The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper: As Revealed to Clanash Farjeon

The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper: As Revealed to Clanash Farjeon

by Alan Scarfe

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A new, powerful, evocative, brilliantly written excursion into the literature and lore of ‘Ripperology’! “The author explores the internal life and plumbs the abyss of sickness, describing in detail those aspects of Victorian London and the baser instincts of capitalism that incited him, and indeed everything that has made Jack the Ripper the… See more details below


A new, powerful, evocative, brilliantly written excursion into the literature and lore of ‘Ripperology’! “The author explores the internal life and plumbs the abyss of sickness, describing in detail those aspects of Victorian London and the baser instincts of capitalism that incited him, and indeed everything that has made Jack the Ripper the unequaled incubus of horror and the imaginings that still inhabit our modern nightmares. The author has chosen, from all the possible suspects, in order to expound his savage theory of serial assassinations, that high-ranking alienist and psychologist, also a disciple of Freud, Lyttleton Stewart Forbes Winslow. The book eloquently exposes the stark contrast between the well-to-do districts of the capital of the British Empire and the stricken area of Whitechapel, scene of the assassinations and the infernal lodgings of the most downtrodden of that society. This is a story with all the ingredients for those who are fascinated by the genre, but also with something different and more…—La Reppublica, Massimiliano Panarari

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“An extraordinary novel... It receives our highest accolade... recommended.”
Ripperologist Magazine

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Mosaic Press
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