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Wunnerful, Wunnerful! The Autobiography of Lawrence Welk

3.75 of 5 stars 3.75 · rating details · 36 ratings · 12 reviews
Lawrence Welk's Autobiography
Hardcover , 294 pages
Published September 1st 1971 by Prentice-Hall
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Thomas Isern
It seems like the author (LW) and the ghost (BM) got tired at the end. The California-television years are sort of a blur, and the work ends abruptly. The book opens with fairly interesting material about Welk's boyhood in Emmons County, North Dakota, and the middle section, treating Welk as empressario of a territorial band, is engaging.

In recent years some self-conscious Germans from Russia have criticized Welk for not claiming his German-Russian heritage. After reviewing the book, I think thi
I really thought this was a very good book. It read easily and went along smoothly in Lawrence Welk's life. He had quite a sense of humor.
I found this book in my Mom's things after she died. I decided to read it as Mr. Welk is a favorite of hers and she watched it every Saturday night. My Dad did too when he was home. My wife, Kristy's Dad and Mom were permanent watchers also. I would see some of the shows and I thought it was a good show especially the Lennon sisters, but I would never admit t
I love Lawrence Welk, so I couldn't help but love his autobiography. I love thinking about bands from the twenties to the fifties. As long as PBS shows Lawrence Welk's shows, I'll be watching. (I might be an 80 year-old in a twenty-three year-old body, but I'm okay with that!)
amy vavrova
Someone donated a SIGNED COPY to the thrift store where I work.

We didn't really know what to do with it, so it ended up on the break room table, and ... voila.
Everyone knows how PBS stations run Lawrence Welk shows, even decades after the man's death. Have you ever wondered, WHY , God, WHY ??? What is so fascinating to blue hairs about this man, that the rest of the populace needs to be exposed to the garish colors and wardrobes of the 1970s for the rest of time?

Yeah, me too.

That is part of what made me snatch up this book on the final day of the Milwaukie Ledding Library's annual book sale, when an entire grocery bag full of books can be obtained for
Had this book for a long time before I read it. It is interesting learning about his early life and why he had the accent he did. I think his wife was a very patient woman raising 3 kids almost by herself but I guess that is what entertainers had to do when they were in his business. I will be watching the reruns of his shows to put faces to names he writes about in the book. He seems like a very smart man and very loyal to family and friends.
Lawrence Welk is not of my era, however, my father grew up watching him religiously. So, I decided to read this autobiography as a conversation piece with my dad. The book started with Welk's life as a child and his struggle to make it big in the music business. The story is pleasant, but it was a little mundane (it IS Lawrence Welk, so what can one expect!). I actually speed-read the last 1/3 of the book because it was overdue and not all that interesting. It would have been nicer if the book c ...more
Christopher Short
If you've ever seen or heard the man, you're not going to be surprised by this book, which can be pretty well summarized by two words: Aw, shucks. But it's fairly interesting as a window into the music business of the first half of the 20th century, and the bits about North Dakota farm life in the 1910s are especially foreign.
Situationist 95
Nov 15, 2007 Situationist 95 rated it 4 of 5 stars
Recommends it for: Musicans
I loved This Book So much, Lawrence Welk Is So Cool Throughout ALL his Years. I cant get enough Of This Old Man! I Want ALL his TV shows to come out of DVD OR at least released on VHS for Less Then $15.


Hilariously bad yet enjoyable. Although I'm curious to hear the other side of the story because from what I've heard, Lawrence wasn't exactly the easist guy to work with.
Ryan Sias
I love this book, its a great piece of music history and I was amazed at how he would take such HUGE risks in life!
Leanne Hoffmann
Liked bios. Lawrence Welk is not very likeable; remember thinking it wasn't very well written.
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Lawrence Welk 1 3 Mar 14, 2015 01:27PM
Lawrence Welk was an American musician, accordionist, bandleader, and television impresario, hosting The Lawrence Welk Show from 1955 to 1982. His style came to be known to his large number of radio, television, and live-performance fans as "champagne music."
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