Reflections: An Autobiography: A story about family and friends, and Wyoming's Seventeenth State Auditor

Reflections: An Autobiography: A story about family and friends, and Wyoming's Seventeenth State Auditor

by Dave Ferrari

This autobiography discusses the author’s childhood, his entrance into politics, and his attempts, to prevent legislators from becoming lobbyists immediately upon leaving the Legislature and prevent government bureaucrats from being enriched by businesses they regulate, license, inspect, or oversee as a government official.

The book discloses the

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This autobiography discusses the author’s childhood, his entrance into politics, and his attempts, to prevent legislators from becoming lobbyists immediately upon leaving the Legislature and prevent government bureaucrats from being enriched by businesses they regulate, license, inspect, or oversee as a government official.

The book discloses the shocking details of elected officials, voting for their own personal financial interests, and opposing efforts to strengthen campaign finance laws, financial disclosure rules and restrictions on lobbyist gift giving. Eight states flunked the 2012 Center for Public Integrity assessment of transparency, accountability and anti-corruption mechanisms. Not a single state received an A grade, and only five earned a B grade. Wyoming ranked 48th out of all 50 States.

The risk for government corruption in the states is a nationwide epidemic, mirroring the cronyism and perversion at the federal level, yet politicians and their special interests and supporters vehemently deny its existence.

The book reveals details of the successful strategy in a gubernatorial political campaign that produced a winner in spite of the fact that his party’s registered voters were outnumbered by 2.5 to 1. What did they do? How did they do it? Can the strategy be applied in other campaigns?

• Conflicts of interest

• Influence peddling

• Cronyism

• Unethical behavior

• Acceptance of gifts and favors

• Graft and corruption

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iUniverse, Incorporated
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