The Autobiography of John Dough, Gigolo

The Autobiography of John Dough, Gigolo

by Tony Seton

John Dough didn't need the money. He'd made piles of it as a hedge fund manager. But he jumped out at age thirty and decided it was time for a new life, one that would be more exciting, more challenging, and would give him the chance to make a difference. He decided to make women happy.See more details below


John Dough didn't need the money. He'd made piles of it as a hedge fund manager. But he jumped out at age thirty and decided it was time for a new life, one that would be more exciting, more challenging, and would give him the chance to make a difference. He decided to make women happy.

Product Details

CreateSpace Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.25(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.56(d)

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