Cosmic Religion: An Autobiography of the Universe

Cosmic Religion: An Autobiography of the Universe

by Konstantin Kolenda

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If the universe could talk, what would it say?

"An engaging and provocative book."
Teaching Philosophy

"This book is distinctive and fascinating partly because of its format: not the but an autobiography of the universe itself. By using the first-person narrator as the voice of the cosmos, the author dramatizes his contention

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If the universe could talk, what would it say?

"An engaging and provocative book."
Teaching Philosophy

"This book is distinctive and fascinating partly because of its format: not the but an autobiography of the universe itself. By using the first-person narrator as the voice of the cosmos, the author dramatizes his contention that each of us is a unique and, therefore, irreplaceable spokesperson for our universe.
"Kolenda does not shy away from either the problems of challenges imposed by his offering of a comprehensive philosophic overview... He writes with grace and clarity. His ideas provoke excitement, This book is one which every thoughful student of our globe, our human history and essence, and our potential destinies should reach for eagerly."
The Humanist

Product Details

The Crown Publishing Group
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.50(d)

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