Autobiography of an Allergic/Asthmatic Survivor: 2014

Autobiography of an Allergic/Asthmatic Survivor: 2014

by Gail (Davis) Galvan

In this autobiography, the early life of an asthmatic named Sara Marie Jones is shared with her readers. Sara Marie's life depicts a journey from sickness to wellness and recognition of "all of the gray areas in between." Though some minor events and occasional (later in life) insight may be juxtaposed simply to fit certain material in suitable places; the story is… See more details below


In this autobiography, the early life of an asthmatic named Sara Marie Jones is shared with her readers. Sara Marie's life depicts a journey from sickness to wellness and recognition of "all of the gray areas in between." Though some minor events and occasional (later in life) insight may be juxtaposed simply to fit certain material in suitable places; the story is basically true. Some of the names of people and places in this autobiography have been changed-for the sake of imagination.

Allergies and asthma are afflictions which: maim, disable and kill. Millions must endure; Sara shares merely one story. Episodes of sickness and memories of struggling to breathe haunt her as she visits her grandmother on weekends and throughout the story. She moves her life along from elementary school age to junior high and then to her high school years revealing what it was like to deal with her allergies and lung disease which included frightening attacks and often feeling different and alienated.

After becoming severely ill due to her ironically detrimental decision to work as a hairdresser, she reaches rock-bottom and realizes that her entire life needs to change. With her husband, she moves to Denver, Colorado and continues her exploration and passion for learning about how to be well. Eventually Sara Marie experiences new realms of possibility and wellness. Especially, she is proud of an exhilarating solitary bicycle tour along the Pacific Coast from Cannon Beach, Oregon to her destination, San Francisco, California.

In this story and in her life, Sara Marie truly does break through and break free of many of her once real and feared limitations. As she says, "I've run my marathon, conquered my own fear and pain." This book, which reveals, frankly and poignantly, what it's like to live with allergies and asthma, offers hope, promise and the probability that other victims possess the power within to educate themselves, adapt, and also transcend from victim to "survivor." When this happens, higher levels of well-being and an improved quality of life will be their dream come true, too. Sara says, "I'm just one of the lucky ones."

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Product Details

CreateSpace Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.34(d)

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