كعادتي بمناسبة شهر أكتوبر أفضل قراءة كتاب يتعلق بالحرب
وقررت أن يكون كتابا مترجما هذا العام
وإستقريت على هذا الكاتب لأحد صقور إسرائيل وأحد المؤسسين للكيان الصهيوني
برغم أن الكتاب أصلا سيرة ذاتية ولكن يمكن إعتباره عن الحرب كذلك
فحوالى تسعه أعشاره عن الحرب بدءً من عصابات الهاجاناه حتى حرب أكتوبر
قسم ديان الكتاب لثماني أبواب و40 فصلا :
الباب الأول
بدايات موشيه ديان يحكى الظروف المحيطة بولادته ولماذا سمى موشيه ومن أين جاء اسم ديان ولماذا هاجر أهله إلى فلسطين برغم أنهم لم يضطهدوا ف روسيا وكانت حياتهم طبيعي
كعادتي بمناسبة شهر أكتوبر أفضل قراءة كتاب يتعلق بالحرب
وقررت أن يكون كتابا مترجما هذا العام
وإستقريت على هذا الكاتب لأحد صقور إسرائيل وأحد المؤسسين للكيان الصهيوني
برغم أن الكتاب أصلا سيرة ذاتية ولكن يمكن إعتباره عن الحرب كذلك
فحوالى تسعه أعشاره عن الحرب بدءً من عصابات الهاجاناه حتى حرب أكتوبر
قسم ديان الكتاب لثماني أبواب و40 فصلا :
الباب الأول
بدايات موشيه ديان يحكى الظروف المحيطة بولادته ولماذا سمى موشيه ومن أين جاء اسم ديان ولماذا هاجر أهله إلى فلسطين برغم أنهم لم يضطهدوا ف روسيا وكانت حياتهم طبيعية !!
ثم كيف إنضم للهاجاناه ف ال14 من العمر و بررها كذبا بالدفاع عن القرى اليهودية ضد هجمات العرب المتوحشون وكيف منعت سلطات الإنتداب البريطاني أنشطه الهاجاناه بعد أن كانت تتعاون معها وزجت به وبرفاقه ف السجن
وبعد خروجه من السجن عمل كجندي إستخبارات في الجيش البريطاني أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية وفقد عينه اليسرى فى إحدى المعارك التى خاضها في تلك الفترة
الباب الثاني
يتحدث فيه عن قيام دولة إسرائيل وعن الصعوبات الجمة التى واجهتتها
خاصة من الدول العربية التى لم تهدأ لهذا القرار
وقررت الدخول بجيوشها لطرد العصابات اليهودية و إبطال إعلان الدولة
وكون الفرقة 98 كوماندوز وخاض معاركها في صحراء النقب
ثم محادثاته مع عبد الله التل الذي كلفه ملك الأردن بشأن القدس
الباب الثالث
عين ديان رئيسا للأركان في الجيش الإسرائيلي وبهذا يكون صاحب القرار العسكري في العمليات الحربية
و كانت فرصة ذهبية للصهاينة عندماأمم عبد الناصر القناة وعقدت فرنسا النية على ضرب مصر و يحكي كم التعقيدات السياسية والعسكرية والإقتصادية الرهيبة التى صاحبت الموقف و إنتهت بإستيلاء إسرائيل على سيناء و إنسحابها منها بعد 4 أشهر ونصف تقريبا
الباب الرابع
أقصر فصول الكتاب لأن فيه
تخلى ديان عن مناصبه العسكرية وتحول لوزير الزراعة والري
أو إلى مواطن عادي كما يقول وكيف أنهم متطورون في الزراعة وطلبت دول عدة خاصة في إفريقيا التعاون معهم في هذا المجال
ولكن هل يبعد عن الحرب ؟
كلا !
لقد عمل مراسلا حربيا في فيتنام عام 1966 !!!
و رأى كيف يخوض الجيش الأمريكي المعارك ف الغابات وهى البيئة المختلفة تماما عن صحارى النقب وسيناء
Moshe Dayan was one of Israel's greatest military heroes and political leaders.
He commanded the Israeli forces that won the Suez War of 1956, and directed the Israeli victory in the Six Day War forced on Israel by Arab nations in 1967.
Dayan served as the Israel Army Chief of Staff from 1953 to 1958, Minister of Agriculture from 1959 to 1964, and Minister of Defence from 1967 to 1974.
He was blamed, and reviled, by many Israelis for Israel's disastrous lack of preparation before being attacked by
Moshe Dayan was one of Israel's greatest military heroes and political leaders.
He commanded the Israeli forces that won the Suez War of 1956, and directed the Israeli victory in the Six Day War forced on Israel by Arab nations in 1967.
Dayan served as the Israel Army Chief of Staff from 1953 to 1958, Minister of Agriculture from 1959 to 1964, and Minister of Defence from 1967 to 1974.
He was blamed, and reviled, by many Israelis for Israel's disastrous lack of preparation before being attacked by Arab armies in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
Here he discusses his life but particularly the wars of Israel's survival from the War of Independence to the Yom Kippur War and the resultant political fallout are described in detail. He begins by describing his kibbutz boyhood in Degania, Israel, and his early involvement in the Jewish defence militia in the then Palestine Mandate, the Haganah. Here we read about the ravages of pre-state Israel by the early Arab terrorist movement in the 1930s, the ruthless Kassimiya, named after terrorist pioneer Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, after which the murderous military wing of Hamas is today named. He discusses his imprisonment by the British authorities and his part in World War II in the a Jewish Palestine division of the British army after his release in 1941. Fighting in Lebanon and Syria against the Vichy French, where he lost his eye.
He describes his heroic role in the 1948 War of Independence. The Suez War and the diplomatic and political machinations behind it including the gross hypocrisy of the Soviets who had just raped Hungary and massacred it's people. Yet on November 5 1956, Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin sent rocket-rattling threats to the prime ministers of France , Britain and Israel. The dispatch to Ben-Gurion expressed Soviet Russia's 'unqualified condemnation of the criminal acts of the aggressors' against Egypt and demanded Israel stop the military operations at once and withdraw from Egyptian territory. The letter added that the 'whole of peace-loving humanity condemned Israel which was 'acting as an instrument of external imperialistic forces' Shades of the rhetoric of the leftwing media and universities today and a great foreshadow of their hypocrisy is it not?
During his account of the Yom Kippur War Dayan describes how the Soviet News Agency Tass actually gave a false version of reports that Israel had started the war! The anti-Israel media of today had mentors!
I think Dayan is too generous in his assessment of Henry Kissinger, who deliberately urged Nixon not to help Israel after she was attacked in 1973, saying the USA should 'let the Israelis bleed a little'. He also describes Golda Meir's popularity among American Jews, quite saddening to think of how liberal American Jews today have disgracefully abandoned Israel, out of fashionable expediency
Dayan shows his wisdom with statements like 'Dreams could be very pleasant but one had to live with reality'
He ends the autobiography by describing the vision of Israel, the eternal bond of Israel to the Jewish people, and the duty of Israelis to live up to the vision of a pioneering society and enjoy the fruits of the country's own labour 'A courageous state prepared to fight to the death to defend itself, a people of ideas and ideals striving to achieve its national historic purpose-the revival of the Jewish nation in it's homeland'.
The descriptions of military campaigns is a must read for any enthusiast of military history.
اولا كنت محتاره جدا بشأن التقييم وبعدين قررت ان التقييم مش هيكون على قدر اعجابى زى مابيكون فى كتب تانى ولكت هيكون على قدر المعلومات اللى اكتسبتها بقراءة الكتاب.
شخص مجرم حاول انه يبرر اجرامه بمصلحة وطنه الزائف وان العرب دول همج ومجرمين وقتلى وانهم ملايكه ومش بيأذوا حد مع ان ده كدب .
الغرور وجنون العظمه منعوه من انه يعترف بفشله وفشل جيشه فى حرب اكتوبر وان الجيش المصرى هو اللى انتصر .
فى جزء فى الكتاب وهو بيتكلم عن الفلسطينين قال انا عارف ان العرب لو هزمونا هيدبحونا
فعلا عندك حق وان شاء الله هيحصل وي
اولا كنت محتاره جدا بشأن التقييم وبعدين قررت ان التقييم مش هيكون على قدر اعجابى زى مابيكون فى كتب تانى ولكت هيكون على قدر المعلومات اللى اكتسبتها بقراءة الكتاب.
شخص مجرم حاول انه يبرر اجرامه بمصلحة وطنه الزائف وان العرب دول همج ومجرمين وقتلى وانهم ملايكه ومش بيأذوا حد مع ان ده كدب .
الغرور وجنون العظمه منعوه من انه يعترف بفشله وفشل جيشه فى حرب اكتوبر وان الجيش المصرى هو اللى انتصر .
فى جزء فى الكتاب وهو بيتكلم عن الفلسطينين قال انا عارف ان العرب لو هزمونا هيدبحونا
فعلا عندك حق وان شاء الله هيحصل ويوم ماندخل فلسطين والله ندبح فيها كل اسرائيلى هيرفض انه يغادر , وانا برفض تمام اعتبارهم بشر وليهم حقوق انسان دول مجرمين جيش وشعب ونساء واطفال كلهم مجرمين بيمثلوا عصابة صهيونيه لا يستحقوا الرحمه
واحد من أكثر الشخصيات العسكرية المجرمة التي قاتلت من أجل فكرتها .
وضعت 5 تجوم لسببين :
أولاً : أنّك قد اعترفت بكرهكم الأبدي والأزلي للعرب ، وأن العرب يحملون ذات المشاعر اتجاهكم .. فلم لا يُمسك الحكام العرب ذلك الكتاب ويقرأون ..
ولمَ لا يمسك محمود عباس هذا الكتاب ويقرأ تلك الفقرة التي أمركم بها بن جوريون أن تطيلوا المفاوضات مع الأردن لأكبر قدر ممكن حتّى تحدثوا على الأرض الفارق ..
وبنفس الوقت ألا توافقوا على أي مقترح كائن ! ..
ثانياً : أنْك قد اعترفت في أول الكتاب ، أنّك لا تعرف اسم عائلتك ، لأن ا
واحد من أكثر الشخصيات العسكرية المجرمة التي قاتلت من أجل فكرتها .
وضعت 5 تجوم لسببين :
أولاً : أنّك قد اعترفت بكرهكم الأبدي والأزلي للعرب ، وأن العرب يحملون ذات المشاعر اتجاهكم .. فلم لا يُمسك الحكام العرب ذلك الكتاب ويقرأون ..
ولمَ لا يمسك محمود عباس هذا الكتاب ويقرأ تلك الفقرة التي أمركم بها بن جوريون أن تطيلوا المفاوضات مع الأردن لأكبر قدر ممكن حتّى تحدثوا على الأرض الفارق ..
وبنفس الوقت ألا توافقوا على أي مقترح كائن ! ..
ثانياً : أنْك قد اعترفت في أول الكتاب ، أنّك لا تعرف اسم عائلتك ، لأن الجميع قد نسوه :D !
فسُمّيت عائلتك على اسم وظيفة أبيك ( القاضي ) وهي بالعبرية دايان !
فهذا اعتراف صريح بأنّك لا أصل ولا فصل لك ، ولا نسب ولا حسب ..
وبنفس الوقت أنا أملك اسم عائلتي كاملاً مكمّلا بعشرين اسم !
صادقٌ كنتَ وأنت الكاذب ، عندما قلت أنّه لم تُقم مستعمرة لنا في أرض فلسطين إلا على أنقاض قرية عربية ..
he was fond of Israel, lived his live chasing and protecting land which he didn't belong to.. he believed the lie and lived to protect it.. but once and for all, Palestine will forever be Palestine..
I liked to read the book because Moshe dayan's life is in a way or another goes on the same pattern with the birth of what is called Israel..
but those horrible lies and justification to all of their bloody acts, robbery, taking over lands and lives, fraudulence and awful pretending,without any feelin
he was fond of Israel, lived his live chasing and protecting land which he didn't belong to.. he believed the lie and lived to protect it.. but once and for all, Palestine will forever be Palestine..
I liked to read the book because Moshe dayan's life is in a way or another goes on the same pattern with the birth of what is called Israel..
but those horrible lies and justification to all of their bloody acts, robbery, taking over lands and lives, fraudulence and awful pretending,without any feeling of shame or guilt made me sick !!
I can't deny that they made a great job by making this Israel with all of it's progress and complete life even it came with blood and sword, money and power.. but those people who make me sick always, because they live on blood and flesh of other people, made a great job iin no time !
Thanks to MAMA America :(
أولا أقدم الشكر لمن أهدانى هذا الكتاب لقرائته
ثانيا هذا الكتاب ليس صالحا لكل اﻷعمار العقلية وأعتقد أنى لم أصل إلى تلك المرحلة
ثالثا أنت مخطيء لو ظننت أن هذا الكتاب سيفضح المؤامرات الخفية والمجازر غير اﻵدمية لبنى صعيون
تشعر فى معظم الكتاب أن هناك محاولة لتجميل إسرائيل وإظهارها بمظهر مريد السلام وأنها مظلومة فى جميع الحروب التى خاضتها
تشعر أيضا أن هناك اقتصاص لصفحات كثيرة من تاريخ إسرائيل خصوصا تلك الصفحات الدموية السوداء
تنفضح لك بعض الشخصيات المصرية والعربية مدعية الوطنية والدهاء والمقاومة الباسل
أولا أقدم الشكر لمن أهدانى هذا الكتاب لقرائته
ثانيا هذا الكتاب ليس صالحا لكل اﻷعمار العقلية وأعتقد أنى لم أصل إلى تلك المرحلة
ثالثا أنت مخطيء لو ظننت أن هذا الكتاب سيفضح المؤامرات الخفية والمجازر غير اﻵدمية لبنى صعيون
تشعر فى معظم الكتاب أن هناك محاولة لتجميل إسرائيل وإظهارها بمظهر مريد السلام وأنها مظلومة فى جميع الحروب التى خاضتها
تشعر أيضا أن هناك اقتصاص لصفحات كثيرة من تاريخ إسرائيل خصوصا تلك الصفحات الدموية السوداء
تنفضح لك بعض الشخصيات المصرية والعربية مدعية الوطنية والدهاء والمقاومة الباسلة
ينبغى عليك ئان تقرأ مذكرات جنرالات الحرب المصريين حتى تكتمل الصورة
نصيحتى: لن تستفيد كثيرا إذا قرأته
The life of Moshe Dayan is indeed very interesting. By reading it one gets to understand much better the historical and political issues involved in the isralei - palestinian question and how this matter got entangled with most of the 20th century geopolitical evolution. Moshe Dayan was a natural born soldier, being involved with the zionist undercovered military machine since his teens. His rise to power was connected to the clear leadership he exerted on his soldiers, and not to political arra
The life of Moshe Dayan is indeed very interesting. By reading it one gets to understand much better the historical and political issues involved in the isralei - palestinian question and how this matter got entangled with most of the 20th century geopolitical evolution. Moshe Dayan was a natural born soldier, being involved with the zionist undercovered military machine since his teens. His rise to power was connected to the clear leadership he exerted on his soldiers, and not to political arrangements. In this sense Dayan was always among his soldiers, much more a "primus inter pares" than an unreachable strategist that sees battle from a map room. The book is very sincere and in many points he opens his heart and one can see the joy (as for example in the episode of the liberation of Jerusalem) and sadness (when he talks about the dead young officers during the yom kippur war). It is important to notice, however, that despite being such a telented soldier, one can not say that Dayan succeeded as a politician. His mandate as Minister of Agriculture receives almost no atention in the book and one can see that his heart was not at it. Other episodes that deserved more atention, like the Lavon affair and the creation of Rafi are quite superficially touched.
Moshe Dayan shares his account of early life on a kibbutz, of joining the Hagganah at age 14, his time as a political prisoner, the Israeli Independence War, the Suez Crisis, his relationship with David Ben Gurion, his observations of the Veitnam Conlflict, the Six-day War, and Yom Kippur War. Toward the final fifty pages it seems that Dayan is presening "his side of the story", due to the criticism he came under after the Yom Kippur War.
I really liked this book's philosophy of avoiding attack o
Moshe Dayan shares his account of early life on a kibbutz, of joining the Hagganah at age 14, his time as a political prisoner, the Israeli Independence War, the Suez Crisis, his relationship with David Ben Gurion, his observations of the Veitnam Conlflict, the Six-day War, and Yom Kippur War. Toward the final fifty pages it seems that Dayan is presening "his side of the story", due to the criticism he came under after the Yom Kippur War.
I really liked this book's philosophy of avoiding attack on civilian targets. If there was an act of terrorism the reprisal was against the terrorist group. If there was a military action, Dayan wanted to attack military targets. This philosophy seems to be sadly uncommon in the middle-east.
I also like that Dayan refused to make the wars a personal thing -- a blood feud. Even thought his brother died in a conflict, he would not take revenge.
My favorite quote from this book:
"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul."
A little long on details is the only downside of this book... MD is a man to be admired and remembered. And if you want to learn the history of Israel from someone who played an integral role from the very outset, and who is spiritual, and tempered in his assessment of the various "controversial" factors involved in Israel's existence, then this is the book to read.
It is not in our hands to prevent the murder of workers… and families… but it is in our hands to fix a high price for our blood, so high that any force will not be willing to pay it.”
أعجبتني المقولة لكني تصرفت فيها لتناسب الجميع...لهذا الرجل عدد من المقولات الناجحة ولكنه لم يتقن أساليب الكتابة ليكتب سيرة ذاتية مشوقة.
The story of the life of Moshe Dayan parallels the story of modern day Israel. They are essentially one and the same.
Born in Palestine in 1915, Moshe Dayan has complete understanding of the history of the region and very ably relates that information to his readers.
This book recounts the bitter struggle for nationhood and for the survival of the young fledgling nation of Israel from Arab enemies all around it who would like nothing more than to utterly destroy Israel and the Jews.
It's been sever
The story of the life of Moshe Dayan parallels the story of modern day Israel. They are essentially one and the same.
Born in Palestine in 1915, Moshe Dayan has complete understanding of the history of the region and very ably relates that information to his readers.
This book recounts the bitter struggle for nationhood and for the survival of the young fledgling nation of Israel from Arab enemies all around it who would like nothing more than to utterly destroy Israel and the Jews.
It's been several decades since Israel has been in an all-out war for survival, but constant harassment from terrorists continues with alarming regularity.
I fully recommend this book for all who wish to learn more about the fulfillment of God's promise to restore Israel as a nation, the actual event taking place in 1948.
This is an excellant biography of a man whose destiny is linked to the survival of the State of Israel..He was instrumental in the creation of the Israel Self Defence Force which defeated the Arabs forces in the six Arabs-Isreal wars. A native of Israel from a Russian Jewish immigrant parentage. No formal education and he raised from a radical youth to become an army general, a defence minister and a statesman. A shrewed and charismatic figure in world diplomacy and yet misunderstood by many esp
This is an excellant biography of a man whose destiny is linked to the survival of the State of Israel..He was instrumental in the creation of the Israel Self Defence Force which defeated the Arabs forces in the six Arabs-Isreal wars. A native of Israel from a Russian Jewish immigrant parentage. No formal education and he raised from a radical youth to become an army general, a defence minister and a statesman. A shrewed and charismatic figure in world diplomacy and yet misunderstood by many especially among the Arab world. He materminds the peace treaty with nighbouring Jordan and Egypt after the October war in 1973. The book is good reading for those who seek equations for national suvival...in time of deep crisis.
رغم كرهنا لهم وصراعنا الابدي معهم ، وبعد ان ترى وتسمع ما قدموه لباطلهم تقف معجبا بهذه التضحية من اجل دولة يؤمنون بانها زائلة ومع ذلك لم يبخلوا فيا ليت قومي يعلمون
This is a top notch excellent book on the story of the modern day Yisrael. Well written and I have the much respect for this remarkable man. I finished this book about a month ago, and more than ever understand the precarious situation in the middle east. Moshe Dayan was there from day one and if you want to know the true story and how events unfolded in Yisrael, this is a must read. Actually everyone should read this book. With all of the unrest going on in the Muslim dictatorship countries and
This is a top notch excellent book on the story of the modern day Yisrael. Well written and I have the much respect for this remarkable man. I finished this book about a month ago, and more than ever understand the precarious situation in the middle east. Moshe Dayan was there from day one and if you want to know the true story and how events unfolded in Yisrael, this is a must read. Actually everyone should read this book. With all of the unrest going on in the Muslim dictatorship countries and how it affects us all. I personally am grateful that he wrote Story of My Life. Incredible.
It was good to finally hear from 'the horse's mouth'. My opinion of Dayan prior to reading this book was secondary and ambivalent, based on what I had read from others primarily the Isreali historian, Michael Oren (now Israel's ambassador to America), and other sources.
I would say Dayan displayed an independent mind concerning issues that affected his people and the region they occupied; this could be quite frustrating for a region where bipolar views on most issues are mainly held and a person
It was good to finally hear from 'the horse's mouth'. My opinion of Dayan prior to reading this book was secondary and ambivalent, based on what I had read from others primarily the Isreali historian, Michael Oren (now Israel's ambassador to America), and other sources.
I would say Dayan displayed an independent mind concerning issues that affected his people and the region they occupied; this could be quite frustrating for a region where bipolar views on most issues are mainly held and a person is expected to adhere to either one of them.
The first 2/3 of the book is really, really good. It shows a first hand account of Israeli history from early Zionism in the early 1900's through the Yom Kippur War. If you want to understand the history of modern Israel through a personal (and very influential) lense then the first 2/3 of the book is for you. The book tells how he was the first child born on a kibbutz and eventually became the Minister of Defense during the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War.
a very good bio and good history of the jewish arab wars. interesting to hear his side of things and compare them to what I read in the Washington Post between the years of 1972 to 1976. A lot of the pre 1972 history was before I started to have an interest in that part of the world. Reading the book ,helps me to understand the Palestinian problem better.
كتاب من السير الذاتية
يحكى عن أبشع ظابط فى العسكرية الصهيونية
كلب من الكلاب ..كيف كانوا يتآمروا على هذه الدولة والأمة ؟!
يطلقوا على المقاومة عصابات التخريب
كنت اقرأ وأنا احترق غيظا أننا بتلك السفاهة التى تجعلنا لا نشعر بعدو مثل هذا
ليتنا يوما ندرك الدرس
Moshe Dayan was a man's man - leader, warrior, poet, Casanova, and writer. You can feel the desert heat and dust, the political and diplomatic tension, laugh and cry at the dual Palestinian and Isreali tragedy.
Moshe Dayan (Kitaigorodsky) (Hebrew: משה דיין; 20 May 1915 – 16 October 1981) was an Israeli military leader and politician. He was the second child born on the first kibbutz. As the fourth Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (1953–58), he became a fighting symbol to the world of the new state of Israel. He went on to become Defense Minister and later Foreign Minister of Israel.
The Telem p
Moshe Dayan (Kitaigorodsky) (Hebrew: משה דיין; 20 May 1915 – 16 October 1981) was an Israeli military leader and politician. He was the second child born on the first kibbutz. As the fourth Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (1953–58), he became a fighting symbol to the world of the new state of Israel. He went on to become Defense Minister and later Foreign Minister of Israel.
The Telem party won two seats in the 1981 elections, but Dayan died shortly thereafter, in Tel Aviv, from a massive heart attack. He had been in ill-health since 1980, after he was diagnosed with colon cancer late that year. He is buried in Nahalal in the moshav (a collective village) where he was raised. Dayan willed his personal belongings to his bodyguard.
In 2005, his eye patch was offered for sale on Ebay with a starting bid of $75,000 U.S. dollars.
Dayan was a complex character; his opinions were never strictly black and white. He had few close friends; his mental brilliance and charismatic manner were combined with cynicism and lack of restraint. Ariel Sharon noted about Dayan:
He would wake up with a hundred ideas. Of them ninety-five were dangerous; three more had to be rejected; the remaining two, however, were brilliant.
He had courage amounting to insanity, as well as displays of a lack of responsibility. I would not say the same about his civil courage. Once
Ben Gurion
had asked me – what do I think of the decision to appoint Dayan as the Minister of Agriculture in his government. I said that it is important that Dayan sits in every government because of his brilliant mind — but never as prime minister. Ben Gurion asked: "why not as prime minister?". I replied then: "because he does not accept responsibility"
Dayan combined a kibbutznik's secular identity and pragmatism with a deep love and appreciation for the Jewish people and the land of Israel—but not a religious identification. In one recollection, having seen rabbis flocking on the Temple Mount shortly after Jerusalem was captured in 1967, he asked, "
What is this? Vatican?
" On his religious views, Dayan was an atheist.
Dayan later ordered the Israeli flag removed from the Dome of the Rock, and gave administrative control of the Temple Mount over to the Waqf, a Muslim council. Dayan believed that the Temple Mount was more important to Judaism as a historical rather than holy site.
Dayan was an author and claimed to be an amateur archaeologist, the latter hobby leading to significant controversy, as his amassing of historical artifacts, often with the help of his soldiers, seemed to be in breach of a number of laws. Some of his activities in this regard, whether illegal digging, looting of sites or commerce of antiquities, have been detailed by R. Kletter from the Israel Antiquities Authority.
In 2005, Moshe Dayan was voted the 73rd-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.