Autobiography Of A Mysterious Man

Autobiography Of A Mysterious Man

by Christopher A. Newsome

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Why do we behave the way we do, and how did we become the individuals we are today? These two questions aren't easily answered because there are so many factors that shape every individual's life. It is extremely difficult to pinpoint the specific reasons why we have become the way we are but no matter who you are and where you came from, we all have a story and… See more details below


Why do we behave the way we do, and how did we become the individuals we are today? These two questions aren't easily answered because there are so many factors that shape every individual's life. It is extremely difficult to pinpoint the specific reasons why we have become the way we are but no matter who you are and where you came from, we all have a story and every individual's story is different. Autobiography of a Mysterious Man is the story of a man who grew up quiet and reserved and was considered "mysterious" because he wasn't always expressive toward others. This book focuses on this man's life from childhood to adulthood and it touches upon significant people and memorable personal experiences that have shaped this man into the person he has become.

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Xlibris Corporation
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6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.14(d)

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