The Autobiography of Will Rogers

The Autobiography of Will Rogers

by Donald Day

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In a selection of Rogers' own words, lassoed together by Day, Will Rogers tells how he became the spokesman and the watchdog for the inarticulate public in a period of dramatic change in American life. A great American, a great democrat, a great internationalist, and not a bad rodeo man, Will's simple directness spoke to "the big, Honest Majority"

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In a selection of Rogers' own words, lassoed together by Day, Will Rogers tells how he became the spokesman and the watchdog for the inarticulate public in a period of dramatic change in American life. A great American, a great democrat, a great internationalist, and not a bad rodeo man, Will's simple directness spoke to "the big, Honest Majority", in whom his faith was steady.

Product Details

Transaction Large Print
Publication date:
Edition description:
Large Print
Product dimensions:
6.40(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.30(d)

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