Images in Mr Mirror: Autobiography of a Sindhi Poet

Images in Mr Mirror: Autobiography of a Sindhi Poet

by Attiya Dawood, Amina Azfar

Attiya Dawood's autobiography is a lucid testament of her struggle to find her own identity in a patriarchal society that has little tolerance for those who seek to escape from male domination and meet with men on their own terms. Her experience as a child, orphaned at a very early age, and living in the close confines of village life in the interior of Sindh, and

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Attiya Dawood's autobiography is a lucid testament of her struggle to find her own identity in a patriarchal society that has little tolerance for those who seek to escape from male domination and meet with men on their own terms. Her experience as a child, orphaned at a very early age, and living in the close confines of village life in the interior of Sindh, and her struggles to be independent in Hyderabad and in the metropolis of Karachi provide her with a different worldview than those unaffected by the claustrophobic and hide-bound atmosphere of village life. Her writings and poetry aptly reflect her broader perspective on life as a woman.

Product Details

Oxford University Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.60(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.50(d)

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