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Before Memory Fades: An Autobiography

3.93 of 5 stars 3.93 · rating details · 201 ratings · 12 reviews
Before Memory Fades by Fali S. Nariman is a revelatory, comprehensive and perceptive autobiography - candid, compelling and authoritative.Internationally admired and respected, Fali S. Nariman is a senior advocate of the Supreme Court of India. He began his career at the Bombay High Court in November 1950, and has since been active in the legal profession. Over the years, ...more
Hardcover , first , 372 pages
Published June 15th 2010 by Hay House (first published June 1st 2010)
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Vikas Datta
Provides a good view of the legal history of India ever since it became free with some incisive observations about the state of the nation and its polity complementing the fund of insights about the legal process and anecdotes of noted lawyers and judges. The chapter on the Union Carbide case and the inter-state water disputes are though a little impenetrable...
This actually reads as a clear reflection of Mr. Nariman's personality. There are some interesting anecdotes, tips for young lawyers, policy prescriptions, lots of behind the scenes action - its like Mr. Nariman was holding forth and reminiscing to an audience hanging on his words.
To be honest the book could have done with better editing, sometimes its almost like notes which have been typed up, which should have been addressed. Its endearing as clearly being written by Mr. Nariman himself but
Very good book from an eminent citizen of India. Mr Nariman comes across as a humble, sincere and open person. The book gives insights into critical issues such as Parliamentary power to amend the Constitution, Executive Judicial relationships, inter state water dispute act, Judicial Governance and some great description of great Judges.. I also like the discussion on "Rule of law" Vs "rule by law". There other philosophical discussions therein.
Bharath Ramakrishnan
Has very good coverage of Fali Nariman's professional career. The matter on the constitution, emergency and Bhopal gas tragedy are covered well and make for interesting reading. The book meanders into technical details more often than required. Would have been good if the book had more of Fali Nariman's personal life and interests.....
A most powerful Constitution lawyer in Indian history shares his experiences of Court and Justice system in India and his opinion about how it could be bettered. Moreover he discusses many important Constitution cases including some of which he has appeared. He also shares his experience in different countries and their law practices. I felt like reading some constitutional book with writers invaluable insight clubbed with humor and passion.A must read novel for every lawyer, law student or pers ...more
Pankaj Shah
Nice book to read. Gives some insights about emergency period (1975) with author's own perspective. Author also makes his stand clear on the Bhopal Gas trgedy case. A must read for lawyers and wannabe lawyers.
Ajitabh Pandey
Mr Nariman has mentioned a brief on his life and work in this book. He has also taken this opportunity to pen down his views on various famous / controversial judgements of his times and also reflected upon some of the deficiencies of our constitutions and how they can be remedied. Being an eminent lawyer, his views consists of lots of legal references at various places.

Written in a very simple and uncomplicated style, this book is definitely a worth read.
Nariman with his vast experience of the Indian judiciary shares his wisdom in this well written book. He critically analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the judicial system and ends the book with optimism.
Vinod Pal
I did not find the book interesting, may be because I like books in story telling manner , and this book seemed to only telling facts in bland manner. So I stopped reading the book after reading may be twenty odd pages.
A fascinating read. Witty, candid and interesting. Specifically liked the portions on the emergency, Bhopal gas tragedy and judges of the Supreme Court. Highly recommend this book.
Jaihanuman Hk
A must read for every person in the field of law.
beautiful description of an elegant legal era!
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Fali Sam Nariman is a distinguished Indian Constitutional jurist and senior advocate to the Supreme Court of India since 1971 and has remained the President of the Bar Association of India since 1991.Nariman is an internationally recognised authority on international arbitration. He is one of India's most distinguished constitutional lawyers and he has argued several leading cases.He remained Addi ...more
More about Fali S. Nariman...
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