Picasso: Art as Autobiography

Picasso: Art as Autobiography

5.0 1
by Mary Mathewsss Gedo, Gedo, Mary M. Gedo

This book puts into discursive language the self-portrait which Picasso created through his art. It does not attempt to provide a comprehensive characterological picture of this complex man; those aspects of his behavior and experience which did not affect his work cannot be discerned by the methods the author uses. See more details below


This book puts into discursive language the self-portrait which Picasso created through his art. It does not attempt to provide a comprehensive characterological picture of this complex man; those aspects of his behavior and experience which did not affect his work cannot be discerned by the methods the author uses.

Product Details

University of Chicago Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.26(w) x 9.28(h) x 0.88(d)

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