Love Against the Law: The Autobiographies of Tex and Nelly Camfoo

Love Against the Law: The Autobiographies of Tex and Nelly Camfoo

by Tex Camfoo, Nelly Camfoo

The stories of Tex and Nelly Camfoo intermingle to highlight the ambiguous social position of Aboriginal people living in the Northern Territory during the 20th century. They provide insights into race relations, the contradictory attitudes of missionaries and police, and they reflect morality and religion as well as recent political developments.See more details below


The stories of Tex and Nelly Camfoo intermingle to highlight the ambiguous social position of Aboriginal people living in the Northern Territory during the 20th century. They provide insights into race relations, the contradictory attitudes of missionaries and police, and they reflect morality and religion as well as recent political developments.

Product Details

Aboriginal Studies Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.60(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.20(d)

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