James Nasmyth, Engineer: An Autobiography

James Nasmyth, Engineer: An Autobiography

by Samuel Jr. Smiles, James Nasmyth

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Civilisation began with tools; and every step in advance has been accomplished through their improvement. James Nasmyth's goal had always been to optimise those tools by applying common sense to the use of materials, which became the core principle of his very own definition of engineering. Reprint of the autobiography originally published in 1885.See more details below


Civilisation began with tools; and every step in advance has been accomplished through their improvement. James Nasmyth's goal had always been to optimise those tools by applying common sense to the use of materials, which became the core principle of his very own definition of engineering. Reprint of the autobiography originally published in 1885.

Product Details

Vero Verlag
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.83(w) x 8.27(h) x 0.84(d)
Age Range:
1 - 17 Years

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