The Autobiography of a Common Man

The Autobiography of a Common Man

4.0 1
by H. Spencer Hodge

Are you an ordinary person? Do you see yourself as insignificant? Mr. Hodge has written The Autobiography of a Common Man with the idea that everyone has significance. It shows how he was raised, decisions made along the way, and the personality that developed. His story tells how he lived, worked, played, and raised a family, all in a state of ignorance concerning

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Are you an ordinary person? Do you see yourself as insignificant? Mr. Hodge has written The Autobiography of a Common Man with the idea that everyone has significance. It shows how he was raised, decisions made along the way, and the personality that developed. His story tells how he lived, worked, played, and raised a family, all in a state of ignorance concerning real connection with people. His life was based on the Old West macho ideal, “I can ride off into the sunset any time I please.” At first, Mr. Hodge just wanted to get his life down on paper for the edification of his children. However, as the story took shape he came to realize others might have an interest also. He thought it would make good reading for anyone wanting to know how someone else has survived the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

Product Details

Publish America
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.22(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.54(d)

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