Witnessing history - Jewish immigrant women's autobiography: Jewish immigrant women's autobiography

Witnessing history - Jewish immigrant women's autobiography: Jewish immigrant women's autobiography

by Alina Polyak

In my paper I would like to compare two books which are written by women immigrants and which belong to the same historical period. These are 'The Promised Land' by Mary Antin and 'Out of the Shadow' by Rose Cohen. The authors, sharing the common cultural space, also share similar experiences and face similar problems. Although they have completely different destinies… See more details below


In my paper I would like to compare two books which are written by women immigrants and which belong to the same historical period. These are 'The Promised Land' by Mary Antin and 'Out of the Shadow' by Rose Cohen. The authors, sharing the common cultural space, also share similar experiences and face similar problems. Although they have completely different destinies and live in different places, they might have more in common than it could seem at a first glance.

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