a stray dog than to a woman. At 11, she was married off and endured beatings, rapes and persecution. She survived being kidnapped by bandits and became one of them, learning how to shoot like a man. She also found love for the first time, but her lover was brut
Phoolan Devi was born into a poor, low-caste family in Uttar Pradesh, living in a world that gave more respect to a stray dog than to a woman. At 11, she was married off and endured beatings, rapes and persecution. She survived being kidnapped by bandits and became one of them, learning how to shoot like a man. She also found love for the first time, but her lover was brutally murdered. Without his protection, she was paraded naked through villages and gang-raped; but she survived and for three years claimed retribution for herself and all low-caste women, before negotiating her own surrender. After 11 years in prison, she is now free to tell her own story.
I am a dedicated book reader and have read hundreds of books... Phoolan Devi will forever be my most loved, cherished and valued book of all time. I have read this book 4 times and plan on reading it again because every couple of years I change and view things differently. My experience reading this book has been different on all 4 occasions, and I just fall more and more in love with this woman and her struggle. She is the most emotionally powerful human being I have ever heard of and I will al
I am a dedicated book reader and have read hundreds of books... Phoolan Devi will forever be my most loved, cherished and valued book of all time. I have read this book 4 times and plan on reading it again because every couple of years I change and view things differently. My experience reading this book has been different on all 4 occasions, and I just fall more and more in love with this woman and her struggle. She is the most emotionally powerful human being I have ever heard of and I will always hold her as THE role model for women and young girls.
This book should be compulsory to read, especially with what is happening in India today with female infanticide, rape and violence against women. India is a great marker of the condition of women today and the state of patriarchy - it is the second largest population in the world and an economically strong developing country; however women are still treated worse than cattle. I think this book is a great reminder of the strength and passion we as woman have to have for justice in order to take solid steps towards gender equality.
Please read. Man or woman; read it and confront your own demons. Empower yourself. Recharge your passion and thirst for life and justice.
This was a random selection in my biographies of women A-Z reading quest. It was worth reading if only to better understand the lives of the low castes in India. I was aware of how little the average family possesses in India but was not aware of the social, economic, physical, psychological and sexual abuse that accompany low status. If even half of what Devi dictated is true, it is appalling. Devi is a larger-than-life figure and some of her story seems over-embellished. She glosses over the i
This was a random selection in my biographies of women A-Z reading quest. It was worth reading if only to better understand the lives of the low castes in India. I was aware of how little the average family possesses in India but was not aware of the social, economic, physical, psychological and sexual abuse that accompany low status. If even half of what Devi dictated is true, it is appalling. Devi is a larger-than-life figure and some of her story seems over-embellished. She glosses over the infamous Behmai massacre incident that allegedly led to her murder in 2001 at the hands of a Behmai victim's family member.
Many reviewers find Phoolan Devi determined and worthy of her achievements. I am not objecting to that, but I am finding it remarkable that many admire her constraint of using violence. Strength of character is always strong with a desperate person holding a loaded rifle. A story surrounded to its complex culture and believes. That is always unique and must be interpreted from that perspective. Many do not have a full understanding and neither can it be understood by reading couple of books in t
Many reviewers find Phoolan Devi determined and worthy of her achievements. I am not objecting to that, but I am finding it remarkable that many admire her constraint of using violence. Strength of character is always strong with a desperate person holding a loaded rifle. A story surrounded to its complex culture and believes. That is always unique and must be interpreted from that perspective. Many do not have a full understanding and neither can it be understood by reading couple of books in that subject. Neither is it a book concerning a content that the feminism movement can find justification in for hating men.
The story provided is disheartened with a troublesome concern still living in a modern world. Difficult to put down and a very unbelievable true story. A representative of injustice indigent men, women and children have to suffer for.
[Read in Swedish.]
What a story. What a sad, unjust, angering, severe, unconscionable, vengeful story. My eyes are open wider, and Phoolan Devi's story, most of which takes place in the 1970's, gives helpful context and background to the horrifically brutal rape stories we've read about in India these past couple of years. Although I'm not one to preach how other countries need to change, it's clear that human rights and women's rights don't operate from the same baseline everywhere, and that needs to change. (The
What a story. What a sad, unjust, angering, severe, unconscionable, vengeful story. My eyes are open wider, and Phoolan Devi's story, most of which takes place in the 1970's, gives helpful context and background to the horrifically brutal rape stories we've read about in India these past couple of years. Although I'm not one to preach how other countries need to change, it's clear that human rights and women's rights don't operate from the same baseline everywhere, and that needs to change. (The key question being: "HOW?")
Ranskalaistoimittaja pääsi haastattelemaan intialaista legendaarista naisbandiittia, ja siitä syntyi mielenkiintoisen inhorealistinen selviytymistarina, jonka keskiössä on säälimätön kostonkierre.
Luku- ja kirjoitustaidoton Phoolan Devi on sanellut ja tarkistanut ääninauhojen perusteella tarinansa ja hyväksynyt sen. Tuloksena on uskomaton seikkailu pohjoisintialaisessa Uttar Pradeshin osavaltiossa Nepalin rajalla.
Kirja antaa kaiken silmittömän väkivallan alistamisen lisäksi länsimaiselle lukijall
Ranskalaistoimittaja pääsi haastattelemaan intialaista legendaarista naisbandiittia, ja siitä syntyi mielenkiintoisen inhorealistinen selviytymistarina, jonka keskiössä on säälimätön kostonkierre.
Luku- ja kirjoitustaidoton Phoolan Devi on sanellut ja tarkistanut ääninauhojen perusteella tarinansa ja hyväksynyt sen. Tuloksena on uskomaton seikkailu pohjoisintialaisessa Uttar Pradeshin osavaltiossa Nepalin rajalla.
Kirja antaa kaiken silmittömän väkivallan alistamisen lisäksi länsimaiselle lukijalle jonkinlaisen kurkistusikkunan, millaista on elämä Intian maaseudulla. Kun vanhemmat ovat syntyneet vähäpätöiseen lautturien mallah-kastiin, he ovat ylempien kastien armoilla ja nöyryytettävinä.
Phoolanin vanhemmat menettävät perintömaansa ahneen sukulaisen keinottelun takia, ja hänen poikansa jatkaa siitä. Lopulta serkku Mayadinin vaino Phoolania ja hänen perhettään kohtaa johtaa siihen, että hänet pakkonaitetaan Putti Lal -nimiselle miehelle, joka oli kiduttanut entisen vaimonsa hengiltä. Monesti Phoolan yrittää paeta, mutta aina hänet noudetaan takaisin. Vanhempien ei auta muuta kuin alistua ylempiarvoisten tahtoon. Lopulta roistoksi syytetty Phoolan raiskataan toistuvasta, ja hänen selviytymiskeinonsa kymmenvuotiaasta asti on kestää niin kauan, että pääsee kostamaan kaikki kokemansa vääryydet.
Serkun vaino johtaa lopulta siihen, että hän haluaa tapattaa myös thakuri-kastilaisten rosvojen useasti raiskaaman Phoolanin ja palkkaa rikollisia eli viidakossa eläviä dacoiteiksi kutsuttuja metsärosvoja kidnappaamaan hänet. Jännittävien vaiheiden jälkeen monta kertaa kuoleman täpärästi välttänyt Phoolan saa kokea hetken onnea Vikramin kanssa. Silti onnea varjostaa kilpailijan eri Shri Ramin himo Phoolania kohtaan, eikä aikaakaan, kun verilöyly on valmis.
Kilpailevat dacoitryhmä sotivat toisiaan vastaan. Heillä on ilmiantajia eri kylissä, ja he pakenevat välillä päiväkausia poliiseja ja jopa armeijaa hyökkäystensä jälkeen. Eri joukkioilla on tapana kulkea pitkin poikin osavaltiota ryöstelemässä ja raiskaamassa. Kun Phoolan saa viimein oman ryhmän, hän johtaa sitä niin kuin mies. Jo aiemmin hän on omin käsin silponut vainoajiensa sukuelimiä ja leikannut ”vasikoiden” neniä. Kyläpäälliköitä kuohitaan ja monia tapetaan. Kuin ihmeen kaupalla Phoolan onnistuu lähimpien miestensä kanssa välttymään teloitukselta tai pidätykseltä.
Seikkailu päättyy kuitenkin Phoolanin kannalta rauhanomaisesti, sillä vuosien taistelujen ja kuukausien neuvotteluiden jälkeen maalaiskylien pidetty bandiittikuningatar antautuu, ja hän onnistuu neuvottelemaan vielä elossa oleville jäsenilleen hyvät antautumisehdot. Hän pääsee itse viimeisenä vapauteen yhdentoista vuoden vankeuden jälkeen.
Luku- ja kirjoitustaidoton Phoolan on periksi- ja anteeksiantamattomuuden perikuva. Henkilökohtainen kosto saa sinettinsä ja muiden köyhien ja sorrettujen kokemat vääryydet kostetaan. Ne ihmiset, jotka kilvan nöyryyttivät ja vainosivat häntä ja hänen perhettään, saivat pelätä ja kunnioittaa Phoolania. Uhmakkaasta tytöstä kehkeytyi pelätty ja palvottu köyhien puolustaja, joka kosti ankarasti vääryydet (niin raiskaukset kuin muutkin). Aseensa ja monikymmenpäisen ryhmänsä avulla dacoitit piinasivat vallan väärinkäyttäjiä ja ottivat kyliä väliaikaisesti hallintaansa ja rankaisivat ylimyksiä, kauppiaita ja kylänvanhimpia ja kylvivät rahat niille, joilta ne oli riistetty.
Kaiken kaikkiaan teksti on väkevää ja helppolukuista. Tarina etenee kronologisesti. Kirjasta välittyy minäkertojan suoraviivainen ajattelu, määrätietoinen ja periksiantamaton asenne. Niin kauan kuin on elossa, tilit voi tasata.
this is one of my all-time favorite books. phoolan is the inspiration of so many of the characters in my own stories. i learned how to write a story that is relentless from this book; i learned how to write a WOMAN that is relentless from this book. her story is evidence that a woman born in complete bondage can still have the innate and natural will to fight for her freedom, that that WANT of freedom is not taught.
every few years, i reread this book. it's some serious heavy sh*t. it's also the
this is one of my all-time favorite books. phoolan is the inspiration of so many of the characters in my own stories. i learned how to write a story that is relentless from this book; i learned how to write a WOMAN that is relentless from this book. her story is evidence that a woman born in complete bondage can still have the innate and natural will to fight for her freedom, that that WANT of freedom is not taught.
every few years, i reread this book. it's some serious heavy sh*t. it's also the best telling of phoolan's story (there are biographies, but this one rings the most true, to me).
If you like "The Bandit Queen," you'll like this book. Warning: it is not an easy read due to the graphic nature of the contents. It's raw, gripping and heartfelt and takes the reader into a world hopefully they will never know: caste wars, extreme violence against women, and disregard for basic human rights. Yet the heroine (if you view her as such) nevertheless triumphs. I saw Phoolan Devi days before she was murdered and it etched a certain consciousness on me. Whether she's a hero, villain o
If you like "The Bandit Queen," you'll like this book. Warning: it is not an easy read due to the graphic nature of the contents. It's raw, gripping and heartfelt and takes the reader into a world hopefully they will never know: caste wars, extreme violence against women, and disregard for basic human rights. Yet the heroine (if you view her as such) nevertheless triumphs. I saw Phoolan Devi days before she was murdered and it etched a certain consciousness on me. Whether she's a hero, villain or bandit in your eyes, she was a most intriguing character.
Born of a low caste, her story opens up life in the land so enveloped in the caste ideology and mentality plus the very corrupted authority. She survived because she was defiant and grew up to become the person that she was due to the denigration she received as a woman. Salvation came in the form of membership in a gang of Mallah and living like an Asian Robin Hood somewhat.
Though she did spend some time in jail, she later mounted a political career only to be assassinated later.
An amazing story I read once a year or so. The tale of Phoolan, who gets her revenge, and seeks justice for every woman in India is an inspiring one that I can not forget.
Phoolan survives by being just as cruel as her violators, and gained my respect and admiration ever since I first read her story, when I was 11.
Horrible, fascinating, and above all, true. Maybe not the most well written book, but her story and character makes up for everything.
A heart wrenching tale of a life....A true story, its unfortunate to be born a girl in rural India, of low caste. Phoolan Devi's life is of the most horrific imaginable to someone born to the western world...BUT here is a girl whom I have the greatest admiration as she had the guts to rebel. Some would call it crime yet its revenge most deserved. This is a must read.
Incredible story from one person's admittedly biased perspective. Still, whether or not all of the details are true, this is a stirring read and one that taught me about a world I cannot imagine still existing in the 21st century.
She may be gone, but she was a real hero. Good for her - one woman taking on a corrupt system and, in spite of everything, triumphing.
I wasn't sure what was more scary: What happened to her or her merciless strength of character. I knew her story before reading, knew she was assassinated, but although it isn't the best-written book in the world her amazing character and personality was so strongly present throughout the book I found it hard to believe she was dead.
A very harrowing read. I found it difficult to read this at times and just wanted to abandon it altogether. The end of the biography is small consolation in light of the ordeals Phoolan Devi had to suffer and ordeals I'm sure some women are still suffering because of caste, poverty and gender. A terrible story about a remarkable woman.
Also so inspiring, i think i can look upto her.
Strong, determined and so mcuh patience.
Love, Anger, Happiness, Sadness this book has it all and best part is that its a true heroism story. I just adore This lady.
No idea how to rate this one. An incredible life, the documentation of which was itself an incredible undertaking. Among one of the many take-aways: I have no right to complain about a single thing. Not one.
best book I've read all year.A tale of oppression,the depths of depravity & one woman's fight to reclaim her integrity & triumph in India under the repressive caste system.
This book was an excellent insight into the life of a woman caught up in a turbulent time, but refusing to be kept down. Her story is triumphant, and tragic.
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This book was a real inspiration to a friend of mine. All the adversity kind of got me down. She cool. Men are kind of rotten, except the nice ones that die.