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Dear Theo: The Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh

4.08 of 5 stars 4.08 · rating details · 7,562 ratings · 129 reviews
The story of Vincent Van Gogh, this narrative stands out as one of the most revealing and moving autobiographies of all time. Stone has collected Van Gogh's personal letters to his beloved brother Theo, and the result is a vivid self-portrait in words equal in intensity to his paintings.
Paperback , 480 pages
Published April 1st 1969 by Signet (first published 1937)
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An extraordinary document! What other such inner view of a great artist's creative processes and life do we have like this one? We bear with him when he abandons an early attempt to enter the church, during which he becomes about as parable spewing and pious as any pastor one can imagine. Then as he turns away from his family--except for brother Theo, to whom these letters were addressed--and to the life of a solitary painter. We are with him as he studies under Anton Mauve at The Hague, as he l ...more
Yun Yi
I finished reading Irvine Stone's Lust for Life within one day like finishing a page turner, but I finished reading Dear Theo - letters of Van Gogh after a long time reading - each time I turned the page, I heard myself saying: slow down, take time, and digest every word slowly, as if the sooner I finished reading, the quicker the joy of being with him would vanish.

Van Gogh struck the world with his paintings, he also touched my heart with his words. If we take language as a vehicle of thoughts,
This book is in serious need of a re-read. I read this when I was about thirteen, and aspiring to be an amazing artist. Vincent Van Gogh fascinated me. I never really loved his art (shhh) but the mad, passionate artist appealed to me. And can you get any madder, any more passionate than Vincent?

I also read this with much sympathy for Vincent's brother, Theo. What a long suffering, sweet person to stand by your side. Hero Theo.

I loved this book and Irving Stone's sister book, Lust For Life. Both
La sensibilità, non solo artistica; la coscienza dei propri limiti; le difficoltà economiche; le ombre della personalità; un'ingenuità genuina; e una caparbietà rara, da animale da tiro, contro tutto e tutti. Si passeggia con un senso di pudore dietro le quinte del genio, per trovare scintille.
It feels a bit strange that this book is finally over. It took me longer to read than most books and still I feel like the end came quite quickly. But then again, isn't that exactly the case with his life?

I read this book to learn more about van Gogh as a person and I must say that I was surprised. He wasn't what I expected him to be. If you have a somewhat mysterious or divine image of him, this book will probably crush it - in a good way. For me it meant putting an end to any sort of romantici
Avevo già letto e commentato (vedi libreria) una selezione delle lettere di Vincent, meno ampia di questa, costituita di soli scritti dedicati alla pittura. Qui, diversamente, le lettere scelte ci lasciano addentrare un po' di più nella psicologia del personaggio Vincent, nelle sue faticose relazioni familiari, nei segni che il pregiudizio ha inferto alla sua vita, nei dolori e nelle umiliazioni che patì, per il solo fatto di avere una sensibilità paradossale e un carattere ostinato. Ma anche un ...more
Melynda Yesenia
"Wait, perhaps you will see some day that I too am an artist, though I do not know beforehand what I can do; I hope I shall be able to make some drawings in which there is something human."

after i learned to treat this like reading someone else's mail, exactly what it is, i ended up enjoying having such a personal view of vincent's day-to-day. some of the passages about inspiration and how it is to be caught in a fury of creation and "become hopelessly absent-minded and incapable of heaps of ord
Van Gogh was clearly not mad, rather he was articulate, well read, thoughtful (and perhaps a bit desperate). Heartbreaking at times since we all know how it ends
Ayse Bilgen
Sadece benim gibi Van Gogh hayranlarının değil, edebiyata, felsefeye, piskolojiye, sanatsal yaratıcılık serüvenine merakı olanların da ilgileneceği bir kitap. Pınar Kür de bu değerli mektupları büyük bir özen ve ustalıkla çevirmiş. Mektupları okumadan önce sanatçının hayatını ve eserlerini (mektuplar okunurken de incelenebilir) incelemekte fayda var.
Farzedin ki; yürürken elinize çok eskimiş bir çuval geçti, içerisinde bir yığın mektup buldunuz. Bu mektuplar, içerisinde yaşamsal enerijiyi bütün çoşkunluğuyla yaşayıp tüm mağduriyetine boyun eğerek verdiği mücadeleyi yazan Vincent Van Gogh. Abinin kardeşi Theo'ya yazdığı mektupları bizde bir göz atma fırsatı buluyoruz. Mektupları incelediğimizde, cesaretiniz varsa eğer bir yola çıktığınızda ne kadar şeyden vazgeçebiliceğinizin bir listesini ortaya koymaktadır.Nasıl derseniz eğer efsanevi bir b ...more
Beautiful and heartbreaking. VVG thought deeply about the nature of art and its relation to life and labor. It's not quite an autobiography but a collection of letters to his brother Theo. VVG spent most of his life searching to find his way as an artist, thoroughly dependent on his art dealer brother, and unable to form lasting relationships (though he desperately craves them) with other artists and family members. At last, he begins to develop his stride over the last two years of his life, as ...more
Bernardo Arcos Álvarez
Van Gogh, tristemente, nunca se consideró a sí mismo como un gran pintor, murió pensando que su nombre quedaría en el olvido, y que su vida había sido un fracaso total. Las correspondencia que tuvo con su hermano permite conocer, de su propia voz, su miseria y su genialidad: la forma en que administraba sus mendrugos de pan negro, y sus teorías acerca del color, de la pintura y de la vida; dejan entrever a un ser humano sufriente y sensible que lucha por mantener la cordura a medida que cambia p ...more
Mi sono accostato a questo libro con molte aspettative, probabilmente troppe.
Premetto di non essere neanche lontanamente un esperto, né di arte né di Van Gogh, ma le sue opere mi piacciono e ho sempre trovato interessante quel poco che sapevo della sua vita privata, tanto da volermi far desiderare di approfondire un po'.

Ho immaginato che leggere le sue lettere al fratello Theo potesse essere un buon modo di avvicinarmi al personaggio, di entrare nella sua testa, nella sua vita e, soprattutto, ne
This is a hard book to rate or write about. It is a book of letters all, written by Vincent Van Gogh to his brother, Theo. That is all. It is not a difficult read. It is exhusting. Van Gogh was a driven man. He was not easy and he was so single minded. It is hard to read his letters, but there are some wonderful passages, when he talks about colors and what he sees and how he feels.

He loved his brother Theo, and depended entirely on him for his income to live and paint. It was never a happy lif
Shantal Abrego
Un libro que muestra la genialidad de Van Gogh. Desearía haber leído este libro años atrás.
Estar en su cabeza durante su locura y comprender como él que lo más importante es trabajar en lo que amas, me ha conmovido hasta el extremo.
Amo a este hombre, por su obra y su persona.
Jan 08, 2015 Sofia rated it 5 of 5 stars · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Art lovers and everyone else
Recommended to Sofia by: Mi tía
Con este libro te llevás una mirada profunda a quién era Vincent Van Gogh, su vida y obra tan indivisible como dicen en la introducción. Te da una idea de sus diferentes períodos y cómo se relacionan con los lugares donde vivió.

En sus cartas Vincent menciona montones de artistas, cuadros o describe obras en las que él trabajaba en ese momento; mientras leía iba buscando todas estas cosas a las que hace referencia para expandir la experiencia. Me armé una linda carpeta de imágenes! Su mundo era
Simply beautiful. The way he describes what he sees gives you a glimpse into how he composes his paintings. He views landscapes in patches of color and harmonies. It makes me want to view the world this way. Here is a random example of what I mean: "I am making a study of a red sun between the little birches on a marshy meadow, from which the white evening damp rises; beyond the meadow one can just discern at the horizon a bluish-grey line of trees with a few roofs."

This book is also very sad. V
Really not what I expected, but kind of fascinating nonetheless. I expected to be riveted by the emotionally charged ravings of a brilliant lunatic - mad love affairs provoking jealous rages and self-mutilation. Instead van Gogh for the most part appears to be an entirely different man than the stereotype of the "crazy starving artist."

The only thing that seems crazy about him is that he literally appears to have spent his every waking moment painting. He does not have any close emotional bonds
Omar Valadez
De mitad al final no he podido evitar llorar por lo conmovedoras que me resultan algunas cartas.
Fer Silva
Vincent hace que sea muy fácil que te metas en su piel y veas la vida con sus ojos. Al leer sus cartas, te das cuenta de lo apasionado que era, de su afán por aprender y siempre mejorar, por conocer, por encontrar la manera de darle significado al cúmulo de emociones que se blandían en su interior, al igual que su tristeza, frustración y posterior deterioro mental y espiritual. Quizá la frase inicial expone de una manera muy simplista todo, pero es uno de esos libros que hacen que todo tenga sen ...more
Putem să-i spunem profeţie sau intuiţie, chiar nu are importanţă, dar ideal ar fi să-l bănuim de conştientizarea propriei valori; şi când spun asta, departe de mine intenţia de a ermetiza superlativele în clişee. Nu e cazul, şi oricum nu vor fi niciodată suficiente pentru a-i cuprinde, înţelege şi aprecia opera. Pare greu de crezut că Viile roşii din Arles este singurul tablou pe care artistul batav l-a vândut în timpul vieţii sale, dar acesta este adevărul. Astăzi, cele trei picturi în ulei int ...more
This is one of my Top Five All Time Favorites, in a permanent position. Vincent's letters reveal his tormented yet beautiful soul. If you love, admire, or just appreciate his art, you will learn to love, admire, and appreciate him as a writer, a Christian, and brother. This is one of the "old friends" I like to re-visit.

In this compilation of letters, you will get to go deeper into Theo and Vincent's relationship, as well as to get to know more about the lonely life of this famous painter and his mental illness. You will see that these two brothers were so close to each other,Theo never doubt and was a big support for Vincent, financially and morally speaking, he always was worried about his brother's health and offered him to stay in Paris with him and his family (multiple times) but of course, Vincent didn't
The Hague, 29 September 1872.

My dear Theo,
Thanks for your letter, I was glad to hear that you got back safely. I missed you the first few days, and it was strange for me not to find you when I came home in the afternoon.
We spent some pleasant days together, and actually did go for some walks and see a thing or two whenever we had the chance.
What terrible weather, you must feel anxious on your walks to Oisterwijk. Yesterday there were trotting races on the occasion of the exhibition,2 but the ill
yaşadığı dönemi, içinde bulunduğu ruh halini en samimi şekilde okuyup anlayabileceğiniz bir kitap. yine de bu kadar yaratma isteği olan bir adamın intiharını anlamama yetmedi.
çok güzel adammış be !
Laurel Hicks
I had to read these letters slowly, because each brought a flood of color, art, and human emotions to my mind. Vincent was very well read, and he wrote almost as beautifully as he painted
Interesante como relato en primera persona de la actividad pictórica, la concepción y la praxis artística.
Es una colección de cartas, por lo que no hay desarrollo de la acción.
Letters from Van Gogh to his brother Theo. I learned much much more about his trouble life, a good read for me................
To say I love this book isn't strong enough - it's truly amazing to be able to read letters from Van Gogh.
Tom Schulte
"It is a pity that, as one gradually gains experience, one gradually loses one's youth. If that were not so, life would be too good."

- Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
Antwerp, 14 February 1886

I have avoided this book for years as I felt a compilation of one side of one set of correspondence (with his brother Theo) and calling it an "autobiography" was a transparent marketing move to capitalize on the success of Lust for Life . Well, even if that is true, this is a moving epistolary
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In 1923, Stone received his bachelor's degree from the University of California, Berkeley. In the 1960s, Stone received an honorary Doctorate of Letters from the University of Southern California, where he had previously earned a Masters Degree from the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences.

When at home, Stone relied upon the research facilities and expertise made available to him by Esther Euler
More about Irving Stone...
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“There was a sentence in your letter that struck me, “I wish I were far away from everything, I am the cause of all, and bring only sorrow to everybody, I alone have brought all this misery on myself and others.” These words struck me because that same feeling, just the same, not more nor less, is also on my conscience.” 30 likes
“We feel lonely now and then and long for friends and think we should be quite different and happier if we found a friend of whom we might say: “He is the one.” But you, too, will begin to learn that there is much self-deception behind this longing; if we yielded too much to it, it would lead us from the road.” 26 likes
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