What If I had Never Tried It
is the first autobiography of arguably the world's greatest motorcycle road racing champion, Valentino Rossi. Certainly he is the greatest in modern times and similarly the best loved. This is the official, personal story: fast paced yet insightful.
Rossi’s record in the motorcycle road racing World Championship is supreme. First in the ultra-co
What If I had Never Tried It
is the first autobiography of arguably the world's greatest motorcycle road racing champion, Valentino Rossi. Certainly he is the greatest in modern times and similarly the best loved. This is the official, personal story: fast paced yet insightful.
Rossi’s record in the motorcycle road racing World Championship is supreme. First in the ultra-competitive 125 class starting in 1996; then in the 250 class only to graduate shortly thereafter to the big league of the 500s. In 2002 the premier class switched direction moving from 500 cc two-strokes to 990 cc four-strokes from then on to be known as MotoGP. Rossi rides for Honda and wins. He wins on a Honda the next year and then switches to Yamaha, to every race fans’ surprise, and wins against all odds. He wins again in 2005. No one is close. No one is faster. And all at speeds which approach 200 mph.
Both on and off-track, on the ubiquitous TV screen or walking in the street, Rossi is idolized as though he were a rock star. From his native Italy to California, from Philips Island to Laguna Seca, he has raised the limits, reshaped the frontiers of the sport and set new trends. Rossi has become the 21st Century face of motorcycle road racing. Yet he remains faithful to himself—one moment the intelligent, articulate interviewee; the next a jokester; the next the single-minded, focused, strategic racer with split-second skills the rest of us can only dream of.
288 pages
April 9th 2006
by Motorbooks
(first published 2002)
lahir pada 16 Februari 1979, di Urbino, Italia. Ia memenangkan GP pertamanya pada umur 17 tahun, titel kejuaraan dunia pertamanya pada umur 18 tahun, dan kejuaraan MotoGP pertamanya pada usia 22 tahun. Ia kini membalap untuk Yamaha dan tinggal di London tengah.
Alam memberinya talenta dan ia melakukan sisanya.
Sewaktu kecil, ia hanya ingin menjadi pembalap sepeda tercepat. Impiannya menjadi juara dunia. Tetapi ia telah meraih lebih dari impian tertingginya : ia mendominasi berbaga
lahir pada 16 Februari 1979, di Urbino, Italia. Ia memenangkan GP pertamanya pada umur 17 tahun, titel kejuaraan dunia pertamanya pada umur 18 tahun, dan kejuaraan MotoGP pertamanya pada usia 22 tahun. Ia kini membalap untuk Yamaha dan tinggal di London tengah.
Alam memberinya talenta dan ia melakukan sisanya.
Sewaktu kecil, ia hanya ingin menjadi pembalap sepeda tercepat. Impiannya menjadi juara dunia. Tetapi ia telah meraih lebih dari impian tertingginya : ia mendominasi berbagai kejuaraan, a mematahkan lusinan rekor, ia megoreksi batas kecepatan dalam dunia balap motor, dan ia menciptakan tren baru.
Ia adalah dewa sirkuit motor, raja MotoGP, penguasa balapan motor. Ia tak terkalahkan.
Pada 2002, saat usianya baru 23 tahun, ia sudah mampu meraih sukses yang eblum kejuaraan dunia untuk semua kategori : 125cc, 250cc, 500cc, dan MotoGP.
Ia telah menang di level internasional dengan Aprilia, Honda, dan Yamaha.
Ia membalap dan hidup di luar ...
There's quality in Valentino heart's...
Gw fansnya Vale Rossi, waaay before dy jadi juara dunia motogp..
dan pernah ke sentul liat dy juara disana waktu gw masih SD, tentunya otobiografinya kudu wajib dibaca.
Gw yakin banget buku ini pasti BAGUS BANGET dalam bahasa ASLInya.. ato paling tidak dalam Bahasa Inggrisnya
cara berceritanya Vale banget, kocak dan full detil..
cerita masa kecil Vale yang bolak balik dikejar2 polisi, gara-gara balap mobil roda tiga liar, hi hi hi... lucu banget
SAYANGnya, buku yang ini, terjemahannya sumpah PARAAAA
Gw fansnya Vale Rossi, waaay before dy jadi juara dunia motogp..
dan pernah ke sentul liat dy juara disana waktu gw masih SD, tentunya otobiografinya kudu wajib dibaca.
Gw yakin banget buku ini pasti BAGUS BANGET dalam bahasa ASLInya.. ato paling tidak dalam Bahasa Inggrisnya
cara berceritanya Vale banget, kocak dan full detil..
cerita masa kecil Vale yang bolak balik dikejar2 polisi, gara-gara balap mobil roda tiga liar, hi hi hi... lucu banget
SAYANGnya, buku yang ini, terjemahannya sumpah PARAAAAH BANGET..
kaya'nya yang nerjemahin GA NGERTI soal BALAP.. dan sepertinya GA PERNAH NONTON balapannya Vale Rossi dengan seksama..
amat sangat sayang sekali....
gw udah berusaha cari buku versi bhs Inggrisnya, tapi belum ketemu hikss.. padahal udah ngubek2 toko buku di Singapura, Bangkok dan Hongkong *sedih*
I was disappointed with this book. What could have been a really compelling and insteresting perspective read negatively. Rossi, one of the winningest MotoGP riders to compete sounds like a child. I am a huge Rossi fan. But what is in those pages only reinforces that no matter how much money, fame, or prestige you have, there is always something to complain about. Being a champion must be really difficult.
The writing was simple and many times stories were repeated. I couldn't help but hope for
I was disappointed with this book. What could have been a really compelling and insteresting perspective read negatively. Rossi, one of the winningest MotoGP riders to compete sounds like a child. I am a huge Rossi fan. But what is in those pages only reinforces that no matter how much money, fame, or prestige you have, there is always something to complain about. Being a champion must be really difficult.
The writing was simple and many times stories were repeated. I couldn't help but hope for more from the history of Valentino. He had several races recaps which were interesting as well as a short discussion on his superstitions, but other than those two items there was little substance or background to who rossi really is.
I appreciated it for what it was, but really wish it could have been more. It didn't seem very candid; in fact, it sounded forced and short sighted.
It was a good honest look into Valentino's life both before and during his racing. He's 36 yrs old now and is STILL racing competitively in the top world championship series MOTO GP...amazing.
Le biografie dei campioni, cos come quelle dei grandi artisti, tendono ad assomigliarsi nelle fondamenta e nella struttura. Gli Incerti Inizi, la Scoperta del Sacro Fuoco (Pneuma per i greci) gli Insperati Sviluppi, la Scoperta che Due Pi Due Non Fa Sempre Quattro, i Trucchi del Mestiere, i Pensieri Per il Futuro, gli Amici, gli Avversari, i Nemici, i Bastardi e Figli della Gran Puttana (scusate ma ho appena rivisto - per la forse quattordicesima volta, il Buono il Brutto il Cattivo). Non si sfu
Le biografie dei campioni, cos� come quelle dei grandi artisti, tendono ad assomigliarsi nelle fondamenta e nella struttura. Gli Incerti Inizi, la Scoperta del Sacro Fuoco (Pneuma per i greci) gli Insperati Sviluppi, la Scoperta che Due Pi� Due Non Fa Sempre Quattro, i Trucchi del Mestiere, i Pensieri Per il Futuro, gli Amici, gli Avversari, i Nemici, i Bastardi e Figli della Gran Puttana (scusate ma ho appena rivisto - per la forse quattordicesima volta, il Buono il Brutto il Cattivo). Non si sfugge alla regola qui, ci sono aneddoti prevedibili, alcuni gustosi, qualche retroscena, numerosi elementi di tecnica, l'evidenza impalpabile che se la moto fosse come la progettazione aeronautica vincerebbe oramai solo chi ha i computer pi� potenti, e invece no. Un paio di ingegneri col mestieraccio, sei sette operai dalle mani d'oro e la capacit� Vulcanica di sagomare qualsivoglia pezzo di metallo in qualsiasi forma, dimensione configurazione, e un pilota col tocco e la sensibilit� di un pianista pur guidando un aggeggio da 330kmh per 240 hp su poco pi� di due quintali contando pilota e benzina, fanno la differenza. Bravi ce n'�, audaci pure, competenti idem, sensibili anche, tutti e quattro molto pochi. Molto pochi. L'altra differenza � se lo Sport in Questione E' Pericoloso e Doloroso. Se lo �, (io in quanto arnese obsoleto, maschio testosteronico senza alcuna concessione a minchiatine politically correct, pensiomammismi e cullabarismi quindi vecchio reazionario, adoro ovviamente Boxe, Motociclismo, Kubrick e Leone), pi� o meno sono tutti Villosofi, cio� seguaci dei quella filosofia definibile come stoicismo mistico, sintetizzata dalla famosa frase: Ognuno di noi nasce con un tot di carburante nel serbatoio di cui non conosciamo la quantit�. A qualcuno � stato fatto il pieno, altri ne hanno met�, altri nascono che sono gi� in riserva. L' unica � tirare come niente fosse e quando poi sentirai che il carburatore si svuota improvvisamente, � il tuo momento. Non fa niente. L' importante � non essere andato a passo di lumaca tutta la vita per timore di questo momento! (Walter Villa) Ovviamente anche il motociclismo avr� fine. Gli sport attraversano sempre tre fasi, quella romantico pionieristica celebrata dagli Osvaldo Soriano, quella della maturit� celebrata dai Gianni Brera e quella dei soldi, celebrata dalle legioni di giornalisti sportivi di terza categoria e altre inutili personalit� leccastivali e scopazerbini. Ora siamo ancora nella seconda, gi� si intravede per� come per calcio e automobilismo il sorgere dell'era del quattrino. "Le donne sono come i giornalisti: arrivano quando vinci." (Valentino Rossi) Colonna sonora: Metallica - Master of Puppets The Cult - Pure Cult: The Singles 1984 - 1995
�il grande schermo non � il cinema � la visiera del mio casco� ?���
Questo libro è la Bibbia per ogni fan di Valentino Rossi.
Vengono raccontati sia fatti inerenti alla sua vita professionale, sia quella privata.
E' sia istruttivo, sia simpatico (ho perso il conto di quante volte ho letto la parte dell'apecar!!).
A dir la verità non è un capolavoro, ma personalmente non posso dare altro voto se non 5 stelle!!
Highly entertaining! If you're not a MotoGP fan, however, this is probably not the book for you. And certainly not for you if you aren't a Rossi fan. (How can you not be a Rossi fan? This is the GOAT we're talking about!)
Because the book is translated, prepare to ignore grammatical issues. In other words, this book should be read for Rossi's candor and insights into the world of MotoGP. Portions of the book covered stories I had already read elsewhere or viewed while watching Faster and Fastest
Highly entertaining! If you're not a MotoGP fan, however, this is probably not the book for you. And certainly not for you if you aren't a Rossi fan. (How can you not be a Rossi fan? This is the GOAT we're talking about!)
Because the book is translated, prepare to ignore grammatical issues. In other words, this book should be read for Rossi's candor and insights into the world of MotoGP. Portions of the book covered stories I had already read elsewhere or viewed while watching Faster and Fastest (the Mark Neale documentaries).
As I read in other reviews, Rossi's stories jump around a bit. (This is why it's important to be a fan; you will be able to keep up when he hits the esses.) I wasn't particularly affected by the jumping around. He just has a roundabout way of telling his stories. But a lot of the stories are quite funny. It was easy to imagine him in most of the situations he described.
As I said, the book was highly entertaining. Worth the read if you love Rossi and MotoGP.
Sampai manakah batasan-mu mengagumi seseorang?
Well, i really don't know about that. Yang jelas walau apapun yang terjadi pada karir MotoGP-nya aku tetep selalu akan dukung VR46! Entah yang mana dulu yang membuatku jatuh cinta, Italia atau Vale?
Yang jelas buku ini asyik, seru, lucu. Membuat kita mengerti banyak soal balap motor, MotoGP dan seorang Valentino Rossi. Ada satu pemikiran dari Vale yang aku suka yaitu ngebut di jalanan itu lebih berbahaya daripada ngebut di sirkuit. Yup, pembalap senja
Sampai manakah batasan-mu mengagumi seseorang?
Well, i really don't know about that. Yang jelas walau apapun yang terjadi pada karir MotoGP-nya aku tetep selalu akan dukung VR46! Entah yang mana dulu yang membuatku jatuh cinta, Italia atau Vale?
Yang jelas buku ini asyik, seru, lucu. Membuat kita mengerti banyak soal balap motor, MotoGP dan seorang Valentino Rossi. Ada satu pemikiran dari Vale yang aku suka yaitu ngebut di jalanan itu lebih berbahaya daripada ngebut di sirkuit. Yup, pembalap senjati adalah orang yang ngebut di sirkuit dan berprestasi bukan di jalanan. And he's an Aquarius! If God is good enough and i had a change to meet him, we'll get along hehehe Hey, i get inspired here.
Okay, I'll warn you now, I'm an avid Rossi fan so this review is probably a little on the biased side...
This is Valentino writing in his own words, telling his own story how he wants to tell it, from his point of view. He pulls no punches and doesn't shy away from the mischief and reckless behaviour he and his friends exhibited during their youth (which makes a refreshing change for an autobiography) or from the changes he has made during his racing career. Each page is packed with Rossi's own p
Okay, I'll warn you now, I'm an avid Rossi fan so this review is probably a little on the biased side...
This is Valentino writing in his own words, telling his own story how he wants to tell it, from his point of view. He pulls no punches and doesn't shy away from the mischief and reckless behaviour he and his friends exhibited during their youth (which makes a refreshing change for an autobiography) or from the changes he has made during his racing career. Each page is packed with Rossi's own personality with his wit and humour coming to the fore throughout. Yes he has made mistakes (who hasn't) and he admits to these as he does the mistakes of others, but in doing so he shows he is Valentino the person, not Valentino the iconic racer just as he wishes to be.
While this may not be for everyone, MotoGP fans can take a lot from it as it shows the behind the scenes workings of teams, companies and racing as a whole and how each team has a different ethos and defines success in different ways. There are moments when you can't help but shake your head at some of the decisions made by all involved, those surrounding Daijiro Kato's accident and subsequent death were particularly poignant (especially following Marco Simoncelli's death last year and the difference in the response between the two incidents) and show that even until recently safety wasn't the priority it is now. This is an insightful and honest book that allows Valentino's character and his passion for racing to shine, utterly superb and immensely readable.
Yo !! I am back. After short exile I am back and kicking. YAY!!
Ok, cutting the cheese and Coming to point. I ordered this book from Flipkart and to be honest, when it arrived I was kind of disappointed since, I was expecting it be a bit thick flooded with photographs and some hot babes!!. Neither thick nor hot babes hmmmm thats bad and the yellow paper jacket makes the matters even worse.
Ok now that was before I had never tried opening the book. I open it , flipped few pages and things were not
Yo !! I am back. After short exile I am back and kicking. YAY!!
Ok, cutting the cheese and Coming to point. I ordered this book from Flipkart and to be honest, when it arrived I was kind of disappointed since, I was expecting it be a bit thick flooded with photographs and some hot babes!!. Neither thick nor hot babes hmmmm thats bad and the yellow paper jacket makes the matters even worse.
Ok now that was before I had never tried opening the book. I open it , flipped few pages and things were not that dark or rather yellow, I should say.
First three chapter deals with Rossi thrashing Honda , their culture and bla bla. That was the boring part and it seems quite dull. But after that its just , Yes my favourate word is coming kick Ass :) . Rivalries, courage , concentration, sheer thrill of winning in the last lap, some cool insides into Moto GP, Gigs, sneak peak into F1 are really great. After reading it I came to know that You can move a F1 car by one finger , of-course when it is neutral . Readers might be thinking that I am drunk since, in a book related to MOtoGp what is F1 doing and exactly this is the spot where the surprise comes in. Ok I will not spill the beans further.
Book is nice, what I like about Rossi is the single minded focus and the audacity to win races in tight conditions.
" I am Valentino Rossi. And I want to be a person , not an icon" . Read to know about it. I know I write a bit unconventional . That is how I like it. What if I had never tried it.!!
buku ini secara keseluruhan menceritakan tentang kebimbangan vale untuk pindah dari repsol honda ke yamaha. honda yang notabene sedang di atas angin karena memperoleh gelar juara dunia mendapat kabar bahwa vale akan pindah ke yamaha. vale berkali-kali berdiskusi dengan sang ayah graziano dan sang mekanik jeremy burgess. yamaha saat itu memang masih tim underdog yang tdk di unggulkan secara kemampuan mesin. tapi bukan valentino rossi namanya kalau tdk mau mengambil resiko. setelah melalui diskusi
buku ini secara keseluruhan menceritakan tentang kebimbangan vale untuk pindah dari repsol honda ke yamaha. honda yang notabene sedang di atas angin karena memperoleh gelar juara dunia mendapat kabar bahwa vale akan pindah ke yamaha. vale berkali-kali berdiskusi dengan sang ayah graziano dan sang mekanik jeremy burgess. yamaha saat itu memang masih tim underdog yang tdk di unggulkan secara kemampuan mesin. tapi bukan valentino rossi namanya kalau tdk mau mengambil resiko. setelah melalui diskusi yang sangat panjang akhirnya rossi memutuskan untuk pindah ke yamaha. namun, masalah lain muncul sang mekanik jeremy burgess tdk mau pindah dari honda. rossi pun begitu ia tak mau pindah jika jeremy tdk ikut dengannya. sangat sulit untuk memutuskan kepindahan vale dari honda ke yamaha. ditengah kebimbangan, muncul ducati menawarkan kontrak pada vale. ducati yang asli tim dari kampung halaman vale italia menawarkan kontrak ditengah kebimbangan the doctor. hal ini membuat vale berpikir untuk pindah ke ducati marlboro team. vale sempat mengunjungi pabrik megah ducati di bologna. sempat terjadi kesepakatan antara vale dan ducati. namun seiring diskusi terselubung antara vale dan yamaha membuat vale memilih yamaha. banyak pihak menyesalkan kepindahan vale namun itu tdk membuat vale pesimis. hal itu justru mrmbuat vale termotivasi untuk menunjukkan bahwa untuk meraih juara tdk perlu motor hebat, namun kemampuan individu yang mumpuni. vale pun membuktikan dengan meraih gelar juara dunia di musim pertamanya bersama yamaha. dan dilanjutkan dg gelar gelar juara dunia di musim selanjutnya. andai aku tak pernah mencobanya.
Meski nggak sreg dengan terjemahannya, buku ini bacaan menarik buat pemerhati olahraga balap.
Salah satu hal yang ditekankan dari bab pertama adalah alasan Valentino Rossi pindah dari tim Honda ke tim Yamaha. Ego pembalap Rossi terluka karena Honda (dan kebanyakan orang) menganggap ia bisa mendominasi kejuaraan karena motor Honda yang ditungganginya yang hebat, bukan karena skill-nya sebagai pembalap. Maka untuk membuktikan bahwa skill pembalap lebih menentukan kemenangan daripada motor, ia pind
Meski nggak sreg dengan terjemahannya, buku ini bacaan menarik buat pemerhati olahraga balap.
Salah satu hal yang ditekankan dari bab pertama adalah alasan Valentino Rossi pindah dari tim Honda ke tim Yamaha. Ego pembalap Rossi terluka karena Honda (dan kebanyakan orang) menganggap ia bisa mendominasi kejuaraan karena motor Honda yang ditungganginya yang hebat, bukan karena skill-nya sebagai pembalap. Maka untuk membuktikan bahwa skill pembalap lebih menentukan kemenangan daripada motor, ia pindah ke Yamaha. Dan ya, ia tetap juara meskipun menggunakan motor yang berbeda!
Subjudul 'Andai Aku Tak Pernah Mencobanya' tidak hanya berarti andai Rossi tak pernah mencoba balapan motor seperti yang tertera di halaman akhir. Bisa juga andai Rossi tak pernah pindah ke Yamaha, misalnya. Atau andai Rossi memilih gokart, siapa tahu malah jadi juara F1...
This book is Amazing. It has been the best autobiography that I have ever read. It gives you a raw inside into the best Motocyclist in the world. It has the charm and humour that is Valentino Rossi, and I found myself laughing out loud many times. You find yourself in his place and thinking how he thinks whilst riding or just simply looking at a bike. You feel the trapped life of someone famous, the ups and downs of doing something no racer has ever done before (leaving the best team in the worl
This book is Amazing. It has been the best autobiography that I have ever read. It gives you a raw inside into the best Motocyclist in the world. It has the charm and humour that is Valentino Rossi, and I found myself laughing out loud many times. You find yourself in his place and thinking how he thinks whilst riding or just simply looking at a bike. You feel the trapped life of someone famous, the ups and downs of doing something no racer has ever done before (leaving the best team in the world 'Honda' for a team that is nowhere 'Yamaha' and turning that team around). It delves into the relationships formed, both good and bad, and you really get to the core of who he is as a racer and ultimately who he is as a person.
Intelligent, witty and filled with charisma this book is one I would recommend to those who don't even follow racing.
I loved it! But I am a huge Rossi fan, so I am biased. However, this book made me feel I was Valentino's friend and confidant... not a racing fan, so much. I really enjoyed growing up with him, and understanding him in a way I could never hope to do, by watching him on tv. I wouldn't read this book if you only care about the racing. I think anyone could read it and be inspired by his charisma and wit. I hope he does another soon, so we can learn what he's learned on the downside of his career. H
I loved it! But I am a huge Rossi fan, so I am biased. However, this book made me feel I was Valentino's friend and confidant... not a racing fan, so much. I really enjoyed growing up with him, and understanding him in a way I could never hope to do, by watching him on tv. I wouldn't read this book if you only care about the racing. I think anyone could read it and be inspired by his charisma and wit. I hope he does another soon, so we can learn what he's learned on the downside of his career. His bravado is intoxicating while he was winning chamopionships, but I'd like to know what he's feeling now that he experiencing consistent failure. Going through this myself, I think it would help to read about it. Regardless, I really enjoyed this book and Valentino Rossi... the person.
Valentino je jezdec, ne spisovatel, a na stylistice knihy to jde poznat (i když možná v tom prsty i překladatel). Ale co, ta knížka je úžasná a mě bavila od začátku až do konce. Valentino je prostě Valentino. (A miluji jeho opilý zažítek se Suzuky a pád do květináče. A nejen to.)
First things first: I am a huge Valentino Rossi fan. I don't really want to be his best friend, but I love watching him race, and I love to see him win, and I'm fascinated with not only his career, but his openness and candor about it.
Second, I will say that you always have to read a translated book with a grain of salt. Sometimes things just sort of sound funny after translation.
That being said, I didn't enjoy this book as much as thought I would, but I'm really glad that I read it. a chapter
First things first: I am a huge Valentino Rossi fan. I don't really want to be his best friend, but I love watching him race, and I love to see him win, and I'm fascinated with not only his career, but his openness and candor about it.
Second, I will say that you always have to read a translated book with a grain of salt. Sometimes things just sort of sound funny after translation.
That being said, I didn't enjoy this book as much as thought I would, but I'm really glad that I read it. a chapter or two every night or so got me through it, and I learned a lot of interesting trivia. The chapters about Vale's youth were the real gem, and the last few pages where he talked about Daijiro Kato and racing in general were quite touching.
The only sporting autobiography that I've ever read, I originally bought this as a present for someone else. I have only been a MotoGP fan since around the time Rossi joined 500cc, but when this book was laying around, I thought I'd give it a whirl - and I'm glad I did. Although the English is quite obviously a translation, the style of writing is very much like Rossi's style of speaking English - very easy to get along with. Each chapter reads almost like a single book in itself as they are not
The only sporting autobiography that I've ever read, I originally bought this as a present for someone else. I have only been a MotoGP fan since around the time Rossi joined 500cc, but when this book was laying around, I thought I'd give it a whirl - and I'm glad I did. Although the English is quite obviously a translation, the style of writing is very much like Rossi's style of speaking English - very easy to get along with. Each chapter reads almost like a single book in itself as they are not really in chronological order and each chapter is quite a 'pageturner'. I especially enjoyed the chapter on Rossi's Apecar days. Thoroughly recommended to anyone with even a passing interest in MotoGP or Valentino Rossi.
Non e' sicuramente un capolavoro della letteratura, ma e' un volume che non puo' mancare nello scaffale di una persona che , come me, si sgola davanti alla tv e si mette in piedi sul divano ad ogni sorpasso.
Content great. The most bizarre order, not sequential in the slightest. Nor does it follow any pattern. It seems to jump around all over the place and consequently I found it a difficult read.
Penggemar Valentino Rossi wajib baca buku ini. Pertamanya saya pikir akan nemu banyak sisi pribadi Rossi yang misterius dan jarang diketahui publik, secara ini kan buku biografinya dia. Tapi ternyata buku ini lebih banyak mengulas tentang karirnya sebagai pembalap dan beberapa kenangan masa kecilnya di Tavullia. Secara keseluruhan, buku ini menarik karena kita seperti melihat dunia motoGP dari kacamata Valentino Rossi. Di buku ini juga diceritakan alasan kenapa pada tahun 2004 VR memilih pindah
Penggemar Valentino Rossi wajib baca buku ini. Pertamanya saya pikir akan nemu banyak sisi pribadi Rossi yang misterius dan jarang diketahui publik, secara ini kan buku biografinya dia. Tapi ternyata buku ini lebih banyak mengulas tentang karirnya sebagai pembalap dan beberapa kenangan masa kecilnya di Tavullia. Secara keseluruhan, buku ini menarik karena kita seperti melihat dunia motoGP dari kacamata Valentino Rossi. Di buku ini juga diceritakan alasan kenapa pada tahun 2004 VR memilih pindah ke Yamaha dan meninggalkan Honda. Karena tahun 2011 nanti Rossi akan pindah ke tim Ducati, semoga VR akan menulis "What If I Had Never Tried It" seri 2!
Rossi, the first entertainer in motosport that i knew. Starting watch him ride, makes me fall in love to the motorsport event. Until now, he still my number one favorite rider.
This book describe the beginning of his career on motosports. From rebelious teenager to one of the phenomenon in MotoGP history. His winning records to 2005(?) season are completed recorded through this book. There are some gossips also (well it is he's saying afterall) about his confrontation with Biaggi (which previousl
Rossi, the first entertainer in motosport that i knew. Starting watch him ride, makes me fall in love to the motorsport event. Until now, he still my number one favorite rider.
This book describe the beginning of his career on motosports. From rebelious teenager to one of the phenomenon in MotoGP history. His winning records to 2005(?) season are completed recorded through this book. There are some gossips also (well it is he's saying afterall) about his confrontation with Biaggi (which previously, Biaggi's poster is on his room wall *lol*), his decission to running for Yamaha, and so on.
Definetely interesting book!
G baca ebooknya dan tak lengkap pulak! Huuuu...*niat nyari bukunya sampe dapet!*
Walaupun begitu, g merasa sangat terhibur. Kang Oci memang orang yang unik, selain sebagai rider sejati yang menganggap sikap mental sebagai harga mati, sepertinya dia juga sadar kalo dia seorang entertain. Dia adalah sosok yang memiliki mental
J U A R A ! ! !
Hehehe...makin nagis keknya stoner kalo baca buku ini :p
kang ociiiiiiiii...*love love love*
Hehehe...tetep! ga peduli apa kata orang!
Kang Ociiiii...*lovestruck*
G baca ebooknya dan tak lengkap pulak! Huuuu...*niat nyari bukunya sampe dapet!*
Walaupun begitu, g merasa sangat terhibur. Kang Oci memang orang yang unik, selain sebagai rider sejati yang menganggap sikap mental sebagai harga mati, sepertinya dia juga sadar kalo dia seorang entertain. Dia adalah sosok yang memiliki mental
J U A R A ! ! !
Hehehe...makin nagis keknya stoner kalo baca buku ini :p
kang ociiiiiiiii...*love love love*
Hehehe...tetep! ga peduli apa kata orang! *lirik komentator2 d bawah*
buku ini berkisah tentang profil seorang jawara dalam balapan motor (motoGP), sang doktor adalah julukannya di raih dalam usia muada, mengalahkan para jawara yang mapan terdahulunya..... ada prinsip2 hidup yang mesti menjadi pilosphy kita adalah....kita tidak akan pernah bisa jika tidak mencobanya..... berusaha dan berjuang hingga batas akhir kemampuan kita..biasanya di akhir batas itu ada keajaiban yang dari tampa kita sadari....ini adalah anugerah
This book was absolutely amazing. Whilst I was reading it I couldn't put it down, and once I'd finished it I was devastated.
Each page was bursting with his personality, and you were lead through the book with a smile on your face. Rossi has a superb sense of humour, and a way with words that compels you to keep on reading.
I would recommend this book to anyone. I'm not a huge fan of MotoGP, but I still enjoyed it immensely.
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I read this autobiography in Indonesian version. Everybody knows VR46. The MotoGP rider who wins many races with 9th title in MotoRacing (the lastest is in 2009.
This is such a great book! Getting closer to Valentino Rossi, he spoke up about his story in motoracing. And the magical word is "Imagine.. If i had never ride a bike, Actually it has different story".. What if i had never tried it! really inspiring. :)
“Luck is one thing. It has always been there, it has always been a part of my success. It's a part of everyone's success. Without it, you can't be successful. But luck is something you have to stimulate, something you have to nurture through the choices you make...That's why things have always worked out for me. Things work out not just because I'm lucky, but because I plan ahead. I figure out what I want and I go for it. I've always spent a lot of time trying to surround myself with the right people, the kinds of teammates who could lead me to my goals.”