The Great Platypus Caper & Other Hilarious Misadventures: an unreliable autobiography

The Great Platypus Caper & Other Hilarious Misadventures: an unreliable autobiography

by Jeff Hillary

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THE GREAT PLATYPUS CAPER & OTHER HILARIOUS MISADVENTURES is a collection of short autobiographical stories that are often humorous, occasionally thought-provoking, and at times uplifting. It is filled with tales of situations spiraling wildly out of control, but at the end holds a message of hope for anyone who ever considered themselves an outcast or misfit.

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THE GREAT PLATYPUS CAPER & OTHER HILARIOUS MISADVENTURES is a collection of short autobiographical stories that are often humorous, occasionally thought-provoking, and at times uplifting. It is filled with tales of situations spiraling wildly out of control, but at the end holds a message of hope for anyone who ever considered themselves an outcast or misfit. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and hopefully you'll buy copies for everyone you know.

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Nowadays Orange Productions LLC
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459 KB

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