The clairvoyant Andrew Jackson Davis tells his life story, including the discovery and use of his unusual psychic abilities. Selected contents: My first temptation; In which I ask many questions; In which are signs of second-sight; Signs, and the things signified; In which I hear strange music; A lesson of self-dependence; The dawning light; The spiritual spheres; The fata
The clairvoyant Andrew Jackson Davis tells his life story, including the discovery and use of his unusual psychic abilities. Selected contents: My first temptation; In which I ask many questions; In which are signs of second-sight; Signs, and the things signified; In which I hear strange music; A lesson of self-dependence; The dawning light; The spiritual spheres; The fatal gem; The conjugal marriage.
560 pages
January 15th 2003
by Kessinger Publishing
(first published 2003)