Autobiography And Reminiscences Of John W. Carroll

Autobiography And Reminiscences Of John W. Carroll

by John W. Carroll

John William Carroll (1841-? ) was the eldest child of William and Susan Ann Carroll. He was born in Henderson County, Tennessee. In 1861 he joined a company that was a part of the 27th Tennessee Infantry. Carroll got the rank of Captain within a short time. After the Civil War, he taught briefly in Tennessee and Kentucky and entered the mercantile business. In 1898… See more details below


John William Carroll (1841-? ) was the eldest child of William and Susan Ann Carroll. He was born in Henderson County, Tennessee. In 1861 he joined a company that was a part of the 27th Tennessee Infantry. Carroll got the rank of Captain within a short time. After the Civil War, he taught briefly in Tennessee and Kentucky and entered the mercantile business. In 1898 he wrote his memoirs Autobiography and Reminiscences of John W. Carroll in which he gives a detailed account of his activities during the war.

Product Details

Dodo Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.16(d)
Age Range:
1 - 17 Years

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