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Revenge of the Orgasm: (An Erotic Autobiography)

4.39 of 5 stars 4.39 · rating details · 51 ratings · 39 reviews
As you are driving, your body involuntarily jumps. Sweat begins on your forehead and appears on your body, even though it is the middle of Winter. Inside of your left thigh, there is a tapping that is not harmful but noticeable. And you begin to wonder if sanity has departed or control of your motor skills is no longer your own. Then, the epiphany becomes clear. This is Re ...more
Paperback , 66 pages
Published April 7th 2013 by Gpa Media LLC
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A sensual and scintillating collection of Erotic Poetry from the male perspective...
I only think of you in between the blinks of my eyes.
But I have told you a falsehood.
Every other heartbeat, you inhabit my mindset as well. I
am obsessed with you.
It takes a massive amount of ego to decide to write under the pen name "Greatest Poet Alive" and as a reader its easy to see such a boast and declare that the outcome will fall under one of two categories:

1. The author will live up to their chosen
Nita Bee
One thing for sure you have to be a lover of GPA’s poetic style to be able to take in and enjoy his words. He is like no other, he’s GPA…a refreshing type of voice in the world of poetic words and style. Your mind must be open and your imagination ready to take it on.

I have had the pleasure of reading and reviewing GPA’s previous art, so I knew exactly what to expect. I read and received it without disappointment. It was an anticipated read that he marks as his “Erotic Biography”.Couldn’t help b
Chloe Thurlow
GPA is a man who has taken hold of the world as if it were a blank canvas and on its surface has painted his portrait in words of passion and grace. This is the strangest book I have come across in a very long time. And there is nothing wrong in that. In an age of dreary sameness and manic graphology, a time when words spill into the air as rain in the monsoon spills from the sky, it is a rare thing to come upon something original. And entertaining.

GPA has constructed an erotic autobiography in
Hold On to your seat or should I say panties because you are in for one hell of a read when you enter this book of poetry. I would have to definitely say don't read this by yourself well you could but it wouldn't be any fun. Ladies grab your men and men grab your ladies and head straight to the bedroom because that is exactly where you will end up at when you finish this steamy exotic read. This poet has a real way with words and I would love to hear more from him. I could not possibly pick just ...more
Christoph Fischer
"Revenge of the Orgasm (The Lust Series)" by the Greatest Poet Alive intrigued me with its quirky title and although I don't read much poetry I decided to give it a go.
I was pleasantly surprised to find such a rhythmic flow of the poems which made for very easy and smooth reading. Although they are separate poems the first few poems almost read like a very artfully written short story. The courting between a reluctant woman and a charming, insistent and flirtatious man, walking by the river and
Carmen Blalock
Poetry is a form of emotional self-expression. Depending on what emotion you are trying to express and what reaction you are trying to get from your audience will determine the intensity of your delivery. Erotic poetry/erotica is always going to have some form of shock factor but depending on the audience that is receiving it will determine how shocked they will be.

Revenge Of The Orgasm is very nice and intense poetry for you to read that I enjoyed. The words could have been written by you or ev

What worked for this collection of poems also worked against it – its execution.

The title and the author’s personality online piqued my interest. Indifferent (no special liking for or dislike for) to poetry, I picked up GPA’s “Revenge of the Orgasm: An Erotic Autobiography” for review. I didn’t put it back down until I was finished. It was a brief collection that made it a quick read. More than that, it was so easy to get into; before I knew it I had completed it. I found GPA’s poems to be
Lauren Scharhag
How can you not be a little bit trepidatious when you pick up a work by someone calling themselves the greatest anything?

I'm happy to say that G.P.A. does not disappoint-- and, more importantly, as his poems bear out, it's all in good fun. Here is a collection of 30 or so poems based on the poet's real life encounters with a variety of women in Chicago. Phone sex, IM sex, public sex, stripteases, adultery, BDSM, asphyxiation-- in this slender volume of verse, G.P.A. manages to cover an impressiv
Astrid Knowles
This book immediately hit it off on a good start for me when the poem '15 minutes' actually added up to fifteen (Yes, I counted it to check!) I was initially quite disappointed based on this, despite my nitpicky counting, because of the lack of rhyme and the tameness of this first piece. It's a good thing I kept reading!
What this first poem lacks is definitely made up for by others. 15 Minutes is a gentle lulling into the anthology with a poem that is about not owning rather than being able to c
Everything Marie
To be honest, I was pretty certain that I was not going to like this book. One, I’m not a fan of poetry and two, the title alone, threw me off. But, I decided to give it a shot and figure out what the hype was all about. Surprisingly, it’s a very well written book. It’s only about 60 pages, so fairly quick to read. I would say it contains about 20 poems. The poetry is exquisite and breath-taking. The amount of detail that is laced along each and every line is incredible. During some points, I fe ...more
S.E. Felida
This book was gifted to me in exchange of an honest opinion, so here it goes :

Revenge of the Orgasm is a book of poetry…I’ve always loved to read poetry and I often write them myself, but I had never read a sensual poetry book before…I’ll have to say that it really was an enjoyable read…I finished it under 30 minutes…that’s just how intriguing it was…after each poem I would say ‘’This is the last one’’ but kept on reading anyway until the book was finished…GPA knows what he’s talking/writing abo
Gemma Farrow
I have never read sensual poetry before, and boy, it was an eye opener. Written in a fluid prose style, the flow of the sentences reflected the scenes taking place, which I liked very much. Every detail was brought to life. And at times I felt I should look away due to a sense of bashfulness and voyeurism. Because in a way that was what I was doing, peeking in on two lovers, intent on one another. The background descriptions helped lend a weight and grounding to the action. This is a great read ...more
Megan Earley
To quote George Takei, "Ohhh myyyyyyy...."

I am not sure what I was expecting when I started reading this, but very quickly I realized that this was not the poetry I was used to. Elegantly written, a few of them left me feeling a bit hot and bothered, while others made me blush. This is not to say the writing is lurid or overly erotic, in fact, it is the opposite. One can tell that G.P.A. went to great lengths to provide us, the readers, with a wonderful book of poetry, that is neither over the t
Literary Jewels
Revenge of the Orgasm by GPA (Greatest Poet Alive) is a collection of erotic written word by the talented poet.

GPA does a wonderful job of mentally seducing readers with his verbal foreplay.

Fans of erotic poetry will definitely be delighted if not aroused by this man's skills. I eagerly anticipated verbally where the poet was going to take me.

Revenge of the Orgasm was a written in a tasteful manner that will not disappoint poetry fans while eagerly anticipating the next verbal interlude.

This is the 2nd erotic biography i have read and i must say it is a different approach to a biography. Just as the last author didn't disappoint though, neither did GPA. his style of poetry is unique to him. Once you know his style you recognize his work. This journey into his erotic world, wasn't brash, or over the top. it wasn't page after page of purely sex scenes, it was a tastefully written, erotic tale and he did a great job in his lines. THANK YOU for sharing and for the journey.
H.M.C. H.M.C.
A hot love story in the form of free and powerful poetry. This book sung to my heart and I read it faster than I expected, walking around the house devouring it, even as I vacuumed and dusted. It's not often an author does that for me, not often at all. Some of my favourite lines:
"My dark skin contains odes written to you in various fonts."
"I am now an eclipse."

Simple (sometimes, sometimes not), elegant, sexy writing. Next book please!

Brenda Perlin
"Revenge of the Orgasm: The Lust Series”, is a well-written book of poetic stories. The author shares some beautifully poetic sensual words that are creatively written in such an unusual appealing way. I was certainly curious as I went from one poem to the next.

Such a title makes one wonder what they are walking into, though I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the words. Erotic pieces beautifully crafted. The descriptions are clear and vivid that you almost feel as if you are living out
Kim Hurd
Experience the mine and imagination of the Greatest Poet Alive (G.P.A.) this book was hot sexy and just enough erotic to keep your mind wandering. I enjoyed every poem my favorite was Chocolate, Powdered Sugar and Strawberries. Ladies you will not be disappointed with this book I've never experienced poetry this way...
Queen Spades
Jan 22, 2014 Queen Spades rated it 3 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: fans of s&m, risky erotic poetry
This is the abbreviated review. For the full, extended review, please check out The Review Board .

Technically this is a 3.5 but I wasn't swayed to give this a 4.

This is one of the trickiest reviews I have ever had to do on a work. This review is based on two elements:

1. How well this work was visually executed
2. How well the content was executed

I was disappointed in the visual composition of "Revenge of the Orgasm" for quite a few reasons.

1. The author should have taken time to insert a proper co
William O'Brien
Erotic and thought provoking

An exciting collection of original writing- erotic and thought provoking.

The book, is graphic but displays passion and sensuality.

A wonderful read, imaginative and teases the senses.

I hope there is more from this author very soon 5*****
Lisa Muhammad
G.P.A has coined this poetry book his erotic biography. It allows a glimpse inside of his life with past lovers. Although erotic, it was done tastefully. G.P.A has a way with words and they were dripping off of the paper. I enjoyed the read.
Lala Garrett
This was my first read of this author and I will say that I am having mixed feelings about the work. Let's explore my thoughts and feelings.

I am all for sensual and and erotic poetry. I love poetry where the visual is painted right before my very eyes. In a few of the poems, I could see and feel what GPA was expressing and very easily let my senses come to life. Some of the work delivered on my emotions exploding and readers will love it when your emotions explode. A mixture of love and lust to
Vulyncia Poindexter
although I was asked not to post this review, because it was not a 4-5 star one thing I won't do is lie, and although my opinion is not similar to others it is however my opinion,
I recieved this book in exchange for a fair review...
I must admit I opened this book with high expectations, and found the saying true that assuming will only make an ass out of you. First I was more than a little thrown off by the fact the author(or whomever) choose to use reviews from other books that the author penne
Karen Black
I would categorize this book as an erotic poetic tribute to women that, for a period of time, shared an adventure or two with the writer. The varied nature of the poems clearly depicts the varied nature of relationships that inspired them. I probably would not have read this, had it not been recommended by a friend. That having been said, I'm glad it was recommended. If I were asked to change the title, I'd call it: "The way you made me feel," which would probably draw less attention, but more a ...more
Cianna Sunshine & Mountains Book Reviews
***Review has been done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official. For more information regarding our reviews please visit our Fansite: ***

Don’t let the title or author name throw you, like it did for me at first. Using Greatest Poet Alive as a pen name is definitely a bold move and can throw some people off, but overall this is a very sensual, interesting collection of poetry. The author does write sensual, erotic poems in this collection but it’s also made up of some
Carolyn Bennett
When you hear that someone goes by the pen name "Greatest Poet Alive" and titles his book "Revenge of the Orgasm" you know you will have to read it. You just have to. And I did. This is a collection of sexy poems, totally approximately 60 pages.
G.P.A. manages to write sensual and erotic poetry with elegant yet complex prose. I think he covered just about every possible scenario in his collection. He claims they are based on his own experiences, I say we should all have experiences like that. His
556 Book Chicks
Poetry With Emotion is exactly what Author G.P.A. gives you in this book of poetry. I must tell you I was surprised when I started to read a couple of the poems that it kept my interest! I'm a book reader - meaning I need a story line(good or bad)! But here's the thing..... these poems were mini stories!

There were a lot of moments when a lot of things mentioned, said or eluded to were so familiar to me. Who hasn't "Obsessed" over someone? You haven't looked at pictures on your phone or computer
Suzanne Steele
Part sensual, part powerful...
It is refreshing to find a talented poet in today's time. This book packs a powerful punch of all the way around satisfaction. There are parts that are sensual and parts that are powerful. An author's job is to make you feel and this author does not disappoint in that arena. This is literature that will stick with me for quite some time.
Heidi Sturgess
I was given this book by Rene's in exchange for an honest review

This was a first for me so I was a little apprehensive.

There was something about these poems that pulled at my heartstrings, he's so desperate to be with her, a part of her, for me it was raw emotion! My heart went out to him, he cares for her, she's his personal heroine!

Chocolate, powdered sugar and strawberries will never hold the same appeal after reading his description!

I could comment on each poem but that would spoil it for
Renes Getaway
I was provided a copy of this book for an honest review.

This was a first for me and to be honest I was a little apprehensive.

There was something about these poems that pulled at my heart strings, he's so desperate to be with her, a part of her, my heart went out to him, he craves her like a heroine addict would crave his next read the rest of my review please visit Rene's Getaway at
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