Autobiography of Z. S. Hastings, Written for His Boys

Autobiography of Z. S. Hastings, Written for His Boys

3.0 2
by Z.S. Hastings

Autobiography first published in 1911. It begins: "I was born March 15th 1838 at a place now called Williams in Lawrence County, Indiana. When the day came for me to be named, mother said, "He looks like my brother Zachariah," but father said, "He looks like my brother Simpson." "All right", said mother," we will just christen him Zachariah Simpson." And that is… See more details below


Autobiography first published in 1911. It begins: "I was born March 15th 1838 at a place now called Williams in Lawrence County, Indiana. When the day came for me to be named, mother said, "He looks like my brother Zachariah," but father said, "He looks like my brother Simpson." "All right", said mother," we will just christen him Zachariah Simpson." And that is my name unto this day."

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