The autobiography of the fastest man of all time and a superstar whose talent and charisma have made him one of the most famous people on the planet.
Whether you know Athletics or not, and even whether you know sport or not, chances are you know Usain Bolt. The fastest man on the planet, not just now but ever, Usain has won the hearts of people everywhere with his mind-blow
The autobiography of the fastest man of all time and a superstar whose talent and charisma have made him one of the most famous people on the planet.
Whether you know Athletics or not, and even whether you know sport or not, chances are you know Usain Bolt. The fastest man on the planet, not just now but ever, Usain has won the hearts of people everywhere with his mind-blowing performances and his infectious charisma – uniting supporters around the world.
In this, his full autobiography, Usain tells his story in his own words: from humble beginnings in Jamaica, to international stardom at Beijing and on to the new heights of superstardom he has reached since lighting up London 2012.
Full of the charm and charisma that has made him the most popular sporting figure of our time and a universal celebrity, this is a book that Usain’s millions of fans will love.
320 pages
September 12th 2013
by HarperSport
(first published 2013)
A great easy to read autobiography that traces the life to date of the fastest man to have walked (or ran) this earth.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book as being a sprinter myself I could relate to many aspects of his personal story. Any lover of the sport will appreciate the commitment and dedication that Usain has expressed over his long reign at the top. He has done wonders for the sport due to his lively personality and off track performances. Before reading the book I had the impression that U
A great easy to read autobiography that traces the life to date of the fastest man to have walked (or ran) this earth.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book as being a sprinter myself I could relate to many aspects of his personal story. Any lover of the sport will appreciate the commitment and dedication that Usain has expressed over his long reign at the top. He has done wonders for the sport due to his lively personality and off track performances. Before reading the book I had the impression that Usain would be very arrogant, as this was my poor interpretation of watching him before his races and how he stays calm and collected. The book puts his attitude into perspective, and he doesn't come across at all arrogant.
In regards to how the book is written, its very easy to follow and written in a manner that caters for all audiences, either young or old, familiar or non familiar with the sport.
The only downside to the book is that it was written before his career has finished. This may have been intentional however I would like to read Usains take on his success or failure at winning gold medals three back to back olympics. Hopefully an updated edition will be released post the 2016 olympics in Brazil.
Good luck Usain, ill be rooting for you :)
This book is all about confidence and self belief.A must read for all who loves to dream..who wants to make it big in their life.One of the best sports autobiographies I have ever read(Obviously after Open-Andre Agassi). This book uses the opportunity to show the author the fastest man on earth not so much as “Lightning Bolt”, the man of confidence and swagger, but at the same time scared that on any given day age, injury or the new breed of athletic talent can take away what he has fought for,
This book is all about confidence and self belief.A must read for all who loves to dream..who wants to make it big in their life.One of the best sports autobiographies I have ever read(Obviously after Open-Andre Agassi). This book uses the opportunity to show the author the fastest man on earth not so much as “Lightning Bolt”, the man of confidence and swagger, but at the same time scared that on any given day age, injury or the new breed of athletic talent can take away what he has fought for, and this is the best part of this book-so human of the extraordinaire
The tactics,the rivalry and the brotherhood display before us a different world of Track and field.In this time of 20-20 Cricket and Messi-Ronaldo,the world of athletics is still unknown to most of us.The tremendous back the curtain effort,year long practice,pain and agony gives that 10 seconds glory.This book is a perfect example of Jamaican life-style and their eagerness to remain in top of track and field department(specially sprints).
As he says:
"I live for the big moment..
Give me a big stage and i come alive"
Usain Boltin (tähänastinen) elämäkerta oli mielenkiintoista ja mukaansa tempaavaa luettavaa. Olin aiemmin nähnyt tästä juoksijalegendasta kertovan dokumenttielokuvan ja nyt aloitin illalla kirjan ja luin seuraavana aamuna loppuun.
Kerronta on tavanomaista muistelua lapsuudesta Cherwood Contentin pikkukylässä Jamaikalla aina vuoteen 2013 saakka menestyksen huipulle. Kuitenkin Boltin rennon letkeä ote välittyy myös käännöksessä varsin hyvin. Lukuja on yhteensä kuusitoista, ja ensimmäinen alkaa dram
Usain Boltin (tähänastinen) elämäkerta oli mielenkiintoista ja mukaansa tempaavaa luettavaa. Olin aiemmin nähnyt tästä juoksijalegendasta kertovan dokumenttielokuvan ja nyt aloitin illalla kirjan ja luin seuraavana aamuna loppuun.
Kerronta on tavanomaista muistelua lapsuudesta Cherwood Contentin pikkukylässä Jamaikalla aina vuoteen 2013 saakka menestyksen huipulle. Kuitenkin Boltin rennon letkeä ote välittyy myös käännöksessä varsin hyvin. Lukuja on yhteensä kuusitoista, ja ensimmäinen alkaa dramaattisesti auto-onnettomuudesta vuonna 2009, jolloin kaara meni rusinaksi, ja kuin ihmeen kaupalla Bolt selviytyi vain muutamalla ruhjeella.
Palataan alakouluun ja Usainin alkuinnostukseen. Kun Brasiliassa jalkapallo on ykköslaji, Jamaikalla se on yleisurheilu. Opettaja lahjoo palkinnolla pikkupoikaa juoksukisoihin, ja hän voittaakin. Siitä alkaa kiinnostuminen juoksua kohtaa, ja pian katsotaankin olympiasankareita, ja on aika haaveilla niin kuin pojilla on tapana. Kotona on kova kuri, ja kahvifirman esimiehenä toimivan isän opit muistivat mieleen vielä olympiavoittojen jälkeenkin: nöyryys ja vaatimattomuus korostuvat. Äiti on ompelija, ja hän jää taka-alalle.
Ura lähtee nousuun koulukisojen voiton jälkeen neljätoistavuotiaana v. 2001. Seuraavana vuonna hän voittaa nuorten maailmanmestaruuden 200 metrillä. Valmentaja vaihtuu niin myös kotikylä Kingstoniin. Alkoi tehokkaampi valmennus, joka johti nuorten maailmanmestaruuteen 2004. Parin vuoden päästä Usain oli lopussa, selän skolioosi vaati spesiaalihoitoa Saksassa. Ateenan olympialaiset menivät pieleen, ja oli aika valmentajanvaihtoon parin vuoden päästä. Millsin otettua vastuu valmennuksesta vuodesta 2006 tähtäin asetettiin muutaman vuoden päähän, ja alkoi armoton ja määrätietoinen treenaaminen maailman parhaaksi. Kuin sattuman kautta Usain otti 100 toiseksi päälajikseen välttyäkseen juoksemasta 400 metriä. Hän on pituudeltaan muita mittavampi (196 cm), eli lähtö on hitaampi, mutta satasella tarvitsee ottaa vain 41 askelta eli muutama vähemmän kuin muut vähän lyhyemmät huippujuoksijat.
Maailmanennätyksiä ja olympiavoittoja tulee useilta matkoilta niin Ateenassa kuin Lontoossakin vuonna 2012, ja kirjan tapahtumat päättyvän Moskovan MM-kisojen jälkeiseen aikaan. Nöyryys korostuu, ja kunnon koutsin tavoin Mills piiskaa Usainin yhä parempiin suorituksiin. Olympiavoittokaan ei saa valmentajaa riemun kiljahduksiin, sillä amatöörimäinen heittäytyminen tuhosi mahdollisuuden samalla maailmanennätykseen.
Kirja keskittyy hyvin monen huippu-urheilijan urasta haaveilevan lukijan kannalta aivan perusasioihin eli siihen, mikä ajaa jatkuvasti ylittämään oman itsensä ja mikä motivoi kilpailijaa kehittymisessä. Boltilla se on armoton voittamisen halu ja häviämisen vihaaminen. Hän analysoi hyvin uran keskeisiä juoksuja, ja tempaa lukijan mukanaan radalle. Kirjasta välittyy hyvin mielikuva juoksijalegendasta, joka pitää jalat maassa ja jolla on myös oma tahto, eikä hän heittäydy valmentajien, managerien ja muiden taustahahmojen ja uran keskeisin vaikuttajien sätkynukeksi. Hän tietää oman arvonsa, asemansa ja sen, että nyt on hänen aikansa - muutaman vuoden päästä jonkun muun. Silloin onkin aika vaihtaa lajia, ostaa uusi talo, ja äidille uusi pesukone.
Brother gave me this to read, because it's not something I'd normally pick up. I mean, I think Bolt is cool and am as amazed by his athletic feats as anyone, but I can't say I've ever felt any reason to get to know behind the amazing runs better.
But I thought it was a solid book. The blurb tries to play up some hardships from Bolt's life, all "oh it hasn't always been easy, I've suffered injuries and I was in a car crash once", which fell flat if you ask me. The car crash sounded horrible, but t
Brother gave me this to read, because it's not something I'd normally pick up. I mean, I think Bolt is cool and am as amazed by his athletic feats as anyone, but I can't say I've ever felt any reason to get to know behind the amazing runs better.
But I thought it was a solid book. The blurb tries to play up some hardships from Bolt's life, all "oh it hasn't always been easy, I've suffered injuries and I was in a car crash once", which fell flat if you ask me. The car crash sounded horrible, but the only one who got seriously hurt as a friend of his, and we never see her again after the one chapter that sorta deals with the accident. A throw-away line mentions her making a full recovery, then it's focused more on Bolt's foot injuries. I'm sure that was a traumatic experience that affected him a lot, but it doesn't come off like that in the book.
And it didn't have to, I thought the book was interesting enough on it's own. I don't know, it's something special to get inside the head of someone who was broken several world records and won six olympic medals. Reading about his approach to work-outs and what is going through his had before he runs WAS enough to keep me reading.
In a way I feel maybe it was written too early. I saw on wikipedia that Bolt has announced that he'll retire din 2017, which makes sense since he'll be over 30 then and can't reasonably be expected to keep running the way he has done so far, but why publish the book while he might still be able to perform well, when things could still happen? Though, for someone who hates losing as much as he does, maybe writing a biography that ends with him on top was the only way.
Let me start by saying that I've never thought much to books written by people that are still alive today. I always thought it was pointless, their life isn't over yet so the story isn't over. I'm glad to say this book proved me wrong.
The main reason I bought this book is because I've recently started jogging with my mum, I wanted an insider's view on running, all the pro's and con's. I thought, "what would be a better place to start than the world's best?" So Usain Bolt it was.
This book is tru
Let me start by saying that I've never thought much to books written by people that are still alive today. I always thought it was pointless, their life isn't over yet so the story isn't over. I'm glad to say this book proved me wrong.
The main reason I bought this book is because I've recently started jogging with my mum, I wanted an insider's view on running, all the pro's and con's. I thought, "what would be a better place to start than the world's best?" So Usain Bolt it was.
This book is truly inspirational; from his modest upbringing with a devoted mother and strict father, to when he became the best. His father always told him manners are the most important thing to have and that's stuck with him throughout his life.
This is his story, telling us his personal motivations for running. Did you know his first prize incentive was for a packed lunch? His next was quite selflessly to earn enough money to buy his mother a washing machine and his dad a new car. It really did amaze me how simple his first motivations were. I just assumed that he knew he was good from a young age and just went for it, but that's not true - he nearly went into cricket! Could you imagine a world were our famous Bolt was a cricketer instead?
This book is full of life lessons and tough learning curves. He tells us where he went wrong, how he still managed to get gold even with a spinal condition. As I said, inspirational!
This book has really changed my view on pro athletes, their hardships and injuries. If you're interested in the struggles an Olympic champion has to go through to earn their place, read this book. It's simply a must!
It's an interesting story about Usain's life and his challenges from his early days till the Olympic Games in London. A humble family, a humble man who has achieved great things - which surely won't be easy to beat.
But I am missing more details about crucial events, details about how he prepares for big races, how he trains. For me it seems like it is an overview but not much depth behind it. Except his story itself there is not much to take away for me, except one thing:
"'The Moment of No Retu
It's an interesting story about Usain's life and his challenges from his early days till the Olympic Games in London. A humble family, a humble man who has achieved great things - which surely won't be easy to beat.
But I am missing more details about crucial events, details about how he prepares for big races, how he trains. For me it seems like it is an overview but not much depth behind it. Except his story itself there is not much to take away for me, except one thing:
"'The Moment of No Return', a point of pure agony when the body told an athlete to quit, to rest, because the pain was so damn tough. It was a tipping point. He reckoned that if an athlete dropped in The Moment, then all the pain that went before it was pointless, the muscles wouldn't increase their current strength. But if he could work through the pinch and run another two reps, maybe three, then the body would physically improve in that time, and that was when an athlete grew stronger."
This is a good read. Easy English, almost like a long interview so it turned out to be a real fast read for me.
There is no doubt Bolt is the best in business today and it will be great if he goes on to defend his titles in 2016 Olympics.
But my reading has been clouded with the fact that I felt let down after what happened with athletes like Lance. So I am erring on the side of caution and not idolizing Bolt yet. There is nothing that can take away the work ethic and the hundreds of hours an at
This is a good read. Easy English, almost like a long interview so it turned out to be a real fast read for me.
There is no doubt Bolt is the best in business today and it will be great if he goes on to defend his titles in 2016 Olympics.
But my reading has been clouded with the fact that I felt let down after what happened with athletes like Lance. So I am erring on the side of caution and not idolizing Bolt yet. There is nothing that can take away the work ethic and the hundreds of hours an athlete at that level puts in.
It's extremely humbling to look at the grind that these guys go through for a race that lasts 10 seconds. I am reminded of Rocky 2 where Rocky's coach tells him that to last 45 minutes he has to train for 45 thousand minutes.
For that 10 second burst, an athlete working on every muscle in his body is unbelievable. No critic can take away that.
But it is those few bad apples, who also worked hard but resorted to drug help to get the edge, that casts doubt on true athletes. And no fan would know the full truth.
So at this point of time, I am totally in awe of what Bolt has achieved, but stopping just short of truly embracing Bolt's legacy.
Urheilijoiden omaelämäkerrat ovat vaikea laji. Useinhan huippu-urheilijoiden huippuus omassa ammatissaan tarkoittaa sitä, että menestystä on joutunut kompensoimaan keskittymällä vähän vähemmän muihin asioihin, kuten akateemisen sivistyksen hankkimiseen. Tämänkin "oma"elämäkerran on "muistiin kirjannut" Mark Allen, ja tekstistä kuulta hyvin läpi se, että se on melko editoimatonta puhetta kirjan aivuille painettuna. Vaikka osittain mennään hyvinkin syvälle Boltin motiiveihin ja rutiineihin, on kir
Urheilijoiden omaelämäkerrat ovat vaikea laji. Useinhan huippu-urheilijoiden huippuus omassa ammatissaan tarkoittaa sitä, että menestystä on joutunut kompensoimaan keskittymällä vähän vähemmän muihin asioihin, kuten akateemisen sivistyksen hankkimiseen. Tämänkin "oma"elämäkerran on "muistiin kirjannut" Mark Allen, ja tekstistä kuulta hyvin läpi se, että se on melko editoimatonta puhetta kirjan aivuille painettuna. Vaikka osittain mennään hyvinkin syvälle Boltin motiiveihin ja rutiineihin, on kirjan luettuaan kuitenkin sellainen olo, että hänen elämäsään saatiin vain hyvin pinnallinen raapaisu näkyviin. Kyseessä on enemmänkin alakoululaisen aine aiheesta "mitä olen tehnyt viimeiset viisi vuotta, kronologinen katsaus suurimpiin saaavutuksiini". Bolt jää tämän elämäkerran lukemisen jälkeen vielä vieraaksi, hivenen arogantiksi mysteeriksi.
An interesting and inspiring read for sports fans, sports people, and inspiration seekers. Usain bolt talks about his life and his sporting career from a perspective of his mental standing which took him to glory. This book certainly made it seem like the first steps towards true greatness and glory is having the right frame of mind and the right people around you to get there. Though he certainly doesn't understate his raw talent.
This book presents a man who may appear to be arrogant or egotis
An interesting and inspiring read for sports fans, sports people, and inspiration seekers. Usain bolt talks about his life and his sporting career from a perspective of his mental standing which took him to glory. This book certainly made it seem like the first steps towards true greatness and glory is having the right frame of mind and the right people around you to get there. Though he certainly doesn't understate his raw talent.
This book presents a man who may appear to be arrogant or egotistical but I believe it is that undoubting belief in himself that has got him to where he is and therefore can not really be criticised.
It really does give a whole new perspective on what it takes to be great even from someone who already had talent it does NOT come easily. An awesome read. Though it is easy to read and my copy has loads of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
An all-round interesting book on the life and making of the fastest man on earth, the living legend - Usain Bolt.
I have not read many biographies of sporting heroes so I found it insightful to read about all the hard agony of background training and rigorous discipline, day in and day out, continually pushing to strengthen muscles for a couple of seconds of competition and in Usain’s case, a life time of glory after winning 6 Olympic gold medals and numerous others in other championships.
An all-round interesting book on the life and making of the fastest man on earth, the living legend - Usain Bolt.
I have not read many biographies of sporting heroes so I found it insightful to read about all the hard agony of background training and rigorous discipline, day in and day out, continually pushing to strengthen muscles for a couple of seconds of competition and in Usain’s case, a life time of glory after winning 6 Olympic gold medals and numerous others in other championships.
There was a good mix of background information, anecdotes from the author’s life and explanation of the technicalities of the sport. There was also an authenticity to the voice of the author and fluidity of the events of his life that made this book an overall enjoyable read.
"Believe me, my time isn't up just yet"- That's how one of the epic autobiographies has just ended. Usain Bolt's autobiography named "Faster than Lightning" is another biography by a sportsman that I loved after Brett Lee's. While Brett Lee's was published by Random House, this one is published by none other than HarperCollins's print- Harper Sports. They have some amazing names in their autobiography section and I am happy that I picked up this book initially to start with. According to my mem
"Believe me, my time isn't up just yet"- That's how one of the epic autobiographies has just ended. Usain Bolt's autobiography named "Faster than Lightning" is another biography by a sportsman that I loved after Brett Lee's. While Brett Lee's was published by Random House, this one is published by none other than HarperCollins's print- Harper Sports. They have some amazing names in their autobiography section and I am happy that I picked up this book initially to start with. According to my memory, this is the 3rd book from HarperCollins that I have read and I have liked almost all of them till now. Surely, a publisher I will look forward every time I am ordering books online. More than authors, its time we start looking up at which publisher has published a specific book. Because authors can lose their form in one or two but publisher always maintain their quality. Even the publishing quality of HarperCollins is wonderful; their book can stay intact for years.
About the Book:-
Whether you know athletics or not and even whether you know sport or not, chances are you know Usain Bolt. The fastest man on the planet, not just now but ever, Usain has won the hearts of people everywhere with his mind-blowing performances and his infectious charisma uniting supporters around the world.
In this, his full autobiography, Usain tells his story in his own words: from humble beginnings in Jamaica, to international stardom at Beijing and on to the new heights of superstardom he has reached since lighting up London 2012. Full of the charm and charisma that has made him the most popular sporting figure of our time and a universal celebrity, this is a book that Usain's millions of fans will love.
About the Author:-
Usain Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter widely regarded as the fastest person ever. He is the first man to hold both the 100 metres and 200 metres world records since 1977. Along with his team-mates, he also set the world record in the 4 x 100 metres relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in these three events, the first man to win 6 Olympic gold medals in sprinting and a five time World champion. He was the first to achieve a 'double double' by winning 100m and 200m titles at consecutive Olympics (2008 and 2012) and topped this through the first "double triple" (including 4x100m relays). His 2009 record breaking margin for 100 m, from 9.69 (his own previous world record) to 9.58, is the highest since records began.
Coming to the review, I must say that this has been one of the best autobiographies of all time. The best thing is that Usain didn't try to show that he is someone who sees his records as another number or time but he acknowledges each and every success that he has achieved. The way he has described each and every victory of his shows how much he is enjoying the grand success that he has achieved. He even clears in the 2nd half of the book that he doesn't know even the history of athletics down 1980s or even 90s. This honesty has worked out quite well with this novel. He even calls himself "Living Legend" and "Legend" most of the times which pissed me off because we know it buddy and that is why we are purchasing your book to know how you became a phenomenon in this sports and in Olympics but that's what shows the honesty he has shown while scripting his life.
The best part has been that Usain Bolt shows he's a normal arrogant guy and no born legend. He also keeps stating that he won his initial matches just on the raw talent and speed he had. It was only after his coach started pissing him off by asking to train regularly that he became physically and technically strong regarding the game. It has been fun reading about his initial successes. I also loved the way Bolt's father disciplined him and made him a down-to-earth man. After he loses one of the races, I loved the way he knocked his coach's door late night and asked him what was happening wrong with him. His narration and story-telling skill of breaking record and running 100 meters in just 9.72 seconds made me jump. His rivaly with 2-3 competitors at different levels is also wonderfully talked off. His high regards for Blake, the fellow Jamaican and later on, hating him for a moment is another beautiful part of this book. His love for his coach is also clearly visible in this book. He even stated that he initially raced for money it was later that he started doing it for himself and others.
Well, I should stop here or else I'll end up reviewing each and every sentence of the book because it's totally fun. I would give this book rating of 4.75 out of 5.
Usual autobiography of an unusual personality. Most of the autobiographies are inspiring and this one is no different. Usan came like a bolt from the blue. Surprised everyone, including himself through his unprecedented performances over and over again. He had his ups and downs like most of the celebrities have. He came through all the downs to be on the up almost always. However, though Milkha Singh was no where near Usan in terms of accomplishments, his autobiography hits you harder as was his
Usual autobiography of an unusual personality. Most of the autobiographies are inspiring and this one is no different. Usan came like a bolt from the blue. Surprised everyone, including himself through his unprecedented performances over and over again. He had his ups and downs like most of the celebrities have. He came through all the downs to be on the up almost always. However, though Milkha Singh was no where near Usan in terms of accomplishments, his autobiography hits you harder as was his life..............from nowhere to somewhere, traversing a much more difficult terrain.
Faster Than Lightning is a wonderful book and is beautifully written by the world's fastest man.It involves all the elements that a fantastic book needs.This is the first autobiography that i read and i thoroughly enjoyed reading this.Usain Bolt explains each and every phase of his life in detail without missing any highlighting element.People who watch Bolt race may think that he is a kind of party guy who loves entertainment a lot and enjoys and works less.But if go through this you'll be amaz
Faster Than Lightning is a wonderful book and is beautifully written by the world's fastest man.It involves all the elements that a fantastic book needs.This is the first autobiography that i read and i thoroughly enjoyed reading this.Usain Bolt explains each and every phase of his life in detail without missing any highlighting element.People who watch Bolt race may think that he is a kind of party guy who loves entertainment a lot and enjoys and works less.But if go through this you'll be amazed.His given his heart out to running and has worked a lot.If you start this book you'll never put it down because each and every page has got something amazing, wonderful and thrilling.You'll be inspired by reading this because he speaks about dreams and how to conquer them and stuff like that.This book is a magnificent read to any book lover and is a total treat to sports lovers.I think this book has changed a lot in me in terms of good ways.And i have to tell you something Bolt also tells us how authorities conduct doping test and how strange the process is and stuff like that.As you almost complete the book, Bolt speaks about his future his plans for the 2016 Rio Olympics and his life and things like that.Truly Bolt is a great man and a high achiever.
Now with the outdoor athletics season soon upon us, I decided to prep up by reading this second autobiography from Usain Bolt.
The content of this book follows Bolt from childhood up to the IAAF World Championships in Moscow last year and is your typical athletics fayre – his beginnings as a youth athlete growing up in Coxeath, his choice not to accept an American sports scholarship and, instead, ply the beginnings of his athletic career based in Kingston, his rivalries – some friendly, some less
Now with the outdoor athletics season soon upon us, I decided to prep up by reading this second autobiography from Usain Bolt.
The content of this book follows Bolt from childhood up to the IAAF World Championships in Moscow last year and is your typical athletics fayre – his beginnings as a youth athlete growing up in Coxeath, his choice not to accept an American sports scholarship and, instead, ply the beginnings of his athletic career based in Kingston, his rivalries – some friendly, some less so – with fellow competitors such as Tyson Gay, Wallace Spearmon, Justin Gatlin, Asafa Powell and team-mate Yohan “The Beast” Blake, his relationship with his coach Glen Mills and the effect of how he has become, for want of a better phrase, a worldwide “Brand” following his treble success in the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.
Bolt comes across throughout this book as a man of differing, sometimes contradictory, personas. On the one hand, you see the dedicated athlete willing to push himself past the pain barrier (or as he calls it “The Moment Of No Return”) whilst on the other, you see a man who definitely loves to party and get taken to task by his coach. You also see a man who loves his sense of family and friendship whilst being a competitor who carries a ruthless streak which belies his pre-race antics and showboating.
But this book uses the opportunity to show the author not so much as “Lightning Bolt”, the man of confidence and swagger, but a less secure personality who is aware that on any given day age, injury or the new breed of athletic talent can take away what he has fought for, and this is the more fascinating aspect of the book.
As an individual athlete, this book also allows the reader to get into his inner dialogue when racing. I must admit that whilst it’s thrilling to watch somebody run 100 metres in around ten seconds, as an athletics fan I prefer to see the tactical display of the middle distance races on track, but “hearing” Bolt’s thoughts of his tactics makes me appreciate all the more the pressures that he’s under to perform.
Whichever side of Usain St Leo Bolt’s personality gets shown within this autobiography, you are guaranteed of one thing, it is a personality filled with humour, passion for sport and for life, and crackling with energy throughout.
The only personal drawback for this book is that it felt heavy going at times (it took me just over two weeks to read) due to some of the stories feeling repetitive with only the members of the cast changing – although that’s a risk with any sporting autobiography and cannot be solely aimed at this book.
As a book, it’s going to attract a niche market – either you’re a sports fan or you’re not – but if you ever wanted to get a little peek into what’s it’s like to be “The Fastest Man On The Planet”, this book could be for you.
Faster than Lightning is a unique insight into the world of the 'worlds fastest man'. It shows how Bolt grew up as a cricket-mad kid from Trelawny, Jamaica to one of the most recognisable sportsperson and an Olympic great. It shows how different things effect him and what he takes away from him such as a car crash that he luckily walked away from. This book sums up Usain Bolt showing how he rose from a tiny village in Jamaica to a global superstar.
What a delightful read. I've always been a HUGE fan, much to the chagrin of my hubby who is adamant that you're too good to be achieving what you have without some help from banned substances! I of course rise to your defense all the time. I pray that what you've written in this book is completely honest. You're a remarkable young man and I wish you everything of the best in Brazil in 2016. Pity I will not get to see you run in this lifetime but I will be cheering from afar!
Seems to me that Usain wants people to acknowledge his 'humility'...even if the humbleness comes across as contrived.
That he is competitive, and extremely so at that, is quite clear from his performances over the years. His large ego feeds on all the adulation, but if he wants to know what it is to handle that respectfully, he could take some lessons from other top sportsmen.
One message that the book delivers very well is about how even a supremely gif
A light read given the first person account.
Seems to me that Usain wants people to acknowledge his 'humility'...even if the humbleness comes across as contrived.
That he is competitive, and extremely so at that, is quite clear from his performances over the years. His large ego feeds on all the adulation, but if he wants to know what it is to handle that respectfully, he could take some lessons from other top sportsmen.
One message that the book delivers very well is about how even a supremely gifted athlete like him has had to work hard for many years to not only get to where he has, but to stay the top of his events.
Usain has a highly optimistic self view...and while he does introspect, it invariably has a 'I am OK, he is not OK' result. Should he be different? Not really. If his performance on the track is influenced to even a small extent by this positive self view, then more power to him.
took this book for a light read. Good autobiography. As a person outside track and field, you wont get to feel the hardwork they(track and field athletes) put in background training. This book illustrated his experiences and how the guy's rigorous training under his favourite coach has moulded him to where he is now.
Bolt being one of the most celebrated sportsperson around makes his autobiography a must read for sports lovers irrespective of your interest in track & field.
It is a well written book which gives you the insight into the early days of bolt and his journey to becoming the "living legend". It moves at an even pace and leaves you with a hope that bolt goes on to win medals in 2016 too..
Still I will rate it below "Open by Andre Agassi" which as per me is the best autobiography of a sportsperson
Bolt being one of the most celebrated sportsperson around makes his autobiography a must read for sports lovers irrespective of your interest in track & field.
It is a well written book which gives you the insight into the early days of bolt and his journey to becoming the "living legend". It moves at an even pace and leaves you with a hope that bolt goes on to win medals in 2016 too..
Still I will rate it below "Open by Andre Agassi" which as per me is the best autobiography of a sportsperson*
One should read this book to delve into the story of raw talent and equal hard work that makes Usain Bolt what he is today.
* I could be very well biased here for my love for him and lawn tennis.
His youth was really interesting, but the story further than the olympic games in Beijing wasn't really interesting anymore. I read the book in 2 days, so it is pretty good written
At first I thought this book was similar to his other book, especially in the earlier chapters, but then as the book went on, it was definitely different and there were more personal thoughts and feelings in this book which I definitely enjoyed.
Great read, frank and candid about his thoughts on not just the sports he leads the way in but relationships, training partners and competitors. It truly is a deep insight into the mind of a world champion in his chosen field.
“Thankfully, Coach had taught me a way of embracing the pain. He called that overwhelming rust of hurt 'The Moment of No Return', a point of pure agony when the body told an athlete to quit, to rest, because the pain was so damn tough. It was a tipping point. He reckoned that if an athlete dropped in The Moment, then all the pain that went before it was pointless, the muscles wouldn't increase their current strength. But if he could work through the pinch and run another two reps, maybe 3, them the body would physically improve in that time, and that was when an athlete grew stronger.”
“You have to set yourself goals so you can push yourself harder. Desire is the key to success.”