What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? George Mller discovered the endless possibilities! These excerpts from his diary allow Mller to tell his own story. Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. Share his struggles and triumphs as he establishes orphan homes to care for thousands of Engli
What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? George Mller discovered the endless possibilities! These excerpts from his diary allow Mller to tell his own story. Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. Share his struggles and triumphs as he establishes orphan homes to care for thousands of English children, depending on God's response to his prayer of faith to supply all things. Mller's unwavering, childlike dependence upon his heavenly Father will inspire you to confidently trust the God of the impossible in every area of your life.
237 pages
February 1st 1996
by Whitaker Distribution
(first published January 1st 1899)
This is the review/reflection I posted on my blog:
This past weekend I finished this book and basically it's his diary from when he first started his ministry in the 1830s to 1860. And his ministry actually didn't even stop then, he lived for another 38 years and became a missionary! Not because he was a workaholic or an egoist, but he genuinely wanted to do the work of the Lord. His ministry was to build orphanages and care for the “unwanted” children in Bristol, England, in addition to foundin
This is the review/reflection I posted on my blog:
This past weekend I finished this book and basically it's his diary from when he first started his ministry in the 1830s to 1860. And his ministry actually didn't even stop then, he lived for another 38 years and became a missionary! Not because he was a workaholic or an egoist, but he genuinely wanted to do the work of the Lord. His ministry was to build orphanages and care for the “unwanted” children in Bristol, England, in addition to founding the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, and supporting hundreds of missionaries around the world, and later becoming one himself.
The autobiography, like I mentioned, is essentially his diary. The first few chapters are about his life before he came to know Christ. Strangely (or perhaps not), I resonated with a lot of his way of living before he accepted Christ.
The most striking thing about his autobiography is how repetitive his life seems…but how much joy he finds in it. Allow me to explain. At one point, I kind of got bored. It was the same cycle: their ministry has no money, so they pray, and then God provides in the nick of time. The next entry, same thing. The next, again. The next, wow. Maybe I read too quickly without pausing and really reflecting. But when I caught myself getting bored, I went back and reread it and I found that I was very very wrong. George Muller found so much joy in praying to God for every single, literally, every single thing in his life. NOTHING was from his own hands. He never asked for a dime from his congregation and never hesitated to give whatever was left to missionaries. I bet he only had three different outfits to wear and one pair of shoes. Yet, he never complained or doubted His power.
There were a few times where God did not answer his prayers. But instead of accusing, fighting, complaining, and turning away, Muller accepts that God has simply closed that door, but will open another one.
Another thing I learned from his life is how meticulous he was about recording his prayers. My dad actually does this as well and it’s pretty crazy. Sometimes we complain about how God doesn’t answer prayers, but do we really know what we’re praying about? If we were to record our prayers and listen to them again, can we truly say that we are seeking God’s will and not our own? Can we truly confess that we are not praying out of selfishness? Are we really praying in faith? Muller went so far as to always write down pros and cons to every major decision he had to make whether it was expanding the orphanage, accepting hundreds of new orphans, fixing the broken heat tank, etc. And he brought all his concerns before the Lord. I can say that I pray, sure. But I can’t say for sure that I always pray in faith for His will to be done.
If you need a slap in your face about your prayer life: I recommend this book. I know I need it.
I've heard of George Muller and his Autobiography for many years. I have even heard excerpts read on the radio. So it was high time for me to finally read it.
Honestly the book gets a little repetitive in the middle. His story is great but after awhile it begins to sound the same, "I need money to feed the children, we had none and then through God's grace it comes at the last minute." Trust me I'm not knocking the story, just the writing and that only slightly, and one needs to consider it was
I've heard of George Muller and his Autobiography for many years. I have even heard excerpts read on the radio. So it was high time for me to finally read it.
Honestly the book gets a little repetitive in the middle. His story is great but after awhile it begins to sound the same, "I need money to feed the children, we had none and then through God's grace it comes at the last minute." Trust me I'm not knocking the story, just the writing and that only slightly, and one needs to consider it was written in the late 1800's so don't expect the style to be what a current author would write.
I felt the book picked up again as Muller's ministry to orphans expanded. I enjoyed and learned from the passages towards the end that are more instructive as opposed to biographical.
I wish I could say I have the depth of faith that Muller shows, and I am challenged by his Autobiography to develop my faith by relying more fully upon the Lord to provide. As I write this review I have a concern that I hope I'm praying in a Muller-like fashion.
I enjoyed reading about George Muller and seeing how he trusted God to provide for him and his ministries. It was encouraging and a good reminder for me. The part that struck me the most was when he was giving a sermon he felt as though he was doing it in his own strength so he stopped and instead of finishing his sermon he had the church spend the rest of the time praying. Sadly, that would never happen today.
Muller never wanted to do anything in his own strength or apart from God. His goal wa
I enjoyed reading about George Muller and seeing how he trusted God to provide for him and his ministries. It was encouraging and a good reminder for me. The part that struck me the most was when he was giving a sermon he felt as though he was doing it in his own strength so he stopped and instead of finishing his sermon he had the church spend the rest of the time praying. Sadly, that would never happen today.
Muller never wanted to do anything in his own strength or apart from God. His goal was to live a life that brought glory to God and encouraged others to trust God in prayer. I have been thinking a lot about prayer recently and asking myself if I actually believe that things are better off in God's hands than mine own, so this book was an encouragement.
5 Decembrie 1850
…ma gandesc sa lucrez mai mult ca niciodata pentru a-I sluji pe copii saraci. Problema aceasta mi-a staruit in minte in ultimele zece zile si am inceput sa ma rog pentru ea. Ma gandesc la constructia unui alt Orfelinat, destul de mare pentru sapte sute de orfani, ca sa pot ingriji de un total de o mie de orfani.(…) Daca inca sapte sute de suflete tinere ar putea primi o instruire evlavioasa regulate, ce slujire binecuvantata ar fi aceasta pentru imparatia lui Hristos. Am inceput
5 Decembrie 1850
…ma gandesc sa lucrez mai mult ca niciodata pentru a-I sluji pe copii saraci. Problema aceasta mi-a staruit in minte in ultimele zece zile si am inceput sa ma rog pentru ea. Ma gandesc la constructia unui alt Orfelinat, destul de mare pentru sapte sute de orfani, ca sa pot ingriji de un total de o mie de orfani.(…) Daca inca sapte sute de suflete tinere ar putea primi o instruire evlavioasa regulate, ce slujire binecuvantata ar fi aceasta pentru imparatia lui Hristos. Am inceput aceasta lucrare ca sa arat lumii si Bisericii ca Dumnezeu aude din cer rugaciunea si ca El raspunde. Acest lucru este realizat mai bine cu cat lucrarea este mai mare, cu conditia ca sa obtin mijloacele numai prin rugaciune si credinta.
Dar mi-au venit si altfel de ganduri. Am deja foarte mult de lucru. Scumpa mea sotie este, de asemenea, foarte ocupata. Aproape tot timpul ei este ocupat, direct sau indirect, cu orfanii. Imi asum eu prea multe pentru puterea mea trupeasca si pt capacitatile mele psihice, ganindu-ma la un alt Orfelinat? Merg eu dincolo de masura credintei mele gandindu-ma la extinderea lucrarii? Este aceasta o inselaciune a lui Satan, o incercare de a ma dobori din starea mea de rodnicie facandu-ma sa merg dincolo de capacitatile mele? Este aceasta o cursa care sa ma umfle de mandrie prin incercarea de a construi un Orfelinat mare?
Nu pot decat sa ma rog ca Dl sa nu permita ca Satan sa aiba ceva de castigat de la mine. Prin harul lui Dumnezeu inima mea spune: “Doamne daca as putea fi sigur ca este voia Ta sa merg inainte in acest lucru, atunci as face-o cu bucurie. Pe de alta parte, daca as putea fi sigur ca acestea sunt ganduti desarte, nebune, pline de mandrie si nu vin de la Tine, as uita de toata acesta idee.”
Nadejdea mea este in Dumnezeu. El ma va ajuta si ma va invata.Bazat pe felul cum S-a purtat cu mine in trecut, nu ar fi de mirare daca El m-ar chema sa largesc lucrarea in felul acesta. Doamne, Te rog, invata-ma voia Ta in aceasta privinta.
11 Decembrie 1850
Problema aceasta a staruti mereu in inima mea. Sufletul meu s-ar bucura sa inainteze in aceasta slujire daca ar fi sigur ca Domnul vrea sa fac asta. Pe de cealalta parte, daca m-as simti convins ca Domnul vrea sa fiu multumit cu slujirea mea prezenta si sa nu ma rog pentru largirea lucrarii, as fi fericit sa fac asta. Vreau doar sa Ii fiu placut Lui.
Cat despre circumstantele exterioare, nu a fost nimic care sa ma incurajeze. Venitul Institutiei pentru Cunoasterea Scriputii a fost neobisnuit de mic in timp ce cheltuielile au fost mari. Aceasta nu ar insemna nimic pentru mine daca as fi sigur ca Domnul vrea sa inaintez. Asadar, povara rugaiunii mele, este ca Dzeu sa ma invete voia Sa. Doresc sa astept cu rabdare timpul lui Dumnezeu, cand El va lumina cararea mea.
26 Decembrie 1850
Am avut inca un timp special de rugaciune pentru a cauta voia lui Dzeu. Dar in timp ce continui sa Ii cer Domnului sa nu permita sa fiu inselat, nu am nici o indoiala ca ar trebui sa merg inainte. Acesta este unul dintre cei mai mari pasi pe care i-am facut vreodata si nu il pot trata cu prea multa atentie, rugaciune si prudenta. Nu ma grabesc. As putea astepta ani intregi inainte sa fac vreun pas spre acest lucru sau sa vorbesc cu cineva despre aceasta. Pe de alta parte,maine m-as pune la lucru, daca Domnul ar vrea sa o fac.(…)
Multimi mari de orfani au nevoie de lucrarile fundamentale necesare vietii. Doresc sa fiu folosit de Domnul ca un instrument in pregatirea tuturor proviziilor necesare nu numai pentru cei 300 care sunt acum in grija mea, ci pentru inca 700 de orfani. Atunci cand Domnul imi va da o casa pentru sapte sute de orfani si toate cele necesare pentru a-I sustine, va fi evident pentru toti ca Dzeu inca aude si raspunde la rugaciune. Voi continua zi de zi sa Il astept in rugaciune cu privire la acest lucru, pana cand El imi va porunci sa actionez.
2 ianuarie 1851
Saptamana trecuta am inceput sa citesc din cartea Proverbe. Inima mea a fost inviorata de urmatorul pasaj: “Increde-te in Domnul din toata inima ta, si nu te bizui pe intelepciunea ta! Recunoaste-L in caile tale si El iti va netezi cararile(Prov 3:5-6)”. Prin harul lui Dzeu, Il recunosc pe Domnul in caile mele. Am siguranta linistita ca El imi va netezi cararile legat de acest nou Orfelinat.
“Neprihanirea oamenilor cinstiti ii carmuieste fara teama, dar vicleniile celor stricati le aduc pieirea”(Prov 11:3). Scopul meu sincer este sa aduc slava lui Dzeu si de aceea, ma astept sa fiu calauzit de El.
“Incredinteaza-ti lucrarile in mana Domnului si iti vor izbuti planurile”(Prov 16:3). Imi incredintez lucrarile Domnului si de aceea, ma astept sa imi izbuteasca planurile. Inima mea este calma, linistita si sigura ca Domnul ma va folosi mai departe in lucrarea cu orfanii.
14 Ianuarie 1851
Am pus deoprate aceasta seara pentru rugaciune, cerandu-I Domnului inca o data sa nu ma lase sa ma insel in acest lucru. Am luat in considerare toate argumnetele impotriva construirii unui alt Orfelinat. Le-am scris ca sa fie mai clar.
Argumente impotriva infiintarii unui alt Orfelinat pentru 700 de orfani:
1. As merge oare dincolo de capacitatile mele spirirtuale? “Prin harul care mi-a fost dat, eu spun fiecaruia dintre voi, sa nu aiba despre sine o parere mai inalta decat se cuvine; ci sa aiba simtiri cumpatate depsre sine, potrivit cu masura de credinta pe care a impartit-o Dzeu fiecaruia”(Romani 12:3).
Daca Dl m-ar lasa singur, o zecime din toate dificultatile si incercarile cu care ma confront ar fi destul ca sa ma copleseasca. Dar atata vreme cat El ma sustine, sunt purtat prin dificultati una dupa alta. Cu ajutorul lui Dzeu as putea suporta alte dificultati si incercari. Ma astept la o crestere a credintei, cu fiecare dificultate noua prin care Domnul ma ajuta sa trec.
2. As merge oare dincolode puterea mea fizica si psihica? Dintre toate obiectiile impotriva infiintarii unui alt Orfelinat, aceasta este singura dificultate reala. Intreaga administrare, conducere si vasta corespondenta a Institutiei pentru Cunoasterea Scripurii, a depins numai de mine in timpul acestor 16 ani si 10 luni. Angajand un secretar efficient, un functionar si un inspector al scolilor, cu ajutorul lui Dzeu, as putea realiza chiar mai multe lucruri ca director.
3. Daca as fi sigur ca starea prezenta a Institutiei pt Cunoasterea Scripturii ar tb sa fie limita lucrarii mele, as lasa imediat acest lucru deoparte. Dar nu sunt sigur ca am ajuns la limita lui Dzeu. Domnul m-a ajutat sa trec prin toate dificultatile din trecut. Vazand inaintea mea acest camp mare de rodnicie si din moment ce am multe cereri pt primirea orfanilor, tanjesc sa fiu folosit in mai departe.
4. Inseamna oare”sa Il ispitesc pe Dzeu” daca ma gandesc la construirea unui alt Orfelinat pentru inca 700 de orfani? “A-L ispiti de Dzeu” inseamna, potrivit Bibliei, a-L limita in oricare din atributele Lui. Nu doresc sa limitez puterea sau disponibilitatea Lui de a-mi da toate mijloacele de care am nevoie pentru construirea unui alt Orfelinat mare.
5. Cum voi obtine banii pentru construirea acestui Orfelinat mare? Chiar daca i-as obtine, cum voi face rost in acelasi timp de banii pentru a continua lucrarea care deja exista? Privind problema in mod natural, aceasta este intr-adevar o obiectie cu greutate. Dar in timp ce nu am nici o speranta de a reusi de unul singur, nu sunt catusi de putin descurajat din punct de vedere spiritual. Dzeu are putere sa-mi dea cele 35000 de lire de care voi avea nevoie si inca mai mult. Mai mult decat atat, ma bucur de marimea dificultatii. Vreau sa fiu total convins inca de la inceput ca merg inainte in aceasta problema potrivit cu voia lui Dzeu. Daca este asa, El imi va da mijloacele, daca nu, atunci nu le voi avea. Nu intentionez sa cer ajutor nimanui in mod personal, ci ma voi dedica rugaciunii asa cum am facut-o in trecut.
6. Sa presupunem ca reusesc sa construiesc acest Orfelinat mare. Cum voi fi in stare sa intretin inca 700 de orfani? Sunt prea mult un om de afaceri ca sa nu realizez seriozitatea acestei intrebari. Daca as privi acest lucru doar din punct de vedere natural, as recunoaste ca merg prea departe. Dar spiritual, nu vad nici o dificultate. Daca voi putea construi acest al doilea Orfelinat, cu siguranta Domnul va purta de grija, pe masura ce imi da putere sa ma incred in El pentru provizii.
7. Preuspunand ca as fi in stare sa obtin o suma asa de mare pt construirea unei case pt alti 700 de orfani. Presupunand ca le-as purta de grija in timpul vietii mele. Ce s-ar allege de aceasta institutie dupa moartea mea? Treaba mea este sa slujesc generatiei mele cu toata puterea mea. In felul acesta voi sluji cel mai bine generatia urmatoare.(…)Daca aceasta obiectie ar fi fost una solida, nu ar fi trebuit niciodata sa incep lucrarea cu orfanii temandu-ma de ce s-ar intampla cu ea dupa moartea mea. Astfel sutele de copii saraci de care Dl a permis sa ingrijesc in timpul ultimilor 15 ani, nu ar fi primit ajutor din partea mea.
8. Oare construirea unui alt Orfelinat m-ar face sa ma umflu de mandrie? Exista pericolul acesta chiar daca nu as fi chemat sa largesc aceasta lucrare.O zecime din onoarea pe care Dl mi-a acordat-o si o zecime din slujba pe care mi-a incredintat-o, ar fi destul sa ma umfle de mandrie.
Nu pot spune ca Domnul m-a tinut smerit. Dar pot spune ca mi-a dat o dorinta sincera sa Il dau Lui toata Gloria si sa consider ca este o mare indurare din partea Lui ca m-a folosit pe mine in slujba Sa. De aceea, nu cred ca teama de mandrie ar trebui sa ma tina de la a inainta in aceasta lucrare. Mai degraba Ii cer Domnului sa imi dea o atitudine smerita sis a nu imi permita niciodata sa fur din slava care este numai a Lui.
Argumente pentru infiintarea unui alt Orfelinat
1. Continua sa vina cereri pentru primire. Consider ca este o chemare de la Dzeu pt mine sa fac tot ce imi sta in putere pt a asigura un camin si educatie biblica pt un numar mai mare de orfani. Nu pot refuza sa ajut atat timp cat vad o usa deschisa catre Dzeu.
2. Starea morala a caselor sarace ma influenteaza foarte mult sa merg inainte. Am auzit din surse sigure ca acei copii aflati in aceste case sunt stricati de oamenii imorali care lociuesc acolo.
3. Sunt incurajat mai departe de ajutorul mare pe care Dl mi l-a dat in aceasta slujire binecuvantata. Atunci cand privesc la inceputul slab si ma gandesc la felul cum Domnul m-a ajutat timp de peste 15 ani in lucrarea cu orfanii, sunt increzator sa merg inante.
4. Experienta si capacitatile mele au crescut odata cu lucrarea, Ca director al lucrarii, sub Dzeu, de la inceputurile ei cele mai slabe, sunt responsabil inaitea Lui sa folosesc abilitatile pe care mi le-a dat. Aceste lucruri, legate de motivele anterioare, par a fi o chemare de la Dzeu de a merge inainte intr-o masura mai mare ca oricand.
5. Folosul spiritual al mai multor orfani este un alt motiv pt care ma simt chemat sa merg inainte. Doresc pt ei mai mult decat o simpla decenta si moralitate. Vreau ca ei sa devina membri folositori ai societatii. Ii invatam sa lucreze si ii intretinem in meserii folositoare pt aceasta viata.
6. Nu pot sa fiu multumit cu nimic mai putin decat ca sufletele orfanilor sa fie castigate pt Domnul. Din moment ce acest lucru este tinta principala in ceea ce-I priveste pe dragii orfani, tanjesc sa fiu folosit mai mult ca niciodata, tanjesc chiar sa am 1000 in grija mea.
7. Dorinta mea cea mai mare este sa arat slava lui Dzeu si bunavointa Lui de a raspunde rugaciunii.
8. Sunt plin de pace si bucuros cu privire la largirea lucrarii. Aceasta pace deplina pe care am simtit-o dupa toata rugaciunea zilnica si studiul Cuvantului lui Dzeu care mi-a cercetat inima, nu ar fi existat daca Domnul nu ar fi intentionat sa ma foloseasca mai mult.
De aceea pe baza obiectiilor raspunse si a acestor opt motive pt largirea lucrarii am, ajuns la concluzia ca este voia lui Dzeu sa Il slujesc largind aceasta lucrare.
24 Ianuarie 2014
Domnul mi-a dat dovezi pretioase ca El se bucura atunci cand asteptam lucruri mari de la El. Am primit 3000 de lire in aceasta seara – cea mai mare donatie pe care am primit-o vreodata. Astept sume mult mai mari pentru ca ca sa fie inca si mai evident ca modul cel mai bun de a obtine mijloace financiare pt lucrarea Domnului este pur si simplu sa te increzi in El. Bucuria mea in Dl din pricina acestei donatii nu poate fi descrisa. Iau banii din mainile Dumnezeului celui viu. Sufletul meu este calm si linistit fara entuziasm emotional, desi donatia este atat de mare. Ca o voce din cer, aceasta ma incurajeaza sa construiesc inca un Orfelinat.
24 Mai 2014
92 de alti orfani au cerut sa fie primiti si 78 sunt deja pe lista de asteptare. Acest numar creste repede, pe masura ce lucrarea devine tot mai cunoscuta. Voi merge inainte in aceasta slujire si voi construi spre slava si onoarea Dzeului celui viu un alt Orfelinat, destul de mare pentru a gazdui 700 de orfani. Marimea sumei necesare pt indeplinirea acestei lucrari imi da o bucurie deosebita. Cu cat este mai mare dificultatea ce trebuie invinsa, cu atat se va vedea mai mult cat de mult poate fi realizat prin rugaciune si credinta. Atunci cand Dzeu invinge dificultatile noastre pt noi, avem siguranta ca suntem implicati in lucrarea Lui si nu in a noasta.
This is basically a series of entries from his journals, so it is pretty horrid, as far as writing goes.
Probably 90% of the book is anecdotes of how, though being fully mendicant in his approach to his various ventures (orphanage(s), missionaries, school, and bible/scripture sharing), how he was just-barely funded by someone, just in time.
This was one of the easiest books I've ever read, but it challenged me more than anything I can remember. Why would we hang on to what we may need tomorrow when someone needs it today? Probably because we don't really believe God. George Muller did. I plan on coming back to this from time to time.
A wonderful book encouraging readers to pray about all their cares and needs (great or small), ensure that their motives for what they do are only for God's glory, and trust in God to take care of them.
a must read for all Christians. a long monotonous read with high points. about eight hours. chapters seven and thirteen potentially life-changing. where are the men of faith in our generation?
This is a short book with extracts from Muller's diary as he worked for the Lord. It begins with his conversion, and through his various ministries, until finally focusing on his orphanages. The most astonishing thing about his life is his faith and trust in God to bring the finances he needed, without asking anyone for money. I wonder how much better shape the church would be in, if more people did this? Although this is written in the Victorian period, the English is simpler and easier to foll
This is a short book with extracts from Muller's diary as he worked for the Lord. It begins with his conversion, and through his various ministries, until finally focusing on his orphanages. The most astonishing thing about his life is his faith and trust in God to bring the finances he needed, without asking anyone for money. I wonder how much better shape the church would be in, if more people did this? Although this is written in the Victorian period, the English is simpler and easier to follow than most books from the period, probably because Muller is from another country. So it makes an inspiring and interesting read.
There is nothing like personal testimony, and George Mueller's is crazy. A man fully dedicated to showing what the Lord can do through reliance on him alone, through prayer and faith.
Many things stick out...
His main ministry wasn't orphanages or saving poor kids (though he did love them and of course desired their well-being.) His main ministry was demonstrating to the church what God can do through faith and prayer, through reliance on God alone.
George built and supplied orphanages without any
There is nothing like personal testimony, and George Mueller's is crazy. A man fully dedicated to showing what the Lord can do through reliance on him alone, through prayer and faith.
Many things stick out...
His main ministry wasn't orphanages or saving poor kids (though he did love them and of course desired their well-being.) His main ministry was demonstrating to the church what God can do through faith and prayer, through reliance on God alone.
George built and supplied orphanages without any steady support, without ever asking anything from anyone, without letting his needs be made publicly known, but it wasn't the only ministry he supported! He never limited God and prayed to meet needs, meeting them as God supplied in many other areas. He printed and dispersed Bibles and tracks all over Europe, he supported missionaries at home and abroad, he supported weekly Bible Schools for kids, and an adult school. Even though his needs were great and the task with the orphangaes alone was insurmountable, he did more. He never limited himself because he never limited God and what God alone could accomplish through him.
Although the numbers in this book (dates, quantities, monies down to the shilling and pence) can be tedious (some parts can be skimmed for sanity), I'm glad I got to hear the story in his own voice. He struck me as a man of immeasurable peace, calm, and joy, and he lived such a chaotic, uncertain, stressful life, a true testament to the Lord's promises. And the instructive parts interspersed between the accounting parts are well worth it, simple and profound and powerful, coming from the mouth of a man who actually lived it.
He was frugal, so frugal. I am convicted. He kept track of absolutely everything so as not to waste what God had supplied and to be able to fully testify to the Lord's provision.
And one last little point that will stick with me for the rest of my life I'm sure is the importance he placed over and over again on, not only faith, not only prayer, not only continuing in prayer for as long as it takes, but also to wait in expectation for the Lord's answer.
Powerful stuff. I want more of what he had in my life.
George Muller was an amazing man of faith and trust in God! He had NO DOUBT God would come through, so he simply took God at His word.
So, in the last part of the 19th century, Mr. Muller began to administer Orphan Houses in Bristol England and only told the Lord exactly how much money and resources were needed on a daily basis to care for the children in his charge. Over time, the number of children in Mr. Muller's care grew to be in the several hundred. Yet he NEVER sent out letters or any sort
George Muller was an amazing man of faith and trust in God! He had NO DOUBT God would come through, so he simply took God at His word.
So, in the last part of the 19th century, Mr. Muller began to administer Orphan Houses in Bristol England and only told the Lord exactly how much money and resources were needed on a daily basis to care for the children in his charge. Over time, the number of children in Mr. Muller's care grew to be in the several hundred. Yet he NEVER sent out letters or any sort of requests to ANYONE for any amount of money. If someone asked, he would say "the Lord knows our need," or something along those lines. In all the years of the Orphan Houses, not one child or worker EVER went hungry, or went without proper clothing, bedding etc. Mr. Muller kept meticulous records of what came in and where it went. Donations ALWAYS came in time. Sometimes (not always) early. NEVER late, but sometimes in ways that tried his faith exceedingly.
George Muller reminds me to always believe what God has told me and to take God at His Word.
I just saw this book on a friends bookshelf and I recalled how read it around 10 years ago while living with my parents. If I remember correctly, George Mullers whole reason for starting an orphanage though he was completely broke, was to make a point to a stressed man working two jobs to get food on the table for his family. Muller saw how the father spent no time with his family, it was all work, work, work... Mr. Muller counseled him to quit one of his jobs to spend more time with his childre
I just saw this book on a friends bookshelf and I recalled how read it around 10 years ago while living with my parents. If I remember correctly, George Mullers whole reason for starting an orphanage though he was completely broke, was to make a point to a stressed man working two jobs to get food on the table for his family. Muller saw how the father spent no time with his family, it was all work, work, work... Mr. Muller counseled him to quit one of his jobs to spend more time with his children and trust God to provide, but the father refused, afraid they would starve if he did so. So yeah, to make a point of how God could provide Muller starts an orphanage and never directly ask for money. Most of the book is accounts of his being pennyless, but through tons of prayer and pleading to God and out of the blue, in just the nick of time, the exact amount of money coming in from some stranger or something. It seemed to me an extremely stressful way to live, having to literally pray in every meal and piece of clothing. If all Muller wrote about is true, it really does look supernatural, for countless times, they'd get exactly what they needed without asking, right before having to have it.
Amazing book about the power of prayer. George Muller started orphanages in England in the early 1800's and asked God for the things he needed. The catch? He didn't tell any people about his needs on purpose so that he could show people the power of prayer and they couldn't say that the needs were met by people's good will but by God's prompting. Some really cool stories in there of specific prayers for things like coal, bread etc. and people delivering those exact things without having any idea
Amazing book about the power of prayer. George Muller started orphanages in England in the early 1800's and asked God for the things he needed. The catch? He didn't tell any people about his needs on purpose so that he could show people the power of prayer and they couldn't say that the needs were met by people's good will but by God's prompting. Some really cool stories in there of specific prayers for things like coal, bread etc. and people delivering those exact things without having any idea that they were needed so desparately. He challenges believers who say that they trust God to really trust in Him and really believe that they will get the things they've asked for (after making sure that it is God's will of course). Not just praying hoping that MAYBE they will get it but maybe not. There are things that George prayed for for over 3 years and God answered those prayers. George was relentless and prayed about these things every day without losing hope. AMAZING!! He only owned the Bible and no other books (maybe a commentary on the Bible but that's it). Very inspirational.
A great and lengthy biography. This is one of the most pastoral biographies I have ever read. It is devotional, theological, and practical. You will be challenged to find your happiness in Jesus. You will be challenged to be a man or woman of prayer. Muller was missional long before it was "cool" to be missional. Reading how God led him to found and sustain orphanages will challenge you to believe God for great things. His transparency is stunning. His funeral sermon for his wife is worth the pr
A great and lengthy biography. This is one of the most pastoral biographies I have ever read. It is devotional, theological, and practical. You will be challenged to find your happiness in Jesus. You will be challenged to be a man or woman of prayer. Muller was missional long before it was "cool" to be missional. Reading how God led him to found and sustain orphanages will challenge you to believe God for great things. His transparency is stunning. His funeral sermon for his wife is worth the price of the book. He says of his wife, "If all Christians were like her, the joys of heaven would be found on earth far more abundantly than they are now."
Here's another foretaste:
"The gift of faith would be needed, to believe that a sick person should be restored again, though there is no human probability: for there is no promise to that effect.
The grace of faith is needed to believe that the Lord will give me the the necessaries of life, if I seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness: for there is a promise to that effect (Matt 6:33).
I enjoy memoirs, but this was the first spiritual autobiography I've read. Muller's book is more like a series of diary entries with a few chapters of his background and advice thrown in. My favorite part was his conversion experience from a lazy student who stole from others and disappointed his father to a man who realized he was meant to give everything away to start orphanages in Bristol, England in the mid-1800s. His message to readers is similar to the "let go and let God" philosophy that
I enjoy memoirs, but this was the first spiritual autobiography I've read. Muller's book is more like a series of diary entries with a few chapters of his background and advice thrown in. My favorite part was his conversion experience from a lazy student who stole from others and disappointed his father to a man who realized he was meant to give everything away to start orphanages in Bristol, England in the mid-1800s. His message to readers is similar to the "let go and let God" philosophy that if you pray and hand your worries over to God, you will be provided with everything you need. Muller's autobiography reaffirms over and over that by not asking others for handouts or trying to force certain outcomes but simply praying for guidance as well as material needs, he was able to build several orphanages and care for more than a thousand children at a time. His life story is remarkable, and though it is somewhat repetitive at times because of it being written as a diary, it's worth the read for people of any spiritual persuasion.
This book was a little dry, however, it is a powerful testimony in living by faith.
Upon entering full time ministry George came to the belief that it was wrong for him to be working for anyone but the Lord, he therefore disolved his denomonational ties, as well as financial support from them. He trusted in God exclusively for financial means, he did not beg or fund raise, neither did he even allow anyone to know his financial needs, but instead brought his needs only to God in prayer, and journa
This book was a little dry, however, it is a powerful testimony in living by faith.
Upon entering full time ministry George came to the belief that it was wrong for him to be working for anyone but the Lord, he therefore disolved his denomonational ties, as well as financial support from them. He trusted in God exclusively for financial means, he did not beg or fund raise, neither did he even allow anyone to know his financial needs, but instead brought his needs only to God in prayer, and journaled about them so that he could show forth the provision of God in the volume of this book.
Not only did George not starve to death in living by faith for fiinances, but he was also able to raise up orphanages and support many orphans with no financial income but what God supplied through other believers by the prompting of His Spirit alone.
George Muller set the stage for many faith missionaries who lived the same way - a trend that took place largely in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
This is a terrific read which I can only rate down because, as I said, it is a little dry.
"Suppose that we believers in the Lord Jesus make our requests to God. Suppose also that, as far as we can honestly judge, the obtaining of our requests would be for our spiritual good and for the honor of God. We must then continue in prayer until the blessing is given to us. Furthermore, we have to believe that God does hear us and will answer our prayers. Frequently we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained and in not expecting the blessing. As assuredly as any indivi
"Suppose that we believers in the Lord Jesus make our requests to God. Suppose also that, as far as we can honestly judge, the obtaining of our requests would be for our spiritual good and for the honor of God. We must then continue in prayer until the blessing is given to us. Furthermore, we have to believe that God does hear us and will answer our prayers. Frequently we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained and in not expecting the blessing. As assuredly as any individual uses these points, so assuredly will his requests be granted." --Muller
Over and over again as I read this book, I found myself gasping, crying, and praising the Lord in awe of His faithfulness and provision. Muller's autobiography shares hundreds of stories of how God provided - many times within seconds or minutes of Muller asking.
The book is a bit dry. Muller was a German pastor, so many of his diary entries read more like sermons, but none of them are written in language too lofty for readers to comprehend. The book feels like a glimpse into Muller's head, as he often carries the reader through his lists of pros and cons, questions of the Lord, frustration, and praise. All of this outweighs the dryness of the writing style, and I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to see what God is really like as demonstrated through the life of one of His followers.
Let me say right off the bat that this book is not well-written. The majority of the book is more of a "diary" than an "autobiography." That being said, there is much for the disciple of Christ and student of prayer to learn from
The Autobiography of George Muller
We see in the initial portion, which does read more like an autobiography, a young man who, not unlike Augustine, grew up in sin, caring not a bit about God. When God does get hold of him, though, he gets serious. He begins to have a
Let me say right off the bat that this book is not well-written. The majority of the book is more of a "diary" than an "autobiography." That being said, there is much for the disciple of Christ and student of prayer to learn from
The Autobiography of George Muller
We see in the initial portion, which does read more like an autobiography, a young man who, not unlike Augustine, grew up in sin, caring not a bit about God. When God does get hold of him, though, he gets serious. He begins to have a passion for orphans, once he gets to Bristol in England. Before that, he spent some time as a pastor of a small church, where he would not receive a salary and depended totally on the Lord for provision, never telling anyone but God of his needs.
He continued that practice in Bristol, where he began The Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad, as well as several day schools and, eventually, several Orphan Houses. Time after time, we see God's miraculous provision, meeting their needs on a daily, and sometimes hourly, basis.
There are principles in this book that can be applied to all believers, and there are principles that some would be better off leaving alone. Not everyone is called to the same type of ministry that George Muller was called to. Neither is everyone called to live the kind of life he lived. However, the dependence upon God for all things in life is a universal principle that all believers should maintain.
The majority of the diary portion describes monetary needs and miraculous provisions. But there are other topics addressed as well. I found this little book to be helpful as I continue to seek the Lord's will regarding a prayer ministry. It will, no doubt, be re-read at some point.
What to say about this book? It just might detail the kind of life we Christians are meant to live.
This is the most challenging book I've ever read. I'd love to sit down and talk to George Muller, to ask him if he thinks I could live this kind of life. I wonder if he would think that modern Christians are missing the abundance the Lord has to offer. George, what would you say to us?
I wrote down quite a few quotes from this book in my journal; there are quite a few things I want to remember.
What to say about this book? It just might detail the kind of life we Christians are meant to live.
This is the most challenging book I've ever read. I'd love to sit down and talk to George Muller, to ask him if he thinks I could live this kind of life. I wonder if he would think that modern Christians are missing the abundance the Lord has to offer. George, what would you say to us?
I wrote down quite a few quotes from this book in my journal; there are quite a few things I want to remember.
Don't expect good results if you don't pray.
Your work doesn't support you; the Lord supports you.
The most important business of your day is to spent time with the Lord.
We must pray AND believe.
Pray about EVERYTHING.
If God takes something from you, He'll give you something better.
The more you have, the more you have to give.
This book is now part of my will-never-give-away collection so I don't forget what I've learned.
Such a great encouraging work. This book is absolutely a faith builder and makes the reader hungry to have a life that is marked not only by extraordinary events, but radical answers to prayer. Just thinking that this was actually Muller's life and that this is actually how he conducted himself and this is actually how God took care of him, is such a testimony to God's grace and how He truly takes care of His children. I have a special affinity for Muller's line of work as well. You can't go wro
Such a great encouraging work. This book is absolutely a faith builder and makes the reader hungry to have a life that is marked not only by extraordinary events, but radical answers to prayer. Just thinking that this was actually Muller's life and that this is actually how he conducted himself and this is actually how God took care of him, is such a testimony to God's grace and how He truly takes care of His children. I have a special affinity for Muller's line of work as well. You can't go wrong when you start talking about a radical follower who gave His life to work for God's glory both in the raising up and training of saints as well as the care of hundreds of orphans. I would highly suggest this book to anyone. Non-believers who are wondering what the Christian's life should look like and believers who want to be built up in their faith and challenged to pray and expect boldly.
Reading this book changed the way I saw trusting the Lord in prayer. George Muller did not establish orphan houses for the purpose of helping children--although that he accomplished--he did so in order to prove the greatness and power of God! This man's faith did not make him great; it proved to the watching world the greatness of the One on Whom he relied.
George Muller is the epitome of what a true Christian is. He took God at His Word and applied it to his daily living and he lived by its principles, which is something few Christians nowadays are willing to do. I've been so blessed by reading this book because it's just a reminder to me that God is wanting so much more from me than I've been willing to give but I'm so happy that He loves me in spite of all that. "To whom much is given, much is required" and those of us who want to be used by God
George Muller is the epitome of what a true Christian is. He took God at His Word and applied it to his daily living and he lived by its principles, which is something few Christians nowadays are willing to do. I've been so blessed by reading this book because it's just a reminder to me that God is wanting so much more from me than I've been willing to give but I'm so happy that He loves me in spite of all that. "To whom much is given, much is required" and those of us who want to be used by God must know that it requires true devotion and commitment to make it happen. What a blessing this man of God was and what an encouragement to read his story. The fact that the work of George Muller continues to this day in the same manner in which he began it is proof that it was from God. May we all be so blessed in what we strive to do for our Lord.
Learning details about the life of George Muller has given me a renewed sense of what it means to have complete, unwavering faith. What an amazing account of someone who so willingly gave his life to what God called him to do. He dedicated his whole being to the care of so many orphaned children in hopes of not only touching their hearts for God, but to demonstrate to outsiders what could be accomplished with complete faith. My only critique is that much of the book was written in diary format,
Learning details about the life of George Muller has given me a renewed sense of what it means to have complete, unwavering faith. What an amazing account of someone who so willingly gave his life to what God called him to do. He dedicated his whole being to the care of so many orphaned children in hopes of not only touching their hearts for God, but to demonstrate to outsiders what could be accomplished with complete faith. My only critique is that much of the book was written in diary format, which is not in and of itself bad, however some of his entries became repetitive (usually about how he was totally penniless and his faith that God would provide, and He of course did!). With that said, even the repetitive parts were good to read to get a sense of the countless times he was in a pickle and God answered.
What a testimony. I first read this book when I was a young teen, after my mother suggested it. I wasn't particularly interested in it, but I am willing to read just about anything so I gave it a try. AMAZING. Even at that point in my life, when I wasn't a believer, it struck a chord with me. I often recommend this to family and friends who are waiting for something, lacking trust in God's provisions. Such an amazing read.
Have got a chance to read this book at a stretch in a train journey recently. I am really amazed and encouraged by the prayer life of George Muller and his simple faith in GOD in the day-to-day matters of his life and how GOD never let him down.
Reading the Autobiography of George Muller started out as quite interesting as he discusses his German upbringing in the early 1800's and as he begins his ministry in England with the orphans, Christian education, and supporting missionary work. His work was truly amazing when considering how he trusted God through prayer to provide each and every day. Muller's detailed account of donations and expenses was surprising and caused my eyes to gloss over, as I am not a very detailed person. However,
Reading the Autobiography of George Muller started out as quite interesting as he discusses his German upbringing in the early 1800's and as he begins his ministry in England with the orphans, Christian education, and supporting missionary work. His work was truly amazing when considering how he trusted God through prayer to provide each and every day. Muller's detailed account of donations and expenses was surprising and caused my eyes to gloss over, as I am not a very detailed person. However, overall, a bit cumbersome for me, but an interesting read. He lived quite an amazing life and it reveals what amazing things God can do through a faithful and obedient man of God.
George Muller truly shows us what faith means! A very good 'wake-up call' for most of us i believe on what it means to trust fully in God. Very impressive!! And inspiring :)
Such helpful insights into how a Christian can grow his faith. As Müller said elsewhere:
Some say, "Oh, I shall never have the gift of Faith Mr.
Müller has got." This is a mistake - it is the greatest error - there is not a
particle of truth in it. My Faith is the same kind of Faith that all of God's
children have had. It is the same kind that Simon Peter had, and all
Christians may obtain the like Faith. My Faith is their Faith, though there
may be more of it because my Faith has been a little more d
Such helpful insights into how a Christian can grow his faith. As Müller said elsewhere:
Some say, "Oh, I shall never have the gift of Faith Mr.
Müller has got." This is a mistake - it is the greatest error - there is not a
particle of truth in it. My Faith is the same kind of Faith that all of God's
children have had. It is the same kind that Simon Peter had, and all
Christians may obtain the like Faith. My Faith is their Faith, though there
may be more of it because my Faith has been a little more developed by
exercise then theirs; but their Faith is precisely the Faith I exercise, only,
with regard to degree, mine may be more strongly exercised.
George Müller was a Christian evangelist and Director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, cared for 10,024 orphans in his life. He was well known for providing an education to the children under his care, to the point where he was accused of raising the poor above their natural station in life. He also established 117 schools which offered Christian education to over 120,000 children
George Müller was a Christian evangelist and Director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, cared for 10,024 orphans in his life. He was well known for providing an education to the children under his care, to the point where he was accused of raising the poor above their natural station in life. He also established 117 schools which offered Christian education to over 120,000 children, many of them being orphans. On 26 March 1875, at the age of 70 and after the death of his first wife in 1870 and his marriage to Susannah Grace Sanger in 1871, Müller and Susannah began a 17-year period of missionary travel. He travelled over 200,000 miles, an incredible achievement for pre-aviation times. His language abilities allowed him to preach in English, French, and German, and his sermons were translated into the host languages when he was unable to use English, French or German. God used him mightily all over the world and always provided for him everywhere that he went. In 1892, he returned to England, where he went to be with the Lord at the age of 92.
“Money is really worth no more than as it can be used to accomplish the Lord's work. Life is worth as much as it is spent for the Lord's service.”
“Every child of God is not called by the Lord to establish schools and orphan houses and to trust in the Lord for means for them. Yet, there is no reason why you may not experience, far more abundantly than we do now, His willingness to answer the prayers of His children.”
May 06, 2015 12:10AM